I agree with the first part but if it can be rolled back, why do they need so many militarized police?
Do think they can take America? I do not.
Congress does not want it rolled back. 90% of them are beyond redemption.
They are so used to taking bribes and fucking the people they're useless.
I know some might hate for me to say AOC is not in that group, but she isn't.
A significant number of other reps aren't, either.
When you get to the Senate, the corruption level multiplies exponentially.
Maybe grafty Scott, LMAO! and umm..Ted Cruz..
and uh..who can think of a decent Senator?
Biden was a Senator for almost 50 years.
He never did a damn thing good for America in all that time.
He's not alone in that. Many others have been there for decades and done not damn a damn good thing for their states or America.
Insurance companies and corporations made out pretty good, though
Congress has been raping Americans for decades now, and bureaus are government bloat funded by working people.
Every government worker is a leech on private business. Some are necessary, many are not.