What would you do to make the Senate "work" again

Eliminate the filibuster. It's galactically stupid. Individual states already have too much power in the Senate, they shouldn't be given even more.
In the last couple of decades the US Senate has become less and less capable of getting anything done. What would you do to fix it.


Abolish the 17th Amendment and return to the previous appointment of Senators by state governors and legislators.

The filibuster, as it stands today could be abolished. But that won't fix much. The Democrats would have a very temporary and fleeting advantage doing that now. In 2022, the Senate could very well flip back to a Republican majority. Then they get a turn using the Democrat change on them--likely much to their vocal protests.

On the other hand, eliminating the direct election of Senators returns the power of the Senate to the States. That gives states a much larger voice in the federal government--why it was originally done that way.
I'm sure some will protest that is not "democratic" in that it takes the election of Senators away from the People. Good. The House is there to represent the People. That's it's job. The Senate should never have become what amounts to a second House. Instead, the Senate is there to represent the States and the government of those states (which are chosen by the people of that state).

If this were done, it would return the Senate to a body that responds to the various states, not a rubber stamp by party of the House like it is now. Eliminating the filibuster just completes the transition of the Senate into a second House meaning it no longer has any real or valid purpose to exist as a separate entity.

No, it would not become a second House. This is not rocket science. States receive much more representation NOW as a result of the distribution of Senators. And there is a zero percent chance that any state would strip their citizens of popular vote for Senate seats. Seriously. Why would they? Get a clue, dude.
Kick the old farts out.

Curious, at what age would you say a person is too old to run for The House, The Senate, and the Whitehouse? I gave all three because some may differ in the specific position. Thinking two term limits for the WH and Senate and three terms max for the House.
Curious, at what age would you say a person is too old to run for The House, The Senate, and the Whitehouse? I gave all three because some may differ in the specific position. Thinking two term limits for the WH and Senate and three terms max for the House.

What's curious is that they didn't live as long as we do back then. If they had known about the longevity due to medical advances, what would they have said? :thinking:
What's curious is that they didn't live as long as we do back then. If they had known about the longevity due to medical advances, what would they have said? :thinking:

Well actually many past President as far back as Washington died at pretty old ages, same goes for Congress critters, what is different is they did not run or stay in office when they were real old other than a rare case here and there. Today we have a Lot of old people in Congress and the WH and one would be concerned about their ability to do what is necessary, but when you start looking at the New Younger breed, Such as AOC and Greene, you think, nope, I am good with the way it is....so, damned if ya do and damned if ya don't.
Well actually many past President as far back as Washington died at pretty old ages, same goes for Congress critters, what is different is they did not run or stay in office when they were real old other than a rare case here and there. Today we have a Lot of old people in Congress and the WH and one would be concerned about their ability to do what is necessary, but when you start looking at the New Younger breed, Such as AOC and Greene, you think, nope, I am good with the way it is....so, damned if ya do and damned if ya don't.

I think we do need fresh bloods in the Congress that actually represent this generation. Who do those old farts represent? They're stuck in the 70's and 80's.
I think we do need fresh bloods in the Congress that actually represent this generation. Who do those old farts represent? They're stuck in the 70's and 80's.

Agree, except that they are stuck the 60's, my generation comes from the 70's and we do not have their narrow POV. Would like to see a mix of those in their 30s and 40s, maybe some in their 50s, I don't include 20s because they need to do time politically at lower levers for the experience.