What's the best way to cook venison?

Jade, we know that you didn't, personally shoot Bambi.

Can't people just be themselves here? I don't want to completely reveal myself personally, but you can't say I'm not Apple. Happens to be my middle name, so there. My birthday is also April 1st, so you know I get some screwy surprises. Other then that, I don't feel like sharing much else. If you really think I'm someone else, why not just hassle that person? Or the least you could do is not stalk me around the forum. You are correct on one thing though. I didn't shoot the animal, a neighbor did. He has more then he can handle. You have to travel too far outside the city, for hunting to interest me. Not the blasting an animal part. The hunting does good, when considering keeping population under control. Too many, and food supplies become stretched. They also venture on the roads, thus causing more accidents.
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Can't people just be themselves here? I don't want to completely reveal myself personally, but you can't say I'm not Apple. Happens to be my middle name, so there. My birthday is also April 1st, so you know I get some screwy surprises. Other then that, I don't feel like sharing much else. If you really think I'm someone else, why not just hassle that person? Or the least you could do is not stalk me around the forum. You are correct on one thing though. I didn't shoot the animal, a neighbor did. He has more then he can handle. You have to travel too far outside the city, for hunting to interest me. Not the blasting an animal part. The hunting does good, when considering keeping population under control. Too many, and food supplies become stretched. They also venture on the roads, thus causing more accidents.

I don't hunt, but I don't care if others do. We are from the same state. Deer hunting is a secular religion. I knew a person who quit a good job because he couldn't get the first day of deer season off.
I don't hunt, but I don't care if others do. We are from the same state. Deer hunting is a secular religion. I knew a person who quit a good job because he couldn't get the first day of deer season off.

That would be me. If I couldn’t get adequate time off (not necessarily the first day) during the various deer hunting seasons I would quit too.
That Chicken fried steak idea sounds intriguing.

Take any large muscle, remove the silver skin, slice about 3/8-1/2 in thick across the grain. Tenderize with your favorite hammer (I have a roller system because we cool it this way so often), season, dredge in flour and fry. Good stuff. The stuff I was raised on.
The very country way (our favorite) is to cook it like chicken fried steak then serve it with biscuits, gravy, fried potatoes and green beans. It really depends how it was butchered. I have some I use like cubed beef in stews, some I cook like roast with carrots, potatoes and onions in a slow cooker. I smoke the ribs and shoulders a lot of the time. I use a lot of ground deer as well. I make chili, sloppy joes, and meatloaf (for meatloaf I use half beef and half deer) ... pretty much anything you use ground beef for.

I am a hunter. My son has become adept at deer hunting as well. We use or help others with what we kill.
yea...but can you cook? ;)
Well anything is tasty if you bread and deep fry it or add enough ketchup. ;)

I prefer braising and smoking venison as it reduces or eliminates the gamie taste. It’s also a tad more heart healthy if you lay off the butter.

What gamie taste? Tastes like deer to me. ;)
Isn't Dayton s shithole?
Not so much that as it’s been over run by east Kentucky/East Tennessee/West Virginia hillbillies over the last couple of generations. It’s also suffered from the decline in manufacturing but there’s still a shit ton of money in that small city. If you want to get an idea of what I mean read the book Hillbilly Elegy. It’s spot on accurate in describing the Hillbilly culture in SW Ohio.