What you'll see in the rebellion

these idiots dont like democracy.

the right wing radio fucks have taught them to HATE all government and to deny dictionary and encyclopedia entrances on the very meaning of the word.

The now think ( like the sheep they are) that Democracy is equal to PURE Democracy.

Its what glen Beck and Rush have told them so it must be true Just like they told them Robmoney would be president.

when will the completely failed fools stop wanting to be fooled?
You are dead wrong. The argument that we, as citizens, have a constitutional right to take up arms against our lawfully constituted government is without any foundation. There is no support for such right, either historically or constitutionally. The American Revolution was a war waged for separation of the American colonies from the rule of the English monarchy, and not a rebellion against the established colonial governments. The colonies were being taxed under English laws in which they had no elected representatives in Parliament; and when the Crown refused to grant representation, the colonies, in Continental Congress, declared their separate statehood and independence. The notion that a citizen has a constitutionally protected right to bear arms against the government is utter nonsense. There is no such right; and to advocate such action is nothing less than sedition, to act upon it treason.

Likewise, the reliance on the supposed historical record of the founding fathers is wrong. George Washington, who is considered the father of our nation and who commanded the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War, was the president of the Constitutional Convention that drafted our Constitution that is the framework of our government of laws, and thereafter elected to be the first President of the United States. During his term in office, President Washington put down the Whisky rebellion of 1794, which was an armed insurrection against the government in protest of the tax enacted by Congress in 1791. Washington personally lead the organized militia to quash the rebellion and assert the federal government’s authority over the states and their citizens.

Misguided people like you would do well to learn from history lest you suffer the consequences of repeating it.

Yeah you totalitarians are always threatening law abiding citizens.

Funny you guys are noting but chicken hawks willing to send armed military against your own citizens quicker tha you against muslime extremists. Go figure.
these idiots dont like democracy.

the right wing radio fucks have taught them to HATE all government and to deny dictionary and encyclopedia entrances on the very meaning of the word.

The now think ( like the sheep they are) that Democracy is equal to PURE Democracy.

Its what glen Beck and Rush have told them so it must be true Just like they told them Robmoney would be president.

when will the completely failed fools stop wanting to be fooled?

I see your New Years resolution to try to post intelligently didn't last long.

Oh well. There is always 2014

Let me explain, gun grabbers, how your confiscatory fantasy plays out. Let us imagine for a moment that a sweeping gun control bill similar to the one currently suggested is passed by the House and Senate, and signed into law by a contemptuous President.

Perhaps 50-100 million firearms currently owned by law-abiding citizens will become contraband with the stroke of a pen. Citizens will either register their firearms, or turn them in to agents of the federal government, or risk becoming criminals themselves. Faced with this choice, millions will indeed register their arms. Perhaps as many will claim they’ve sold their arms, or had them stolen. Suppose that as many as 200-250 million weapons of other types will go unregistered.

Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end badly. Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.

Unnamed citizens and federal agents will be the first to die, and they will die by the dozens and maybe hundreds, but famous politicians will soon join them in a spate of revenge killings, many of which will go unsolved.

Ironically, while the gun grab was intended to keep citizens from preserving their liberties with medium-powered weapons, it completely ignored the longer-ranged rifles perfect for shooting at ranges far beyond what a security detail can protect, and suppressed .22LR weapons proven deadly in urban sniping in Europe and Asia.

While the Secret Service will be able to protect the President in the White House, he will not dare leave his gilded cage except in carefully controlled circumstances. Even then he will be forced to move like a criminal. He will never be seen outdoors in public again. Not in this country.

The 535 members of the House and Senate in both parties that allowed such a law to pass would largely be on their own; the Secret Service is too small to protect all of them and their families, the Capitol Police too unskilled, and competent private security not particularly interested in working against their own best interests at any price. The elites will be steadily whittled down, and if they can not be reached directly, the targets will become their staffers, spouses, children, and grandchildren. Grandstanding media figures loyal to the regime would die in droves, executed as enemies of the Republic.

You can expect congressional staffs to disintegrate with just a few shootings, and expect elected officials themselves to resign well before a quarter of their number are eliminated, leaving us with a boxed-in executive, his cabinet loyalists trapped in the same win, die, or flee the country circumstance, military regime loyalists, and whatever State Governors who desire to risk their necks as well.

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

Some of these defectors will be true operators, with the skills and background to turn ragtag militia cells into the kind of forces that decimate loyalist troops, allowing them no rest and no respite, striking them when they are away from their most potent weapons. Military vehicles are formidable, but they are thirsty beasts, in terms of fuel, ammo, time, and maintenance. Tanks and bombers are formidable only when they have gas, guns, and can be maintained. In a war without a front, logistics are incredibly easy to destroy, and mechanics and supply clerks are not particularly adept at defending themselves.

Eventually, the government will turn upon itself. The President will be captured or perhaps killed by his own protectors. A dictatorship will form in the vacuum.

