Whats for Dinner....?

Everybody in CO has "dinner" unless they are from Texas or something...

We also drink "pop" rather than "coke"...

The most annoying conversations I had while in Texas were with waiters/waitresses...

Me: I'd like a Coke.

Waiter: What kind?

Me: um.... Coke.
Heck in some parts of the NE they call pop "tonic" :)
then there are Bags, sacks and pokes....
But that has pretty much gotten shortened to "paper or plastic ?" :)
Everybody in CO has "dinner" unless they are from Texas or something...

We also drink "pop" rather than "coke"...

The most annoying conversations I had while in Texas were with waiters/waitresses...

Me: I'd like a Coke.

Waiter: What kind?

Me: um.... Coke.

Ahahahaha, hailing from close to that part of the world where they call everything a "coke" I really got a kick out of this! thanks

Chicken Caccitorrie(sp)I know even though I am 1/2 Italian I never mastered the language..oh well..at any rate I made a big batch and now the kids said they were going to the gym with their BF's..is this a omen or what...pretty soon I may be free again...one can only hope...lol...Shit I will be eating this for days...ouch!

Opp's gotta run..the SciFi channel...ghost hunter dudes(taps) are on...a little snip about my little home town is featured...gotta see this..have a great night y'all!
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Damn...the segment on my............

home town was just flashed at the end...will be shown in September...bummer...My bud Cliff&Wife own the 'Old Washoe Club' I asked him what the Ghostees said...he laughed and said ya will have to wait until september..no fair..inside pull did not work...

Never mind they are playing it right now...cool...see ya later!
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Damn I watched this segment...it was a old group from awhile back...either 'Cliff' was yanking my chain..about Taps..the first team doing this or I must wait until September to see it...this was a second team (I remember them)...Oh well I guess summer reruns must exist too...guess I will have to wait for the 'First Team'....I like them Plumber Dudes (TAPS)..they are funny.....I

Okay had some e-mails with taps a few months ago...I thought this would be what they did...NOT...This was a older investigation...bummer!

Okay 'Cliff' the joke is on me...and it is funny..but hey I will take my beer business down the street..To the 'Bucket of Blood'...hows that...well unless ya clue me in...lol
Well damo...

If I won the powerball I might just do that kind of thing myself.

Come on down to VC..before summer is over..I will buy ya a beer or two at the 'Bucket'...or 'Washoe' if Cliff apologizes for yanking my chain...ya have to eat a hot dog though..just so I know ya are reformed...I mean a 'hot dog' in the food sense...for the pervs who play in this forum from time to time!
Come on down to VC..before summer is over..I will buy ya a beer or two at the 'Bucket'...or 'Washoe' if Cliff apologizes for yanking my chain...ya have to eat a hot dog though..just so I know ya are reformed...I mean a 'hot dog' in the food sense...for the pervs who play in this forum from time to time!

Yeah sure.

Talk about homoerotic. Oh damo come down and eat a hot dog in front of me.
Saw that one coming....

If I am ever in the area I will be sure to contact you, BB. I'd love to have a beer and some conversation with you.
It's absolutely amazing to me that you had any idea what in hell he was babbling about here.

You must speak in tongues, besides Russian.
Sign language....

But that doesn't help here. I just knew what TAPS was because I watch that show.
Yeah sure.

Talk about homoerotic. Oh damo come down and eat a hot dog in front of me.

Geez, for a dude who thinks its normal to have pics of your male boss's hands hanging on your wall, and for a dude who thinks its normal to tell a male poster to "bend over and take it", I don't think there's any other explanation than homoerotica.

Geez, for a dude who thinks its normal to have pics of your male boss's hands hanging on your wall, and for a dude who thinks its normal to tell a male poster to "bend over and take it", I don't think there's any other explanation than homoerotica.

I actually do have a pic of GW and Dick....Hanging on my wall..albeit I am no fan of Dick...but hey they sent me a pic(signed)...what can I say...cippie the perv!
I'm tired and somewhat full of Chicken..'C'

so it is time for some TV with a desert..banana split sounds good..see ya all later...or not!:p
It's getting late..........

I'm so hungry..so once again tonight will be a bbq 'Walker Texas Ranger Super Burger'...tonight extra Jalopenos..and meat and cheese..some in here drained my patience!..Have a good night y'all!
It is BLT night here. Unfortunately that means CLT for me, but the family enjoys the pork products.