What this board needs


on indefiniate mod break
- weed
- some beer that watermark makes by himself in his bedroom
- good tunes
- group hug \_____:)_____/
- platter of meatball subs, big macs, taco bell, pizza (with everything), wendy's spicey chicken sandwiches, buffalo wings (very hot) and nachos

- weed
- some beer that watermark makes by himself in his bedroom
- good tunes
- group hug \_____:)_____/
- platter of meatball subs, big macs, taco bell, pizza (with everything), wendy's spicey chicken sandwiches, buffalo wings (very hot) and nachos

I'm on board. Except for WM beer. No thanks.

Oh Grind, can you add a dozen or so 0's to my neg rep?
We really should have a convention some day... Once we have enough people willing to meet each other without pulling out their dingus for a contest...
First off, I need to get an airlock and a decent carboy. Then I'd need some malt and a real brewer's yeast. Unless you guys want grape nuts beer brewed with baker's yeast in a milk jug with a balloon airlock.
have it in a country that won't accept WM's visa application.......actually, given the fact that he and Mott are always the first lynched in the werewolf game, it may not be wise for either of them to attend any board function where alcohol is involved......I can imagine what might happen when the first drunken partier shouts "lynch Watermark".......
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We really should have a convention some day... Once we have enough people willing to meet each other without pulling out their dingus for a contest...
I can't see myself traveling to Vegas to meet a bunch of folks that I never met over the internet.

You could make the avatars a bit bigger though, to 200 x 200.
First off, I need to get an airlock and a decent carboy. Then I'd need some malt and a real brewer's yeast. Unless you guys want grape nuts beer brewed with baker's yeast in a milk jug with a balloon airlock.
At least you don't use a condom airlock. :palm:
So I take it I'm not invited?
No, I just don't want it to be the center piece of the "convention"... We all meet in Vegas to see fourteen internet "tough guys" whip out their skinny meat strings.... Yeah, booooooring! Now, if we meet to hang out and have some fun and a portion of that is watching fourteen internet "tough guys" prove their manliness by measuring meat strings... That's a different story.