What's something that tastes really good but is healthy?


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I made a chicken wrap today, with parmesan, ranch dressing, peperoncini, onion, and mixed greens. It tasted awesome. The only thing unhealthy in it was likely the ranch dressing... But I'm suspicious because my rule of thumb is that if it tastes awesome, it's not healthy.

So what is something you guys make/eat that tastes REALLY good (not just good enough) that is actually healthy? O_o
I made a chicken wrap today, with parmesan, ranch dressing, peperoncini, onion, and mixed greens. It tasted awesome. The only thing unhealthy in it was likely the ranch dressing... But I'm suspicious because my rule of thumb is that if it tastes awesome, it's not healthy.

So what is something you guys make/eat that tastes REALLY good (not just good enough) that is actually healthy? O_o

A nicely prepared piece of fish...my personal preference is Salmon.
Yeah but its like $10,000 per pound when you figure the cost of the secret service and shutting down a portion of the City.
I made a chicken wrap today, with parmesan, ranch dressing, peperoncini, onion, and mixed greens. It tasted awesome. The only thing unhealthy in it was likely the ranch dressing... But I'm suspicious because my rule of thumb is that if it tastes awesome, it's not healthy.

So what is something you guys make/eat that tastes REALLY good (not just good enough) that is actually healthy? O_o

A bowl with whole beans (any kind) poached chicken meat (cooked in liquid slowly on stove top or baked in oven) add some rice, cilantro, lettuce, fresh salsa, shredded cheese, avacado and olives...Simply layer starting with hot foods on the bottom. Make portions according to appetite.
I made a chicken wrap today, with parmesan, ranch dressing, peperoncini, onion, and mixed greens. It tasted awesome. The only thing unhealthy in it was likely the ranch dressing... But I'm suspicious because my rule of thumb is that if it tastes awesome, it's not healthy.

So what is something you guys make/eat that tastes REALLY good (not just good enough) that is actually healthy? O_o

What do you mean healthy? Do you mean low in calories? If so, just eat less of whatever your eating.

If you mean high in vitamins, then that is good. Though if you mean high in vitamins and low in calories, scratch the ranch dressing.

And actually, a hamburger is a pretty balanced meal as well.
don't be afraid to use some dressing...better a healthy wrap with a some dressing than chowing on pizza. fat is good is you. balance carbs and protein. good, i mean spend a little extra, olive oil is very, very good and the fat, which suppresses fat binges, is very good for you.

avocado, i can't stress enough how good this fruit is. brocoli, cauliflower...and if you can get used it (steam it), kale - power food right there. i sometimes do protein shakes, but only if i regularly get my ass to the gym and lifting weights, but if you want, can use a small shake as a snack.

i like fish sauteed in olive oil, chicken quick sautee and into oven. and don't worry about eating some really fatty foods a couple of times a week, if you deprive yourself, you will binge, i've done it.
don't be afraid to use some dressing...better a healthy wrap with a some dressing than chowing on pizza. fat is good is you. balance carbs and protein. good, i mean spend a little extra, olive oil is very, very good and the fat, which suppresses fat binges, is very good for you.

All sources of calories are pretty much equal. Protein generally keeps you full longer, though.
All sources of calories are pretty much equal. Protein generally keeps you full longer, though.

no, they are not

if you get all your calories from pizza and i get all my calories from avocados and grind's wrap, assuming same calories, do you think your diet is equal in health to mine?
All sources of calories are pretty much equal. Protein generally keeps you full longer, though.

Not true. Per gram fat has the highest calorie content at around 9 per gram, followed by alcohol at 7 per gram. Now there are different benefits to each of the caloretic groups, but to group all fats, or all protiens together is just wrong.
Not true. Per gram fat has the highest calorie content at around 9 per gram, followed by alcohol at 7 per gram. Now there are different benefits to each of the caloretic groups, but to group all fats, or all protiens together is just wrong.

I meant per calorie, not per unit of weight. Each kind of caloric source is about equally healthy. To lose weight, you simply reduce the amount of calories you are taking in.

I'm just saying this to counter all the propaganda from the fad diets out there promising massive benefits by concentrating on one source of calories. Although they may have some slight difference (protein, for instance, requires more energy to actually make into energy than other caloric sources) they are pretty trivial, and the most important thing is definitely to reduce it over all.
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