What to do with Dreamers

Until you support ridding the country of illegals, we'll consider you a traitor that deserves the fate of one.

Wanna make America great, get rid of the piece of shit illegals and their traitorous supporters like you.

What does NL stand for ...
Why are you afraid to say it? ...Pussy...
Both a pussy AND a cunt.

Says the one that claimed he was coming where I am but never had the guts to show. You even said you fly for free. What's stopping you? Why haven't you shown, coward? Buckly claimed he was coming but never showed despite lying that he did. You defend a liar and a coward.
Says the one that claimed he was coming where I am but never had the guts to show. You even said you fly for free. What's stopping you? Why haven't you shown, coward? Buckly claimed he was coming but never showed despite lying that he did. You defend a liar and a coward.

Pussycunt. Brush your tooth and get the short bus kids to school. They count on you, taintbreath.
Dreamers (adult kids of illegal immigrants born in the U.S.).

All children BORN in the United States are already citizens at birth. The "DREAMERS" are the children born abroad than brought to the United States illegally at a later time.
All children BORN in the United States are already citizens at birth. The "DREAMERS" are the children born abroad than brought to the United States illegally at a later time.

Both are a problem. The former is being rewarded solely due to the criminal acts of his/her parents. The latter is no less a criminal than the parents that brought him/her here.