If you need a site you're either under 16 years old, haven't watched a TV for 16 years or read a newspaper or you're just another leftist in denial.
Soo, you don't have a citation?
If you need a site you're either under 16 years old, haven't watched a TV for 16 years or read a newspaper or you're just another leftist in denial.
Now that's funny, I don't care who ya are!!! NOW, (National Organization Of Women), verbally defended Slick Willy publicly even after he plead no contesto to sexual harassment charges and had his law licence revoked.
but paying for your Viagra is just fine huh?
how about we pay for nothing that has to do with YOUR dick.
your dick causes pregnancy.
maybe we should start right where the problem begins.
with YOUR dick.
get it.
what is in my body and would turn into a lump of rotting cells if you took it out of my body is part of my flesh .
It is my flesh and you don't have a right to decide WHAT I or any woman does with the very flesh inside our bodies.
Not until you willing to cut your dicks off to prevent what you claim is such a horrible crime.
start a protest to protect these babies by cutting your dicks off.
that should save a lot of abortions from happening huh?
You see that flesh belongs to you.
quite trying to DIG inside the bodies of women and fix your end of it mmmkay
Are you sure about the no contest thing?
He violated no such law.
It is?
Soo, you don't have a citation?
I agree it should be illegal at 23 weeks, unless the health of the mother is legitimately at risk.
actually, it sort of looks like you're the one refusing to discuss the topic.....So, you answer would be "No, I don't have the capability to discuss things", right?
with all your heart, soul, and mind?......I believe in Roe v Wade
Yeah! That's why the son-of-a-bitch paid 3/4 of a million $ to Paula Jones and her attorneys, huh?
Paula Corbin Jones (born Paula Rosalee Corbin; September 17, 1966) is a former Arkansas state employee who sued U.S. President Bill Clinton for sexual harassment. Clinton entered into an out-of-court settlement, agreeing to pay Jones and her attorneys a total of $850,000, before the lawsuit was dismissed pre-trial on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate damages.
The Paula Jones case precipitated Clinton's impeachment. Charges of perjury and obstruction of justice were brought against Clinton based on statements he made during the depositions for the Jones lawsuit. The specific statements were about the nature of his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky, with whom he denied having a sexual relationship.
because 23 week olds are so much more human beings than 22 week olds.....
I don't know of any hypocritical stances of the left on woman's issues?
Correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe this is the issue at hand. You ask for an evidence link otherwise.
You denied all evidence because you're a political leftist partisan.
You want more hypocrisy? Here's more,
The feminist movement has been called to judge whether President Clinton is worthy of its allegiance. These are not the first Clinton supporters to feel squeezed between their principles and an alliance with the President. Welfare advocates and environmentalists have faced similar conflicts.
But the feminist response to the women accusing the President has posed with special sharpness the question of philosophical sellout. Some of the most vocal advocates on women's issues have been accused of having a double standard for Mr. Clinton. Within feminist circles there has been obvious reluctance to denounce the President or support his accusers, given his sworn denials and the fact that his political opponents also oppose a liberal agenda on women's rights.
But the public and the media expect feminists to be militant about sexual misconduct, whether or not any law is violated. The hypocrisy charge is sticking because some feminist leaders are making distinctions between Mr. Clinton's behavior and past accusations of sexual harassment against Justice Clarence Thomas and former Senator Bob Packwood. http://www.nytimes.com/1998/03/24/opinion/law-in-the-clinton-era-a-feminist-dilemma.html
Monica Lewinski was also not a victim of sexual harassment, she had a consensual affair with him , which according to her testimony she perused.
No, because after 16 weeks, I believe a woman has had plenty of time to make up her mind and that is around the time the States right to Protect life begins to surpass the right of a woman to make her own medical decisions.