What to do with Dreamers

Cancel 2018.1

New member
Recently I was posed a question on the board about what to do with Dreamers. I had no answer at the time so I thought about it. I have a solution for most every gubmint problem. (I already have a solid solution to healthcare.) So here goes.

After I'm anointed King and Ruler of the U.S. this will be my policy on Dreamers (adult kids of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.).

They will be allowed to stay in the U.S. but not be granted automatic citizenship. Of course they can apply for it and it will probably be granted so long as they have no violent criminal record.
They will be eligible for a social security card so they are not illegal hires. They will not be allowed to vote, not eligible for Medicaid are any other social welfare entitlement.

Because their parents are illegals, they will not be deported unless they commit a violent crime or show they are some other threat to the safety of society (e.g., multiple dui's).

If there are any other gubmint problems members of the board would like me to solve, please PM me your requests.

Thank you and have a good day.
Dreamers, in other words beneficiaries of a criminal act, should't be allowed to stay. Would we let the children of a bank robber, also a criminal, keep the money their parent stole?
Dreamers, in other words beneficiaries of a criminal act, should't be allowed to stay. Would we let the children of a bank robber, also a criminal, keep the money their parent stole?
Of course not. This is a compromise. Compromise is what we used to do politically in this country and it worked for a long time. It stopped cold with Obama.
The kids had no choice in the decisions of their parents. The parents will never get any benefits of citizenship and will probably be a burden on the children they brought in illegally.
And the bar for getting citizenship for dreamers is high. If they don't meet the requirements (no criminal activity) they still pay taxes into the system and are eligible for fewer benefits. So in that regard some will pay into the system without getting some of the benefits and we get more out of them than they out of us.
I think it's a good compromise.
Lack of compromise only leads to more extremism. The political pendulum will swing farther to left next president.
After Trump I predict Al Sharpton will be elected president.

This country will be much better of with me as King. I'll be fair and balanced, and just.

One more thing: same policy for those born in this country of illegal immigrants.
Of course not. This is a compromise. Compromise is what we used to do politically in this country and it worked for a long time. It stopped cold with Obama.
The kids had no choice in the decisions of their parents. The parents will never get any benefits of citizenship and will probably be a burden on the children they brought in illegally.
And the bar for getting citizenship for dreamers is high. If they don't meet the requirements (no criminal activity) they still pay taxes into the system and are eligible for fewer benefits. So in that regard some will pay into the system without getting some of the benefits and we get more out of them than they out of us.
I think it's a good compromise.
Lack of compromise only leads to more extremism. The political pendulum will swing farther to left next president.
After Trump I predict Al Sharpton will be elected president.

This country will be much better of with me as King. I'll be fair and balanced, and just.

One more thing: same policy for those born in this country of illegal immigrants.

I don't compromise when it comes to any benefits for someone that is here solely due to a criminal act. That's not extremism. That's common sense.

The bank robber's kids didn't have any say in what their parents did. How much of the loot should they get to keep? If you truly believe in compromise, it has to be something worthwhile.

You wouldn't be a king. You'd be a sellout to your own people.
Recently I was posed a question on the board about what to do with Dreamers. I had no answer at the time so I thought about it. I have a solution for most every gubmint problem. (I already have a solid solution to healthcare.) So here goes.

After I'm anointed King and Ruler of the U.S. this will be my policy on Dreamers (adult kids of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.).

They will be allowed to stay in the U.S. but not be granted automatic citizenship. Of course they can apply for it and it will probably be granted so long as they have no violent criminal record.
They will be eligible for a social security card so they are not illegal hires. They will not be allowed to vote, not eligible for Medicaid are any other social welfare entitlement.

Because their parents are illegals, they will not be deported unless they commit a violent crime or show they are some other threat to the safety of society (e.g., multiple dui's).

If there are any other gubmint problems members of the board would like me to solve, please PM me your requests.

Thank you and have a good day.

Let me ask you this question. If someone steals a TV does their child get to keep it? If they rob a bank do their children get to keep the money?

No they do not

Send the dreamers back with their parents
I don't compromise when it comes to any benefits for someone that is here solely due to a criminal act. That's not extremism. That's common sense.

The bank robber's kids didn't have any say in what their parents did. How much of the loot should they get to keep? If you truly believe in compromise, it has to be something worthwhile.

You wouldn't be a king. You'd be a sellout to your own people.
I'm already king of my own successful bidness .
I do what I want and don't answer to anyone except the Mrs. Once I'm king of the U.S. it'll just be a hobby until it's not worth the trouble.
Besides, my plan is far superior than what you're gonna get after Trump is gone. The political pendulum will swing in favor of Al Sharpton as your next pres. All illegals and their kids will be eligible for welfare, Medicaid, and will have the right to vote. Sort of what's happening in CA already.
Let me ask you this question. If someone steals a TV does their child get to keep it? If they rob a bank do their children get to keep the money?

