APP - What will democrats do IF Hillary loses?


Former Vice President
So the conventional wisdom holds that the election is over and Trump has ZERO chance of winning. This thought is so pervasive amongst the media and JPP lefties that they are already doing post mortems and worrying about what Trump supporters will do on November 9th and will they "accept" the election.

Now this thread is not about whether I think Trump can win. It is about what people think Hillary supporters will do IF he does the unthinkable and wins on November 8th?

I was amused this morning watching PMSNBC and they were waxing poetic about how it is an American tradition to accept the outcome. Of course they overlook Al Gores bitter court battle and the fact that for the entire eight years of Bush lefties called him illegitimate.

More recently let us not forget 2004 where democrats though Kerry was a lock. Remember when his campaign manager famously said let me be the first to call you Mr. President? I remember JPP liberals claiming Bush stole the election from Kerry because Kerry "won the exit polling". Remember that?

So the question to all lefties is. While you think it unlikely, would you accept a Trump victory on November 8th?
1) I have not heard a single person say Trump has 0%, that is something you invented.
2) I knew Kerry was likely to lose, but it was much closer than this appears to be.
3) If Trump wins, I will accept it, in fact I will support him when I can and really hope I was wrong about him. I will hope he governs differently than he campaigned and work to make America even better than it was. I will write my Democratic Congressional representative that I want him to seek ways in which they can work with Trump and not to simply obstruct everything simply because he promotes it.
America survived Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan and Bush Jr, it would survive Donnie. On a more personal level my own concern would only be a severe market crash - but we've made it and have no worries.

Funny thing is conservatives appear more worried as they are afraid the party will divide and die, and / or his policies cause another recession or depression. Some worry about Armageddon or if you are a Michelle Bachmann type think the end is near anyway.

"UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."
1) I have not heard a single person say Trump has 0%, that is something you invented.
2) I knew Kerry was likely to lose, but it was much closer than this appears to be.
3) If Trump wins, I will accept it, in fact I will support him when I can and really hope I was wrong about him. I will hope he governs differently than he campaigned and work to make America even better than it was. I will write my Democratic Congressional representative that I want him to seek ways in which they can work with Trump and not to simply obstruct everything simply because he promotes it.

You said it was over. Do you retract that statement?
America survived Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan and Bush Jr, it would survive Donnie. On a more personal level my own concern would only be a severe market crash - but we've made it and have no worries.

Funny thing is conservatives appear more worried as they are afraid the party will divide and die, and / or his policies cause another recession or depression. Some worry about Armageddon or if you are a Michelle Bachmann type think the end is near anyway.

"UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."

The market will crash regardless, that can't be stopped at this point, the question is which one can produce a recovery. Of course that's not a question as hrc cannot.
Given that it's currency crasher Soros behind this I'm wondering if train wreck is the goal ?
America survived Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan and Bush Jr, it would survive Donnie. On a more personal level my own concern would only be a severe market crash - but we've made it and have no worries.

Funny thing is conservatives appear more worried as they are afraid the party will divide and die, and / or his policies cause another recession or depression. Some worry about Armageddon or if you are a Michelle Bachmann type think the end is near anyway.

"UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."

I actually think the GOP would be happy to impeach him. But that would leave us with Pence so I say bring it on
So the conventional wisdom holds that the election is over and Trump has ZERO chance of winning. This thought is so pervasive amongst the media and JPP lefties that they are already doing post mortems and worrying about what Trump supporters will do on November 9th and will they "accept" the election.

Now this thread is not about whether I think Trump can win. It is about what people think Hillary supporters will do IF he does the unthinkable and wins on November 8th?

I was amused this morning watching PMSNBC and they were waxing poetic about how it is an American tradition to accept the outcome. Of course they overlook Al Gores bitter court battle and the fact that for the entire eight years of Bush lefties called him illegitimate.

