What skin color emoji do you use?

Good fucking grief. NPR has fallen a long fucking way. They used to at one time back in the late 90s and early 00 be somewhat useful, now they're a bunch of woke retards.

I'm literally the color of the bottom middle one (actually slightly darker), and I use the top left one. Why? Because that's the one that pops up in my text suggestions and I don't feel like scrolling through a bajillion emoticons to find the perfect match to my skin tone (nor through some obscure setting to make the bottom middle one be the one that pops up). Does that make me racist too? :palm:

Makes you an Individual Citizen like the rest of us on an Anonymous Social Platform.
I can't think of a better place than Anonymous Chat Rooms to put aside any 'Ethnic Identity' and just state a Policy Position based solely on Reason.
I’m not woke, I’m aware. I’ve been on this planet for 66 years and I aware that people just want to be accepted and loved for who they are. I try hard to do that.
I think the rightwing has to start using a new term every couple of years.

It went from politically correct, to social justice warrior, to wokester in the span of about five years.

I suppose like War on Christmas/Gay marriage/Critical race theory they have to keep changing the talking points to keep the fake manufactured rage fresh within the rube base.
I think the rightwing has to start using a new term every couple of years.

It went from politically correct, to social justice warrior, to wokester in the span of about five years.

I suppose like War on Christmas/Gay marriage/Critical race theory they have to keep changing the talking points to keep the fake manufactured rage fresh within the rube base.
That’s it, wedge issues to keep us divided.
It's such an interesting dichotomy with the woke thing. For example, look at the thread PoliTalker started about telling us all to be woke and America should be woke and he got a number of thanks from progressive posters. Yet here it's being called some right-wing buzz word.

I can recall first hearing the term in 2016. (Progressive) friends would end posts on Facebook with #staywoke. LeBron James is one of the most famous people on the planet and biggest activists and he would end his tweets and social media posts with #staywoke. It was something heard rather frequently. Eventually it reached a point where there was pushback and that's when folks on the right (and even some on the left) got involved.

There can be a generational element to it as well. If you're older (and white), don't live in an urban area etc. it can be understandable if you weren't as familiar with the term. The act of being aware of injustice isn't new but the term woke becoming part of the lexicon for many people is.

The tweet in the OP wasn't from Breibart, Gateway Pundit or Fox News. This is from NPR. This is what woke is being about. This is what anti-racism is about. This is what ending white supremacy is about. As the argument goes minorities in this country deal with not only outright racism on a daily basis but numerous microaggressions - and the latter is what this article is discussing.
It's such an interesting dichotomy with the woke thing. For example, look at the thread PoliTalker started about telling us all to be woke and America should be woke and he got a number of thanks from progressive posters. Yet here it's being called some right-wing buzz word.

I can recall first hearing the term in 2016. (Progressive) friends would end posts on Facebook with #staywoke. LeBron James is one of the most famous people on the planet and biggest activists and he would end his tweets and social media posts with #staywoke. It was something heard rather frequently. Eventually it reached a point where there was pushback and that's when folks on the right (and even some on the left) got involved.

There can be a generational element to it as well. If you're older (and white), don't live in an urban area etc. it can be understandable if you weren't as familiar with the term. The act of being aware of injustice isn't new but the term woke becoming part of the lexicon for many people is.

The tweet in the OP wasn't from Breibart, Gateway Pundit or Fox News. This is from NPR. This is what woke is being about. This is what anti-racism is about. This is what ending white supremacy is about. As the argument goes minorities in this country deal with not only outright racism on a daily basis but numerous microaggressions - and the latter is what this article is discussing.

Microaggressions. You can't get MORE Woke than that. :thumbsup:
I probably shouldn’t admit my technological ignorance but I didn’t realize that you had to hold down the emoji to get the different color options. I thought yellow was the only option.

I didn't know that either but it doesn't make a difference, I'll still default to yellow.