What's the point of twitter?

As far as I know you wont be penalized unless you are a straight up spammer. But I've seen lots of businesses give "updates" and such.

People have to "follow" you to get your updates. So you could have people sign up to the company twitter and they would get updates that way. Its been done before
In your opinion is Twitter a good place to advertise, can you send out free promotions for your business with links or will they delete your posts or ban you?
Can you send out tweets to certain groups of people or do you have to be part of the group?

You can only tweet to people who CHOOSE to follow you. You follow some people, people follow you. That's how it works. Not many people are going to follow an advertising mouthpiece.
Nobody makes any money off the smart masses, they are so smart they have found out how to live without spending.

Twitter gets no money based on useage?
Is it publically traded stock?

This thread has been informative, I knew nothing about twitter and now wish I still knew nothing about twitter.