What's the point of twitter?

To make someone lots of money.


you only see quick blogs, not long boring anything else....nothing else, nothing to navigate, similar to facebook i agree, but, look at the popularity and the eventual sale....

hundreds of millions

i've used it once, only becuase a news article linked to it...and i can see why people like it....short sentence/paragraph blog about your life. and thats it.
What's the piont of twitter?

To have a gayer name than the other sites.

Personally I see no point in Facebook either. I keep getting invitations to become someone's friend and some of the invitations are from people I don't know or have met once or twice.
I do not want to speak to people and share holiday snaps and personal information. We have one here (I guess it is local) called Hi5. I keep refusing that one too.
I just dont get it. My mates are those I can buy a beer for, watch footy or rugby with, get pissed with, ogle a nice pair of tits with.
One of our politicians (more useless even than that Palin creature) was challenged as being unpopular. Oh no, she said. I am very popular, I have over four hundred friends on Facebook.
Can you believe the crowd at Oprah actually cheered like she was giving away money because she "tweeted"? Seriously, that has to be the stupidest crap I have seen in a long time. Why does anybody watch that show?
Can you believe the crowd at Oprah actually cheered like she was giving away money because she "tweeted"? Seriously, that has to be the stupidest crap I have seen in a long time. Why does anybody watch that show?

Why did you watch it?
Why did you watch it?
Didn't. Heard it on the radio where they were pointing out the amazing amount of cheering associated with what amounts to typing an e-mail.

"I did it! I tweeted!" shouts Oprah exitedly.

The crowd erupts in applause tantamount to her solving the riddle of cancer and traveling faster than the speed of light.
Personally I see no point in Facebook either. I keep getting invitations to become someone's friend and some of the invitations are from people I don't know or have met once or twice.
I do not want to speak to people and share holiday snaps and personal information. We have one here (I guess it is local) called Hi5. I keep refusing that one too.
I just dont get it. My mates are those I can buy a beer for, watch footy or rugby with, get pissed with, ogle a nice pair of tits with.
One of our politicians (more useless even than that Palin creature) was challenged as being unpopular. Oh no, she said. I am very popular, I have over four hundred friends on Facebook.


Four hundred friends isn't that much.

I don't actually talk to most of my "friends" on facebook.
sadly the proles have started getting a hold of twitter, and naturally it's getting dumbed down and oversaturated.

I used to hate twitter forever, then I relented and realized it can serve a purpose, now I hate it again, so I think I can offer some good insight.

First - twitter came before facebook (at least the feature of twitter that we are discussing) So facebook in that regard is like twitter.

It's mainly used for mass communication with friends. It's useful if you want to send something out to 15 friends to meet you at a bar or something. Also I think because it's not loaded with other features it's more streamlined and efficent than facebook. Also not sure if facebook texts your phone?

Sadly fucking idiots are using it cause it's the in thing now and they all want to tell us that they just saw a bird fly by.

I think the reason it's exploded so much is because up until recently, web novices couldn't really have a webpage without at least some technical know-how. Before web 2.0 (ugh sorry for using the term) People would build and code their pages from scratch. Then blogs blew the fuck up and now it was easier for some to just install a blog template like wordpress and go from there, but you still needed to have some knowledge. Twitter is taking it to the next level, now everyone can sign up, have an online profile, and type daily updates.

What it really boils down to is bandwagon idiots thinking that texting a webpage is a revolution.


Four hundred friends isn't that much.

I don't actually talk to most of my "friends" on facebook.

One of my bosses once said to me, 'You have been with us for nearly a year now. You must have got to know a lot of people.'
I said, 'No. I only know one. Me.'
Friends are not passing shadows they are the gold dust that must be kept with the utmost care lest it fall from your hand. No one can have 400 friends or even 100 friends. We call them acquaintances, colleagues, work mates, neighbours. We call our friends by name and we know what they look and sound like.
One of my bosses once said to me, 'You have been with us for nearly a year now. You must have got to know a lot of people.'
I said, 'No. I only know one. Me.'
Friends are not passing shadows they are the gold dust that must be kept with the utmost care lest it fall from your hand. No one can have 400 friends or even 100 friends. We call them acquaintances, colleagues, work mates, neighbours. We call our friends by name and we know what they look and sound like.

Or someone you friended on facebook.
sadly the proles have started getting a hold of twitter, and naturally it's getting dumbed down and oversaturated.

I used to hate twitter forever, then I relented and realized it can serve a purpose, now I hate it again, so I think I can offer some good insight.

First - twitter came before facebook (at least the feature of twitter that we are discussing) So facebook in that regard is like twitter.

It's mainly used for mass communication with friends. It's useful if you want to send something out to 15 friends to meet you at a bar or something. Also I think because it's not loaded with other features it's more streamlined and efficent than facebook. Also not sure if facebook texts your phone?

Sadly fucking idiots are using it cause it's the in thing now and they all want to tell us that they just saw a bird fly by.

I think the reason it's exploded so much is because up until recently, web novices couldn't really have a webpage without at least some technical know-how. Before web 2.0 (ugh sorry for using the term) People would build and code their pages from scratch. Then blogs blew the fuck up and now it was easier for some to just install a blog template like wordpress and go from there, but you still needed to have some knowledge. Twitter is taking it to the next level, now everyone can sign up, have an online profile, and type daily updates.

What it really boils down to is bandwagon idiots thinking that texting a webpage is a revolution.


In your opinion is Twitter a good place to advertise, can you send out free promotions for your business with links or will they delete your posts or ban you?
Can you send out tweets to certain groups of people or do you have to be part of the group?