Diversity Makes Greatness
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
I don't get this notion that political correctness is bad.
What is this desire to be insensitive all about?
As Americans move away from religion they seem to be moving away from morality.
And I don't get that either.
I have been an atheist for decades. Morality and religion have nothing to do with one another. Some of the most immoral people I've ever encountered are very religious.
It is basic logic to treat others well.
The golden rule predated the Bible.
It didn't come from Christ.
It is basic logic.
Yes, liberal wasn't a dirty word anymore, so they switched to "socialist""politically correct" is a dog whistle for reactionaries, a term designed to mainstream their hatespeak
even the term 'progressive' becomes a pejorative synonymous with 'socialist'
It's the resentment that young children feel when their negative behaviors are corrected by adults. "Don't take Justin's truck, that's wrong." "Don't hit your sister, that's wrong." "Don't say Mrs. Splatz is fat, that's wrong." "Don't sass your teacher, that's wrong."
Yes, liberal wasn't a dirty word anymore, so they switched to "socialist"
caring is good
PC is fascism disguised as manners.
Look to Evergreen State College (Washington State) where student social justice warriors literally stalked white professors through the halls and even into restrooms. Political correctness has gone mad.
Please explain these statements. I truly don't get the Rights fascination with Animal House manners.
Yes, liberal wasn't a dirty word anymore, so they switched to "socialist"
I encourage you to do your own research. The Evergreen State College issue was semi-local news to me.
That is really insightful. A fine point.
I clearly remember when they worked their asses off to try make liberal a dirty word.
The effort did not seem to sustain itself. Remember when conservatism was discredited by George Dumbya Bush, and some rightwing posters started calling themselves "classical liberals".
I mean, they literally went from disparaging the word "liberal", to trying to co-opt it!