APP - Whats he afraid of?

common law does not supercede the constitution.


so common law does not define or interpret terms in the constitution? it may not supersede it (and its with an S not a C you keep using C) but your argument is all don't understand how federal common law works....scotus makes federal common law as well....if you read the treaty....the US signed an exemption or something like that that allows cases of torture to be defined by the 8th amendment....and guess who gets to define, common law
why would anyone do populatity ratings on some not holding or running for an office?

It certainly isn't normal, but seeing the Liberal whining, thumb-sucking crybabies getting their nappies in a twist over it is...

I guess it shows that the repubs are still searching for a leader to follow.
Is Rush still #3?

Actually it shows, once again, when confronted with the incessant whining and hand-wringing you libs are defining yourself by, you still end up with pablum running down your chin.

Sooner or later even you should be embarassed that you couldn't get your own dog to follow you to the kibble bowl, oh great wise leader in retirement.
so common law does not define or interpret terms in the constitution? it may not supersede it (and its with an S not a C you keep using C) but your argument is all don't understand how federal common law works....scotus makes federal common law as well....if you read the treaty....the US signed an exemption or something like that that allows cases of torture to be defined by the 8th amendment....and guess who gets to define, common law

yoiu seem to know a lot about the law... Are you saying that the UN Convention against torture is NOT the supreme law of the land? Are you saying that we are NOT bound to follow it?
then you must believe that obama is not a great american or a hero....

There was no draft when Obama was service eligible. Cheney applied for and received 5 draft deferments and never served, instead sending those less able than he to avoid the draft to serve for him. I had my notice in hand the day I graduated, Cheney kept using the strings to stay out when he was eligible.
54,000 were killed in a war he supported and avoided.
Answer the question. Is it or isn't it a requirement?

Requirement no. But for someone to say that clowntoon was not qualified to be president because he weasled out of the draft and the say that another politician that weaseled out of the draft is a great American hero is hypocritical at worst. Partisan hackmanship at best.
Actually it shows, once again, when confronted with the incessant whining and hand-wringing you libs are defining yourself by, you still end up with pablum running down your chin.

Sooner or later even you should be embarassed that you couldn't get your own dog to follow you to the kibble bowl, oh great wise leader in retirement.

So juvenile, just grow up some.
Requirement no. But for someone to say that clowntoon was not qualified to be president because he weasled out of the draft and the say that another politician that weaseled out of the draft is a great American hero is hypocritical at worst. Partisan hackmanship at best.

yoiu seem to know a lot about the law... Are you saying that the UN Convention against torture is NOT the supreme law of the land? Are you saying that we are NOT bound to follow it?

i read some lawstuff off of google...not an expert...but judge judy taught me everything i know

and i never said what you're asking....i suggest you go back and read what i've said.....because i've actually said it is the supreme law of the land, however, common law can be applied to interpret torture as the scotus can interpret the constitution and treaties.....that is what the judicial branch is for
i read some lawstuff off of google...not an expert...but judge judy taught me everything i know

and i never said what you're asking....i suggest you go back and read what i've said.....because i've actually said it is the supreme law of the land, however, common law can be applied to interpret torture as the scotus can interpret the constitution and treaties.....that is what the judicial branch is for

It is good to see you admit that you are not a legal expert. I am sure you are quite proud of that admission.... however...based upon what you learned from Judge Judy, and from what you know of the senate limitations to the UN treaty, would you say that we have violated that treaty by our treatment of enemy combatants at Gitmo?
It is good to see you admit that you are not a legal expert. I am sure you are quite proud of that admission.... however...based upon what you learned from Judge Judy, and from what you know of the senate limitations to the UN treaty, would you say that we have violated that treaty by our treatment of enemy combatants at Gitmo?

it is illegal to claim you're an expert unless given special certification by the yes....i am quite proud to not break the law.....and quite proud that i am a few years i can be eligible....perhaps more google searches....

i do not have the facts of those cases, and i think judge judy would not make a decision without knowing the facts....

for some a good example of how common law applies to treaties....

Kadic v. Karadzic
that's just silly.....if the UN treaty were the supreme law of the land, the constitution would be looking to the treaty for authority, rather than the other way around.....

now if you just want to say the constitution makes the treaty valid law, (which I still would disagree with), your statement at least wouldn't be nonsense....
American law is that international accords become part of the body of U.S. federal law.As a result, Congress can modify or repeal treaties by subsequent legislative action, even if this amounts to a violation of the treaty under international law. This was held, for instance, in the Head Money Cases. The most recent changes will be enforced by U.S. courts entirely independent of whether the international community still considers the old treaty obligations binding upon the U.S.

Treaties and other International Agreements: the Role of the United States Senate (Congressional Research Service 2001).
Just out of curosity for those who think Dicky Cheney is a great American hero. Please state how you think he earned that status?

Being VP? I am sure you do not think of Al Goretex as a great American hero.
So what do you base that statement on?
Just out of curosity for those who think Dicky Cheney is a great American hero. Please state how you think he earned that status?

Being VP? I am sure you do not think of Al Goretex as a great American hero.
So what do you base that statement on?

do you think obama is?