What the? How many hands does she have?

lol. I was saying that to the person who said it was obviously somebody standing behind her, that is not there.

Whomever photoshopped the print should be fired for incompetence. And the photo editor too.

To me it appears as if they photoshopped in the hand holding from another image, then forgot to remove the hand from the actual photo. Her arm appears to be going straight down. And the skin-tone is clearly the same as her other hand...

I don't know why they thought it necessary, but it isn't like they are constantly attached to each other.

Good GOD man, you are so filled with hate for me you can't even admit I am right about something trivial like this?

yours truly,

We've seem the lefties photoshop some amazing stuff over the last 11 years...these amateurs need to let the big boys
of MSM do their propaganda photos for them....
they did great stuff for the anti war, anti Bush rallys and racist stuff of Obama to blame on the right... but this is just so amateurish...
That's not a photoshop you idjit. There's someone behind the first lady. Gawd!
That's not a photoshop you idjit. There's someone behind the first lady. Gawd!

It is absolutely a photo shop you idjit. Otherwise we would see 'the person behind the first lady's' ARM. Look at the angle of the hand Obama is holding. The arm would be damn near twisted off to belong to someone behind Michelle.