More recently let us not forget 2004 where democrats though Kerry was a lock. Remember when his campaign manager famously said let me be the first to call you Mr. President? I remember JPP liberals claiming Bush stole the election from Kerry because Kerry "won the exit polling". Remember that?

So the question to all lefties is. While you think it unlikely, would you accept a Trump victory on November 8th?

^Spot on. Of course we all know what the lying hypocrites will do; they won't accept anything and will go on pretending that they are winning.
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1) I have not heard a single person say Trump has 0%, that is something you invented.

Splitting hairs again I see. Basically, they claim he has a 90% chance of losing....yet erupt with all this low life mud slinging as if their candidate is in trouble; why do you think that is?

2) I knew Kerry was likely to lose, but it was much closer than this appears to be.

He wasn't talking about what YOU thought. Good lord, are you always this out of touch with reality?

3) If Trump wins, I will accept it, in fact I will support him when I can and really hope I was wrong about him. I will hope he governs differently than he campaigned and work to make America even better than it was. I will write my Democratic Congressional representative that I want him to seek ways in which they can work with Trump and not to simply obstruct everything simply because he promotes it.

America survived Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Reagan and Bush Jr, it would survive Donnie. On a more personal level my own concern would only be a severe market crash - but we've made it and have no worries.

Funny thing is conservatives appear more worried as they are afraid the party will divide and die, and / or his policies cause another recession or depression. Some worry about Armageddon or if you are a Michelle Bachmann type think the end is near anyway.

"UPDATE: I believe that if Trump becomes president, he will eventually be impeached, and on solid grounds. He cannot help himself. It’s going to be one damn thing after another."

What would I do if Trump won the election? I'd smoke bongs with a white rabbit, play center field for the Yankees, give a billion dollars to charity, dance with an angel on the head of a pin and drink a really great American macro lager but since we both know that will never happen I fail to see the point of your question.
So the conventional wisdom holds that the election is over and Trump has ZERO chance of winning. This thought is so pervasive amongst the media and JPP lefties that they are already doing post mortems and worrying about what Trump supporters will do on November 9th and will they "accept" the election.

Now this thread is not about whether I think Trump can win. It is about what people think Hillary supporters will do IF he does the unthinkable and wins on November 8th?

I was amused this morning watching PMSNBC and they were waxing poetic about how it is an American tradition to accept the outcome. Of course they overlook Al Gores bitter court battle and the fact that for the entire eight years of Bush lefties called him illegitimate.

More recently let us not forget 2004 where democrats though Kerry was a lock. Remember when his campaign manager famously said let me be the first to call you Mr. President? I remember JPP liberals claiming Bush stole the election from Kerry because Kerry "won the exit polling". Remember that?

So the question to all lefties is. While you think it unlikely, would you accept a Trump victory on November 8th?

Some of them will be making excuses as to why THEY'RE NOT moving out of the US. :D
What would I do if Trump won the election? I'd smoke bongs with a white rabbit, play center field for the Yankees, give a billion dollars to charity, dance with an angel on the head of a pin and drink a really great American macro lager but since we both know that will never happen I fail to see the point of your question.

They're nuts. I've been to foreign countries like Texas and's even worse there.

Or Mississippi and Alabama, North Carolina too. When did the right wing in America become insane? Business likes them brain washed, but in their brain washing they forgot to fill in the blanks in their heads. I thought the article below put forth an interesting viewpoint.

"People want to be heard. They want to believe their voices matter. A January 2016 survey by the Rand Corporation reported that Republican primary voters are 86.5 percent more likely to favor Donald Trump if they “somewhat agree” or “strongly agree” with the statement, “People like me don’t have any say about what the government does.”

What is it about a flamboyant millionaire that appeals to poor white conservatives? Why do they believe a Trump presidency would amplify their voices? The answer may lie in America’s historical relationship between the wealthiest class and the army of poor whites who have loyally supported them." Jonna Ivin