What's The Problem With Extreme Wealth Inequality? How Does That Hurt?

Hello Flash,

Those relatively few at the top acquiring much of the wealth are not the same relatively few people over time. People move up and down the income ladder.

"The composition of the very top income groups changes dramatically over time. Less than half (40-43%) of those in the top 1 percent were still in the top 1 percent ten years later. Only about 25 percent of the individuals in the top 1/100th percent remained there ten years later."

About 58% of those in the bottom quintile had moved to a higher quintile ten years later.

[Department of the Treasury Income Mobility Study]

It matters not who the current place holders are. There is enough oppression from the top down that the effect is limiting our economy.
Hello cawacko,

No, we can't teach civics any more because Republicans cut education funding too much.

Compared to other nations.

Honestly, your first response is fvcking lazy. Almost to the point of ignorant. Since education is basically funded at the state and local level pick any two states but let's go with California and Texas. Both are big and basically dominated by one party on the state level. Show us how California supposedly invests a large sum of money into Civics classes that Texas doesn't. Back up you words with some evidence.
hello cawacko,

Honestly, your first response is fvcking lazy. Almost to the point of ignorant. Since education is basically funded at the state and local level pick any two states but let's go with California and Texas. Both are big and basically dominated by one party on the state level. Show us how California supposedly invests a large sum of money into Civics classes that Texas doesn't. Back up you words with some evidence.

Pardon me I am having a lazy day.

I am not going to argue state by state.

Generally, Republicans don't want government spending that Democrats do. Democrats support teacher unions. Teacher unions support more education spending, more classes better classes smaller class sizes. It all takes more funding. Republicans want to kill the DOE. Republicans don't care about good education for the masses, only for the rich kids. If you are an outlier good on you.
hello cawacko,

Pardon me I am having a lazy day.

I am not going to argue state by state.

Generally, Republicans don't want government spending that Democrats do. Democrats support teacher unions. Teacher unions support more education spending, more classes better classes smaller class sizes. It all takes more funding. Republicans want to kill the DOE. Republicans don't care about good education for the masses, only for the rich kids. If you are an outlier good on you.

I have more lazy days than I care to admit. They're not always a bad thing though.

You're just giving me partisan political rhetoric with nothing back it up. You have to look beyond the rhetoric of politicians and at the actions.

I grew up in Oakland, CA and have lived in San Francisco for 20 years. Those are both big, diverse and liberal cities. I know all about the educational issues these two cities face. Which is why I know the actions don't match the rhetoric.

So you feel better about yourself making these claims that liberals care about education but you can't actually back it up.
Hello cawacko,

I have more lazy days than I care to admit. They're not always a bad thing though.

You're just giving me partisan political rhetoric with nothing back it up. You have to look beyond the rhetoric of politicians and at the actions.

I grew up in Oakland, CA and have lived in San Francisco for 20 years. Those are both big, diverse and liberal cities. I know all about the educational issues these two cities face. Which is why I know the actions don't match the rhetoric.

So you feel better about yourself making these claims that liberals care about education but you can't actually back it up.

Has it ever occurred to you that rich liberals and other liberals don't have the same concerns?

Number one truth victim in politics is comprehensive understanding due to stereotyping.
The problems in education do not impact the wealthy. Their schools are well funded and have all the equipment you can imagine. The wealthy know nothing of the schools problems that impact the people, but they want the school money to also go to their schools. Property taxes pay for most school systems. Guess who has the biggest pool of money?
In Michigan, they talk about how the lottery went to schools. It did, so the politicians just took the equal money and slipped it to the general fuund. Schools stayed in the same spot. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/cost-of-education-in-us/
The problems in education do not impact the wealthy. Their schools are well funded and have all the equipment you can imagine. The wealthy know nothing of the schools problems that impact the people, but they want the school money to also go to their schools. Property taxes pay for most school systems. Guess who has the biggest pool of money?
In Michigan, they talk about how the lottery went to schools. It did, so the politicians just took the equal money and slipped it to the general fuund. Schools stayed in the same spot. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/cost-of-education-in-us/

If money solved school issues there would be no issues.
Its lack of parental support pure and simple.
Atlanta, DC, Richmond and many others the cities spend considerably more with ladtly poorer outcomes than suburban schools.
Ask any teacher and they will tell you the same thing.

The teachers I know disagree. We all know of teachers buying equipment so they can do their jobs.
Hello cawacko,

Has it ever occurred to you that rich liberals and other liberals don't have the same concerns?

Number one truth victim in politics is comprehensive understanding due to stereotyping.

You made the claim, with zero evidence, that we don't teach civics in school because Republicans cut funding.

Then you claim Democrats support funding for school and teacher unions etc.

Now you are saying rich and poor liberals have different concerns over education.

Your responses are all over the place and then you blame stereotyping which is exactly what you've been doing.
What if we consider a generic society. A fictitious place on a fictitious planet.

And in this society they have extreme wealth inequality.

Most of the people work really hard, but most of the spoils go to a relatively few.

Can that society endure when everybody knows the wealth controlled by the few is enough to make everyone quite comfortable, but they are not?

How are they going to feel, knowing that their work generates plenty of wealth, they just never get to enjoy it.

Why, that sounds like the seeds for a revolt.

Wasn't it kind of that way in the European feudal systems that we learned about in school, and how bad it was for the average citizen?
What's The Problem With Extreme Wealth Inequality?
The 1% who fund, own, and operate the GOP have got no problems with it.
What's The Problem With Extreme Wealth Inequality?
The 1% who fund, own, and operate the GOP have got no problems with it.

Taking what someone else has earned because you couldn't make it is a problem. Stop being jealous because you failed in life.
Hello cawacko,

You made the claim, with zero evidence, that we don't teach civics in school because Republicans cut funding.

Then you claim Democrats support funding for school and teacher unions etc.

Now you are saying rich and poor liberals have different concerns over education.

Your responses are all over the place and then you blame stereotyping which is exactly what you've been doing.

Very interesting how two people can look at the same set of circumstances and see two entirely different stories, eh?

And I assure you that however strongly you may believe in the sincerity of your convictions, mine are equally so. And the proof that mine are correct is how our poorly students compare with those of other nations. We do not do enough to educate them. Period.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Wasn't it kind of that way in the European feudal systems that we learned about in school, and how bad it was for the average citizen?

It was, but the difference was the people were purposely kept illiterate and unable to understand that any other way of life might be possible than the one they were born into.
It was, but the difference was the people were purposely kept illiterate and unable to understand that any other way of life might be possible than the one they were born into.

And now we have Republicans trying to do the same.

"We analyzed some of the most popular social studies textbooks used in California and Texas. Here’s how political divides shape what students learn about the nation’s history."

What if we consider a generic society. A fictitious place on a fictitious planet.

And in this society they have extreme wealth inequality.

Most of the people work really hard, but most of the spoils go to a relatively few.

Can that society endure when everybody knows the wealth controlled by the few is enough to make everyone quite comfortable, but they are not?

How are they going to feel, knowing that their work generates plenty of wealth, they just never get to enjoy it.

Why, that sounds like the seeds for a revolt.

How can an economic system be vibrant when most of the wealth is not in circulation?

That would seem to limit economic activity.