What's the name of that Mormon university?

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Anyone else find it interesting that the cow who couldn't get it right any of the three times she tried to find true love now wants to lecture others on what makes someone happy and to make her own failed life look better by belittling that girl's parents?

Well I think your daughter would be mighty proud of her Big Daddy's shrieking day in and day out on a message board like a fat oversized female baboon, implying to all who will swallow how great his marriage and sex life is in comparison to others.

One look at your latest FB pics, PRicky, and your wife surely has to abuse some kind of substance because that's the only way she could stomach intimacy with you. My GAWD the thought of you naked is enough to knock a buzzard off a $hitwagon and women to beg for mercy.

You should be ashamed of how you've let yourself go. What would Michelle Obama think of you fatty?
Tsk, tsk.

The Dalai Damocles says making fat jokes means your typing hands are possessed by Beavis and Butthead.

I'm sure he meant to rebuke Ms Damn Skankee, maybe he's busy giving dancing lessons.

Well I think your daughter would be mighty proud of her Big Daddy's shrieking day in and day out on a message board like a fat oversized female baboon, implying to all who will swallow how great his marriage and sex life is in comparison to others.

One look at your latest FB pics, PRicky, and your wife surely has to abuse some kind of substance because that's the only way she could stomach intimacy with you. My GAWD the thought of you naked is enough to knock a buzzard off a $hitwagon and women to beg for mercy.

You should be ashamed of how you've let yourself go. What would Michelle Obama think of you fatty?

None of which changes the fact that your friend the Ice Gash is a three time loser at love and yet she still think's she's qualified to lecture others on what makes a happy relationship.

Now make some more fat jokes while the rest of us laugh our asses off at the Ice Cow's pathetic life.
None of which changes the fact that your friend the Ice Gash is a three time loser at love and yet she still think's she's qualified to lecture others on what makes a happy relationship.

Now make some more fat jokes while the rest of us laugh our asses off at the Ice Cow's pathetic life.

PRicky, you should be grabbing your cellulitic knees and kissing your ass that you found someone who thought at one time you could pass for something that resembles an attractive man. Your wife dumps you and you will be a fat old, stanky, and lonely old man. Now you're just fat, old and stanky.

We know what you look like PRicky and it's gross. YOU know what you look like, more importantly...


You wish you cold lose that ass by laughing, but sorry fatso, you gotta put more effort into it and raise your fat blimped out body off the recliner! Reaching for chips and donuts does not burn any calories.
Well I think your daughter would be mighty proud of her Big Daddy's shrieking day in and day out on a message board like a fat oversized female baboon, implying to all who will swallow how great his marriage and sex life is in comparison to others.

One look at your latest FB pics, PRicky, and your wife surely has to abuse some kind of substance because that's the only way she could stomach intimacy with you. My GAWD the thought of you naked is enough to knock a buzzard off a $hitwagon and women to beg for mercy.

You should be ashamed of how you've let yourself go. What would Michelle Obama think of you fatty?

So I have known 3 men ALL OF WHICH WANTED TO MARRY ME and did...his wife has known 300- all of which she wished she'd chosen instead. I picked men who I shouldn't have- I understand her remorse :D
So I have known 3 men ALL OF WHICH WANTED TO MARRY ME and did...his wife has known 300- all of which she wished she'd chosen instead. I picked men who I shouldn't have- I understand her remorse :D

Zap's wife must be blind and deaf with no sense of smell. Other than that I'm sure she's a nice lady.
One look at your latest FB pics, PRicky...

And how cute is disloyal?

She's stalking me on FB and looking at pix of me and mine.

Just the latest bit of evidence that she's nothing more than the lying, two-faced cow we've all suspected.

She sure spends a lot of time keeping track of someone she claims to be sickened by, don't she?
So I have known 3 men ALL OF WHICH WANTED TO MARRY ME and did...his wife has known 300- all of which she wished she'd chosen instead. I picked men who I shouldn't have- I understand her remorse :D

They wanted to marry you because you rolled right over and spread those legs as soon as they looked your way...maybe if you didn't give it up every time the wind blows you would have found a husband who wasn't some piteful excuse for a man.
And how cute is disloyal?

She's stalking me on FB and looking at pix of me and mine.

Just the latest bit of evidence that she's nothing more than the lying, two-faced cow we've all suspected.

She sure spends a lot of time keeping track of someone she claims to be sickened by, don't she?

Don't you hate that you signed up for that talent hunter site and used your screenname you use here and then it was linked to your real name?

Yep. You're probably kicking yourself in your own fat a$$ over that one huh? :rofl:
They wanted to marry you because you rolled right over and spread those legs as soon as they looked your way...maybe if you didn't give it up every time the wind blows you would have found a husband who wasn't some piteful excuse for a man.

Please don't roll over on your wife.... Hmmmm come to think of it, it reminds me of a nursery ryhme. "Fatty and Skinny went to bed. Fatty rolled over and Skinny was dead."

I am sure by now, death would be preferrable to you rutting on top of her.

Anyone else find it interesting that the cow who couldn't get it right any of the three times she tried to find true love now wants to lecture others on what makes someone happy and to make her own failed life look better by belittling that girl's parents?

Does anyone else find it interesting that the pig, who whined about his fat ass picture being posted, is constantly trying to lecture others and rarely responds to any article; but instead sits around on his fat ass and tries to chastize others.
Maybe he should work harder on trying to get paid for those hand jobs.
Does anyone else find it interesting that the pig, who whined about his fat ass picture being posted, is constantly trying to lecture others and rarely responds to any article; but instead sits around on his fat ass and tries to chastize others.
Maybe he should work harder on trying to get paid for those hand jobs.

Zappa has vagina envy. :awesome:
Don't you hate that you signed up for that talent hunter site and used your screenname you use here and then it was linked to your real name?

Yep. You're probably kicking yourself in your own fat a$$ over that one huh? :rofl:

That's his daily work out-justifies his dozen Big Mac meals for super sizing don't ya know~
Going back on topic I think it was a good move on her part to marry an older guy.

She's starting a country music career and we don't have to look very far to see what happens to young women when fame strikes. Her husband will most likely be a stabilizing force in her life and I wouldn't be surprised if her parents realize that.

Just saying....
Don't you hate that you signed up for that talent hunter site and used your screenname you use here and then it was linked to your real name?

Yep. You're probably kicking yourself in your own fat a$$ over that one huh? :rofl:

It doesn't matter how you got it...only that you have now admitted to everyone here that for months now you have resorted to stalking me on facebook.

And that's just pathetic, really.

I think this is a career-builder stunt. It makes a country singer blend in with her audience more to be in this sort of relationship. She probably weighed this option against marying a cousin, and concluded that this was less weird. :cof1:
It doesn't matter how you got it...only that you have now admitted to everyone here that for months now you have resorted to stalking me on facebook.

And that's just pathetic, really.


Yessiree PRicky. I looked you up. Not only did I look you up, but I found you in all your ENORMOUS GLORY. Every fat roll, every 6X gym short you squeeze your disgusting body in to and all 6 of your double chins.

It makes the picture complete of the poor pathetic morbidly obese man who manages to whine ad nauseum daily on this site like a freaking girl who's tampon was put in sideways, and who has a lethal case of PMS.

Yessirree PRicky. The picture is complete and if it wasn't so damn funny to imagine that fat blob of a man screeching like a chick, it would make me puke, but the funniness of it all is just so delish!!!