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Jesus H. Christ...you fucking right wingers just cannot post anything but hilariously inept comments.
"Under mind, Trump!"
A genius.
Ok Yank Apenis .....
I'll be sure to correct your typos .
Jesus H. Christ...you fucking right wingers just cannot post anything but hilariously inept comments.
"Under mind, Trump!"
A genius.
Ok Yank Apenis .....
I'll be sure to correct your typos .
You do that.
Are you pretending that "under mind" was a typo?
(Say "NO.". Saying "yes" would just be digging deeper.)
You haven't been using computers much have you .....
Oh .... And only typing with one hand must make it difficult as well .
I've been using computers a great deal...for the last 20+ years.
Lots and lots of time on them.
I would gladly take a typing speed test against you. (On a keyboard, not a phone.) I learned to type while in high school...and was always very proficient. Typewriters were my thing back them. (Ask someone to explain to you what a typewriter was.)
Anything else, Asshole?
Oh...and was that a "yes" or a "no" to my question?
Back them ? ..... Be careful what you ask for .
Yes, every Republican asshole on the judicial panel was an old, white male.
Even the most casual observer could see that immediately.
But every old, white male was not on that panel.
I wasn't on that panel.
I wouldn't confirm Kavanaugh to serve as landfill if the dump were anywhere close to decent human beings.
But we have people on this forum who have essentially declared war on ALL old white men, thus making enemies of potential allies.
Bernie Sanders, for example, is an old white man.
Maybe Sanders, whom I greatly admire and for whom i voted in the primaries,
gets a pass for being Jewish--I don't know.
I do know this. When he ran for president, he didn't try to run as an independent.
Even though the DNC sabotaged his campaign that could have otherwise won,
and as a Democrat, I hold their feet to the fire for that,
he would never have gotten that close without competing in Democratic primaries.
The white-hating black militants on this site are sabotaging progressive initiatives
against their own best interests.
Not all rich, old, white men are misogynists, and some corporations actually contribute to the public good.
An awful lot of the cretins do match your description, I certainly agree, but in reality, Kavanaugh was a great victory for despicable cretins.
What we don't need are racism, sexism, and ageism on the left.
You are absolutely correct, Loving. I screwed up there...a typo.
It should have been "back then."
It was a mistake...one I should not have made, particularly considering the substance of the conversation.
But it was a mistake...sure as shootin'. No way I should even try to pretend otherwise.
BOTTOM LINE: I was wrong...you are correct on that.
Thank you for calling it to my attention.
Yes, every Republican asshole on the judicial panel was an old, white male.
Even the most casual observer could see that immediately.
But every old, white male was not on that panel.
I wasn't on that panel.
I wouldn't confirm Kavanaugh to serve as landfill if the dump were anywhere close to decent human beings.
But we have people on this forum who have essentially declared war on ALL old white men, thus making enemies of potential allies.
Bernie Sanders, for example, is an old white man.
Maybe Sanders, whom I greatly admire and for whom i voted in the primaries,
gets a pass for being Jewish--I don't know.
I do know this. When he ran for president, he didn't try to run as an independent.
Even though the DNC sabotaged his campaign that could have otherwise won,
and as a Democrat, I hold their feet to the fire for that,
he would never have gotten that close without competing in Democratic primaries.
The white-hating black militants on this site are sabotaging progressive initiatives
against their own best interests.
1 - He lies a lot
2 - He likes beer. He REALLY likes beer
3 - He did some reprehensible things in his youth
4 - He never became man enough to admit them.
And he had a nervous breakdown when his entitled priviliege was questioned by the little people, the entire process revealed itself to the subjects of the american empire.
He showed clearly that he did not have the judicial temperament for the Supremes. He wept like a child when his birthright seat was in jeopardy.
Wake up ! The left is out to under mind Trump no matter what it takes .
You are absolutely correct, Loving. I screwed up there...a typo.
It should have been "back then."
It was a mistake...one I should not have made, particularly considering the substance of the conversation.
But it was a mistake...sure as shootin'. No way I should even try to pretend otherwise.
BOTTOM LINE: I was wrong...you are correct on that.
Thank you for calling it to my attention.
Careful stoned .....you might be next.
Whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean...it doesn't mean it to me.
Post coherently, Asswipe...or stfu.