Why aren't you a priest, then?
I couldn't fancy sheep like you.
Why aren't you a priest, then?
When faced with truth all you can respond with is irrational jibberish.
I can’t find any authority in the Constitution for the socialist populist redistribution of the wealth programs Child. Can you direct me to those articles and or amendments?
Speaking of racism and child abuse, who is it that has found a new racist way to enslave blacks to the disincentive and poverty of reliance on a socialist pittance to exist from government? Who might we ask has been responsible for at least half of the National Debt, the most radicle abuse of children of the future as far as the eye can see? Oh! Wait! That of course is those fucking Democrat bastards, huh Goober?
the entire country disagrees with you including the scotus.
YOU don't get to tell the rest of us what you think the constitution means.
Your not the god of everything in others peoples lives .
your only the god of your own pathetic little crazy world.
MMkay fool
I couldn't fancy sheep like you.
which party is it that put two wars on the credit card ?
I actually raised pygmy goats growing up...
That would be the fucking neo-con RINO Republican Party Fatty. Which party in the Congress voted right along with the Neo-Con RINO Republicans for the unconstitutional resolution that gave the fucking Bushwhacker the unconstitutional authority to start those wars and put them on the national credit card Fatty? Why Heavens to Mergatroid! That was the fucking Democrat Party bastards in the Congress.
its the republican party idiot and your convoluted responsibility shift shows just how fucking gullible your dumb ass is
Your a party of one huh?
guess what that shows about your idiot policy ideas?
No one is with you
that makes your ideas meaningless
I went to Catholic Mass this weekend....
I never went while the Rat was Pope. I did go when JP was Pope, but back then I did not know any better.