If we’re lucky, the United States of America, or whatever amalgam results, will again try to rebuild. If we’re very lucky, the victors will reinstate the Constitution as the law of the land. Just as likely though, we’ll face fractious civil wars fought over issues we’ve not begun to fathom, and a much diminished state or states will result, perhaps guided by foreign interests.

It will not be pretty. There will be no winners, and perhaps hundreds of thousands to millions of dead.

Yet, this is the future we face if the power-mad among us are not soundly defeated at the ballot box before they affect more change than we, the People, are willing to surrender to would-be tyrants.

dear Bob,

You dont get to make the laws of this country.

WE all together make the laws of this country.

YOU dont get to deside if a law is constitutional the scotus does.

You will hand over or register you fucking gun with a smile and a thank you.

If that is not what you want to do then pack your guns and move a a country whos government will allow you these guns.

anything else and your little fanatsy you wrote is not going to rescue you when little john wants to get frisky in the cell bunk with you.
dear Stepford Wife

You will hand over or register you fucking gun with a smile and a thank you.

Not a chance. But the funny thing is you personally won't try to come and get them.

What is hilarious is that you say our concerns of the gobblement coming for us is unfounded yet here you are advocating the gobblement to come for us.

You and your ilk make it more likely that we will not comply.

Ask yourself how any prohibition in anything has ever worked

Drugs? Hell it has been such a failure you advocate legalizing them now

Alcohol? It only made the mafia even more powerful and gave us the most politically inept an corrupt political family in history (the Kennedy's)

Gambling? See the mafia

If you have the ovaries then you personally come get my guns. Otherwise you are nothing more than a loudmouth chickenhawk
I dont need to personally come and get them.

there will be an entire government to come and get them from you that includes ATF , police and and entire army navey and marines to do it
I dont need to personally come and get them.

there will be an entire government to come and get them from you that includes ATF , police and and entire army navey and marines to do it

That is a whole lot of resources just for little ole me don't you think?

The above post is why we arm ourselves to begin with.

Nice to know you don't have the courage of your convictions. You would support killing fellow Americans for not complying with your worldview and think nothing of it.

And you say I hate America?
dude you are not scary.

I wnat none of you and you phoney patriotism.

You just point your gun at a fellow American and see what happens to you.
You see cons

that is what this will come down to.

Your phony threats of pointing your guns at fellow Americans and killing them because you dont like the laws our democracy decides on is your RIGHT as an American is fucking insane.

the fact that you people just keep saying it shows how deeply failed your party is.
hey dickhead

YOUR the one talking about shooting people NOT me

You misunderstand. As long as you stay off of my property and leave me alone, you have nothing to worry about. Why is that so hard for you to understand? I am no threat to you. I just want to be left alone. But, somehow you want to meddle.

Why does it bother you to know that I own guns? I have broken no laws. How is it harming you? Does it keep you up at night? Why are you so fearful?

Now if I broke some laws, you might have a point. But, I find it odd that you would bring the full might of our military down on law abiding citizens.
as long as you follow the completely constitutional laws that our democracy designs then you wont have a problem.

If we democractially deside you need to comple with some law you will comply.

If you dont and then point your little penis extension at a fellow Americans your not going to live long
heres a big hint for you in this real world.

There are NOT more of you there is MORE people who agree with me
as long as you follow the completely constitutional laws that our democracy designs then you wont have a problem.

If we democractially deside you need to comple with some law you will comply.

If you dont and then point your little penis extension at a fellow Americans your not going to live long

so police point their penises at their fellow americans?
You see cons

that is what this will come down to.

Your phony threats of pointing your guns at fellow Americans and killing them because you dont like the laws our democracy decides on is your RIGHT as an American is fucking insane.

the fact that you people just keep saying it shows how deeply failed your party is.

actually, a liberal con law professor says we should abolish the constitution.....:pke:
dear Bob,

You dont get to make the laws of this country.

WE all together make the laws of this country.
this shows your complete lack of intelligence in regards to how the country works. go read a book and come back when you're done.

YOU dont get to deside if a law is constitutional the scotus does.
yes, we do actually. it's called jury nullification. if we don't consider a law constitutional, we simply vote 'not guilty'.

You will hand over or register you fucking gun with a smile and a thank you.
we know this is what you would do. we are not such sheep or cowards. try not to project your own incompetence and fear upon others.

If that is not what you want to do then pack your guns and move a a country whos government will allow you these guns.

anything else and your little fanatsy you wrote is not going to rescue you when little john wants to get frisky in the cell bunk with you.
no, we will kill all they send and then come for you.
I dont need to personally come and get them.

there will be an entire government to come and get them from you that includes ATF , police and and entire army navey and marines to do it
do you really think that?

oathkeepers.org says otherwise. and don't forget that YOU become a target as a collaborator. some of us will not care about killing you.