What Would It Take?

That's the thing with you Trump sheep!
You assume if one isn't a Trump supporter your must be a Democrat! I'm neither Republican or Democrat.
But Stevie Wonder can see Trump is a criminal.

obviously, like you, Stevie relies on what he's told others see......as for denying your party, you are not alone......nobody wants to be a demmycrat nowdays.....
What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election

Not so much stolen as reasonably valid and secure. Voter ID requirements, accurate voter rolls, roll backs on mail-in ballots--serious limits on them, no election "seasons" (aka "early voting"), pretty much everything in the Democrat wish list being made illegal or the opposite put into law. I, like many people, have little faith that the system today is really secure, accurate, or valid.

COVID vaccines

Far more testing and validation of their efficacy.

Climate change

Topping the list: That the scientists claiming all this were correct more than 66% of the time in their predictions rather than close to zero.
Admission that CO2 is only one of several potential causes of anthropogenic change, and that human contributions are a small fraction of the total.
That there is no massive rush to upend the entire economy with Greentard stuff.
Stopping all the "World is going to end in a decade bullshit" that they've been saying now for about five decades.

The claims about Joe Biden

What claims? That he's corrupt up to his eyeballs? That he's senile? That he's really too old to be an effective president? That he's a thin-skinned lying moron? I'd need a better feel for which particular negative of the multitude of negatives about him you are referencing.

Take your pick. What would it take?

There you go...
Why would I care? You're nothing to me. You're a repugnant, obviously sick mental case screaming for attention. Get help. :palm:

Because you're a Trump Dick Sucker. If you suck one dick, the odds favor you'll suck more, Trump Dummy.

Other than the single instance that I know of when Trump’s kids and others met with the Russian agents in Trump Tower because they thought the Russians had dirt,

First off, so what? There is nothing illegal or immoral about opposition research. Secondly - you're story is a fucking lie that was debunked 4 years ago - but as a democrat you'll NEVER stop tell a lie. Once a lie has been told by a fascist democrat, that lie is forever. Sure, when you're exposed as a fucking liar you'll pipe down about the lie for a short while, hoping that people forget that you were busted - then BOOM out comes the lie again.


That'll shut you down for this post and this thread - but you'll tell the same fucking lie again when you think you can get away with it - it's just the way you people are.

I know of no collusion. Manafort and the Ukraine thing? He was guilty, but pardoned. Mueller’s report, while talking about Russian attempts to influence the election and Trump’s likely criminal behavior does not mention “collusion” once. Collusion is your baby, not mine.

AND more fucking lies.

Manafort was convicted of tax fraud - just like Hunter - oh wait - Hunter is a democrat - not subject to laws. Manafort had nothing to do with the moronic conspiracy theory you and your filthy party spread for 5 years in your treason of staging a coup against the president.

I have no idea what’s on Hunter’s laptop, where it’s been, etc. Either do you.

AND even more fucking lies.

The laptop is confirmed by the corrupt FBI. We know all kinds of things about what's on it. You just are a fucking liar - another Nazi without a hint or shred of integrity who will say ABSOLUTELY anything to further the agenda of your filthy fascist party.

When the vaccines came out, the death rate dropped precipitously. Report after report indicated that the hospitals were overwhelmed, not with vaccinated patients, but with unvaccinated ones. Were there adverse effects with the vaccine? Yep, just as with any vaccine. Were they exaggerated? Yep, by the non-vaxxers.


Moronic lies - utter insanity to try and sell that shit at this point.

Do you want me to utterly shred you on this particular fucking lie?

See, the question was what it would take? Nothing - you KNOW you're lying through your fucking teeth. It's not about convincing you - you have no honor and gladly lie to promote absolute dictatorship by your shameful party.

THAT is the central fact in all of this.
....AND more fucking lies.

Manafort was convicted of tax fraud - just like Hunter - oh wait - Hunter is a democrat - not subject to laws. Manafort had nothing to do with the moronic conspiracy theory you and your filthy party spread for 5 years in your treason of staging a coup against the president....

