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Nemo me impune lacessit
CNN’s @ScottJenningsKY on tariffs and the markets plunging: “Look, I think, you know, markets go up and down. This is obviously an ugly day. It's never, I think, a smart idea to analyze the health of an economy or the long term possibilities of an economy based on one day in the stock market. That having been said, I think what the President has said is true. He's trying to make major, structural changes in the way our economy works. We've turned off the supply of free money coming out of Covid. That combined with these tariffs, which is supposed to bring more on-shoring of American manufacturing jobs, it is a long term structural play. And obviously, there are going to be some bumps in the road. The question is short term politically, what does that mean for him and what does that mean for the Republican Party? I think it’ll help if the Congress goes ahead and makes permanent his tax cuts and other things. On energy they're wanting to do, but look, he's been very honest. Bumps in the road are coming, but the long term play here is overall net positive for the United States and the working men and women of the country.”

View: https://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1899192259188314250
ScottJenningsKY: “I will say there is some evidence already that companies are responding to the tariff strategy. We've seen several announcements of people, different industries, auto. chips that they want to bring, manufacturing, new plants into the United States. They’re expecting that more and more over time and their belief is the more plants you build here, the more manufacturing jobs you build here, the more you strengthen the middle and working class of this country and that's ultimately a good thing for the United States...Well, the incentives he's replacing, the incentives. I mean, if I understand it correctly, the incentives would be it will be more expensive and worse for you to build overseas, so just go ahead and bring it here.”

View: https://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1899192834831315246
@ScottJenningsKY to Al Franken: “Let me ask you a question. You've been around a long time. Would you judge a presidency based on one day or six weeks?”

Franken: “Six weeks.”

Jennings: “You would judge a whole presidency —”

Franken: “Oh, you gave me a choice. You gave me a choice.”

Jennings: “— yeah. I'm asking you, would you judge a presidency on one day in the markets or a six week period after having just taken over?”

Franken: “I wouldn't. I wouldn't, but if he's someone who said, as soon as I take office, what you're going to see is prices lower and — and growth and the economy is going to be great, then you can hold them to the six weeks and say, no, no, no, no, no. That's the what's happened is the opposite of what you promised when you were on the campaign trail.”

Jennings: “So in six months from today, if it looks like we do have an upswing in manufacturing and it looks like the structural changes are benefitting people, will you come back and say, ‘Lord have mercy! Looks like he was right?’”

Kasie Hunt: “I will. We'll invite both of you for that exact conversation.”

Franken: “We’ll — we’ll make sure we’re both on. We’ll play a tape.”

View: https://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1899193838020788430
@ScottJenningsKY to @Kasie Hunt on the notion voters may feel like Trump has pulled “a bait and switch” on them with the economy: “Well, I do think the people who voted for him are willing to give him a little bit of leash on everything, whether it's the economy, whether it's on immigration, whether it's on whatever issue was their most important thing. I mean, he is just six weeks in after taking over from a four-year term...Is that is that a reasonable way? I mean, we elect presidents for four years, not for six weeks at a time and the next presidential report card will come in the midterms, and after that, it will be the next presidential election. We tend not to judge presidencies based on six weeks. What they're trying to do is monumental, and that's totally reorient the way we have done business in this country on the global economic scale. I assume there will be some turbulence for a few months...[H]e's not done yet. I think he's not done yet because he still has to — most of his economic plan is going to come in the form of this reconciliation bill with Congress. They have to make the tax cuts permanent. They have changes to make in our — the way we get energy here.”

View: https://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1899195162321986038
@ScottJenningsKY: “I know. It's one day, I think, before we all hop on the jump to conclusions mat, maybe we give it a few more weeks, here. It's one ay in the stock market. One day. And by the way, on the jobs report, there was this last week, there was evidence that manufacturing jobs had started to flow into the United States. So I'm just saying — maybe give him a little time...But manufacturing jobs were up was the point and that’s the point he’s trying to make.”

View: https://x.com/CurtisHouck/status/1899195526978900137