Diversity Makes Greatness
Hello Flash,
It matters not who the current place holders are. There is enough oppression from the top down that the effect is limiting our economy.
Those relatively few at the top acquiring much of the wealth are not the same relatively few people over time. People move up and down the income ladder.
"The composition of the very top income groups changes dramatically over time. Less than half (40-43%) of those in the top 1 percent were still in the top 1 percent ten years later. Only about 25 percent of the individuals in the top 1/100th percent remained there ten years later."
About 58% of those in the bottom quintile had moved to a higher quintile ten years later.
[Department of the Treasury Income Mobility Study]
It matters not who the current place holders are. There is enough oppression from the top down that the effect is limiting our economy.