No they do not

Send the dreamers back with their parents
As it stands now they can come over here pregnant, drop a frog and the frog's automatically a citizen with full benefits. That shit ends once I'm anointed.
As it stands now they can come over here pregnant, drop a frog and the frog's automatically a citizen with full benefits. That shit ends once I'm anointed.

Nothing allows them to be automatic citizens today. The 14th is being perverted. This has never been challenged by the courts.

Both republicans and democrats love cheap foreign labor with uneducated non English speaking disease ridden serfs
I'm already king of my own successful bidness .
I do what I want and don't answer to anyone except the Mrs. Once I'm king of the U.S. it'll just be a hobby until it's not worth the trouble.
Besides, my plan is far superior than what you're gonna get after Trump is gone. The political pendulum will swing in favor of Al Sharpton as your next pres. All illegals and their kids will be eligible for welfare, Medicaid, and will have the right to vote. Sort of what's happening in CA already.

Your plan rewards people that are here as a result of a criminal act. I don't compromise with those type of people.

If you don't think illegals already do those types of things, you're an idiot. And it isn't only in California.
After I'm anointed King and Ruler of the U.S. this will be my policy on Dreamers (adult kids of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.).

if they were born in the US they are already citizens....."Dreamers" in liberal parlance, are children who were brought across the border illegally by their parents but who grew up here......
if they were born in the US they are already citizens....."Dreamers" in liberal parlance, are children who were brought across the border illegally by their parents but who grew up here......

You're right, I stand corrected. However my policy will be the same for dreamers and those born of parents who are illegal immigrants.
I will abolish the 14th amendment.
Your plan rewards people that are here as a result of a criminal act. I don't compromise with those type of people.
If we don't compromise now then someone more radically left than even Obama will come along and issue an exec. order making all illegals citizens. You'll wish I was king with my policies.
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Let me ask you this question. If someone steals a TV does their child get to keep it? If they rob a bank do their children get to keep the money?

No they do not

Send the dreamers back with their parents

Keeping the TV is the type of thing Aloysius proposes with letting the children born here solely as a result of a criminal act.
Aloysious, As soon as you learn to spell government we will start to take you serious until then you show your ignorance with a single word.

"The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty, which you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee, that, from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion, that it can in any event be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts." http://www.quotedb.com/speeches/washington-farewell-address

"For decades conservatives have been demonizing government and not enough has been done to defend it. Ever since Ronald Reagan declared in 1981 that "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem," Republicans have been waging a political war against this institution. They have been joined in this anti-government crusade by libertarian thinkers, Tea Party activists, right-wing media pundits, and wealthy corporate lobbies. This powerful political coalition blithely ignores anything good about government and conducts a relentless smear campaign against this institution. They constantly play upon the fears and insecurities of average Americans and encourage them to blame all their problems on big bad government." http://www.governmentisgood.com/
Aloysious, As soon as you learn to spell government we will start to take you serious until then you show your ignorance with a single word.
OK then. gubmint - G-O-V-E-R-N-M-E-N-T. You should be satisfied.
Now if you take me serious about me being anointed king because I showed the ability to spell gubmint I'd say you're beyond ignorant.
Incapable of commenting on the OP?

I suggest you have that 2 X 4 removed from your colon and rectum. I suspect you'll feel much better.
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Aloysious, As soon as you learn to spell government we will start to take you serious until then you show your ignorance with a single word.

"The unity of Government, which constitutes you one people, is also now dear to you. It is justly so; for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquillity at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very Liberty, which you so highly prize. But as it is easy to foresee, that, from different causes and from different quarters, much pains will be taken, many artifices employed, to weaken in your minds the conviction of this truth; as this is the point in your political fortress against which the batteries of internal and external enemies will be most constantly and actively (though often covertly and insidiously) directed, it is of infinite moment, that you should properly estimate the immense value of your national Union to your collective and individual happiness; that you should cherish a cordial, habitual, and immovable attachment to it; accustoming yourselves to think and speak of it as of the Palladium of your political safety and prosperity; watching for its preservation with jealous anxiety; discountenancing whatever may suggest even a suspicion, that it can in any event be abandoned; and indignantly frowning upon the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of our country from the rest, or to enfeeble the sacred ties which now link together the various parts." http://www.quotedb.com/speeches/washington-farewell-address

"For decades conservatives have been demonizing government and not enough has been done to defend it. Ever since Ronald Reagan declared in 1981 that "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem," Republicans have been waging a political war against this institution. They have been joined in this anti-government crusade by libertarian thinkers, Tea Party activists, right-wing media pundits, and wealthy corporate lobbies. This powerful political coalition blithely ignores anything good about government and conducts a relentless smear campaign against this institution. They constantly play upon the fears and insecurities of average Americans and encourage them to blame all their problems on big bad government." http://www.governmentisgood.com/

Until you support ridding the country of illegals, we'll consider you a traitor that deserves the fate of one.

Wanna make America great, get rid of the piece of shit illegals and their traitorous supporters like you.