What Song Drives You Crazy?

I think it is one of those ads which is meant to be so irritating that it lodges in your brain and cannot be removed. Of course, the fact that the website name is part of the lyric means you won't forget it in a hurry.


However, in my case, i would prefer to dismantle the car and eat it in a series of toasted sandwiches rather than sell it to someone who made my ears hurt like that.
This is definitely one of the worst ever.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC73PHdQX04"]YouTube- Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins[/ame]
If it pisses you off there's no reason for me to click on the link and listen.

Back in the late 70's there was a band called "Bread" with a hit single "If" and we hated it so much if we found an album we'd toss it out a dorm window. It was common to walk behind the building and see several.

Also "Freebird" by Lenerd Skynerd. It starts off OK but then rolls into this horrible "jam" that never seems to end.

You have to be freakin kidding me??? I L O V E D bread; and they had more then one hit! LOL, seriously, myself and my girlfriends (11 at the time) ALL had crushes on Bread's lead singer David Gates.

And how you can not appreciate the guitar jam in Freebird is just beyond understanding!!!
Pursuing the Star Trek theme, good old Shat always come up trumps!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-yy2URAYqU"]YouTube- William shatner in Lucy in the sky with diamonds[/ame]