Anyone else find it interesting that the cow who couldn't get it right any of the three times she tried to find true love now wants to lecture others on what makes someone happy and to make her own failed life look better by belittling that girl's parents?
Well I think your daughter would be mighty proud of her Big Daddy's shrieking day in and day out on a message board like a fat oversized female baboon, implying to all who will swallow how great his marriage and sex life is in comparison to others.
One look at your latest FB pics, PRicky, and your wife surely has to abuse some kind of substance because that's the only way she could stomach intimacy with you. My GAWD the thought of you naked is enough to knock a buzzard off a $hitwagon and women to beg for mercy.
You should be ashamed of how you've let yourself go. What would Michelle Obama think of you fatty?