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He did an excellent job getting over 1,000,000 Americans to their final destination.
Biden beat that number. At least he's ahead of Trump on something.
He did an excellent job getting over 1,000,000 Americans to their final destination.
So you're into corruption, environmental destruction, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, hate, grifting, Constitution-busting, sedition, and other crimes. Good to know. #TRE45ON no more deserves credit for any of that than Biden deserves the blame for inflation. Which, btw, is global not just in the U.S. He must be pretty damn powerful if he can fuck up the whole planet.
Here's something for you to gaze upon as you struggle for another failed snappy comeback.
What your graph shows is over half the listed countries have lower inflation than the US.
What I'm into is what Trump policies got us. Energy independence, low inflation, cheap gas, low unemployment, record low black unemployment, a secure border and no war in Europe.
Yeah I get it you hate Trump.What President Trump got us is global prestige on a par with Islamic jihadists and African war lords.
To not loathe him and all of his apologists and supporters in the extreme is to be deserving of an excruciating end.
I hate trumpanzees enough to be worthy of canonization. Saint Nifty...sound pretty reasonable to me.
Yeah I get it you hate Trump.
Socialist worldwide hated Trump because he made America strong but they love Biden because he's made America weak.
I didn't want Joey, either. I wanted Liz or Bernie.
Warren's figurative balls are bigger and harder than Biden's literal ones could have ever been.
I vehemently disagree with Bernie's politics but I respect his sincerity. He honestly believes everything he says. Liz on the other hand is a Biden in drag except even worse.