Speaking of fucking lies, this is either more proof you are a Down Under dumbass or that you are a big, fat-assed liar and traitor to the United States of America. Which one are you?

The evidence was overwhelming,” Duncan said, pointing to prosecutors’ extensive paper trail. “I did not want Paul Manafort to be guilty, but he was, and no one’s above the law.”

Jurors ultimately convicted Manafort of eight of the 18 charges he faced for bank fraud, tax fraud and not filing reports of his foreign bank accounts, and could not reach consensus on the remaining 10. Prosecutors had accused Manafort of not paying taxes on about $15 million he earned working for a pro-Russian candidate in Ukraine, and of trying to defraud banks to obtain loans when his money from the candidate ran out.
First off, so what? There is nothing illegal or immoral about opposition research. Secondly - you're story is a fucking lie that was debunked 4 years ago - but as a democrat you'll NEVER stop tell a lie. Once a lie has been told by a fascist democrat, that lie is forever. Sure, when you're exposed as a fucking liar you'll pipe down about the lie for a short while, hoping that people forget that you were busted - then BOOM out comes the lie again.


That'll shut you down for this post and this thread - but you'll tell the same fucking lie again when you think you can get away with it - it's just the way you people are.

AND more fucking lies.

Manafort was convicted of tax fraud - just like Hunter - oh wait - Hunter is a democrat - not subject to laws. Manafort had nothing to do with the moronic conspiracy theory you and your filthy party spread for 5 years in your treason of staging a coup against the president.

AND even more fucking lies.

The laptop is confirmed by the corrupt FBI. We know all kinds of things about what's on it. You just are a fucking liar - another Nazi without a hint or shred of integrity who will say ABSOLUTELY anything to further the agenda of your filthy fascist party.

Moronic lies - utter insanity to try and sell that shit at this point.

Do you want me to utterly shred you on this particular fucking lie?

See, the question was what it would take? Nothing - you KNOW you're lying through your fucking teeth. It's not about convincing you - you have no honor and gladly lie to promote absolute dictatorship by your shameful party.

THAT is the central fact in all of this.


See what I mean folks? Just as I thought would happen.

What can convince a Trumper conspiracist? NOTHING.

Not admissions of guilt. Not convictions. Not hospital data. Not direct admissions of events.

No real responses. Just ‘Reich, Nazi, dictatorship, fascist’, that kind of imbecilic rant.
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
I didn't know it was missing.
COVID vaccines
I couldn't travel overseas without them in 2021. I'm not wrong about that.
Climate change
There has been no change in any Köppen climate classification of any region of the planet since it was first developed in 1884. What changes in the differing geological periods are you referring to?
The claims about Joe Biden
What claims are you referring to? There are many.
Take your pick. What would it take?
The question is too broad to give any kind of reasonable answer.
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

Proof is always good...one way or another.

What do you think of Flat Earth?

Come with proof, not an opinion.
I listened to an interesting podcast yesterday that dealt with conspiracy theories and those who buy into them. The main speaker said one question he likes to pose to those adherents is:

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?

Great question that should stop most in their tracks. However, if usually doesn’t, especially when it comes to Trumpers. Even with all the mountains of evidence, they are still in denial.

We all have our biases and I had to ponder that question myself. About COVID, the accusations against BIDEN, climate change, etc.

So, I’ll pose that question to the forum, especially the right wingers, who tend to buy into those conspiracies more than others.

What would it take to convince you that you’re wrong?


The stolen election
COVID vaccines
Climate change
The claims about Joe Biden

Take your pick. What would it take?

Why don't you start with Assertions and documentation to change minds on all 4 different things? Retard.
Take the conspiracy theorists' account literally, then show in detail that it couldn't possibly have happened that way. That's the approach I used with 9/11 "truthers":


The problem is, truthers "know" that 9//11 was an inside job. So they either ignore what you say, or they come up with a slightly different account of how it was done. And so it goes around in circles.

Btw, at least one person who looked at that thread thought that *I* was a 9/11 truther. Because I appeared to take the truther argument seriously, lol.