I have no idea what you are saying except that you want to give tax money to the unemployed. Is that correct?
What form of government and economic system do you think is best?
IMO, the current one is the best we can come up with : a constitutional federal republic fueled by regulated capitalism.
Most of our problems are related to laziness and the improper maintenance of our own nation. 40% of Americans don't vote. The vast majority of those who do vote always vote along party lines regardless of the issues.
Unregulated capitalism is taking money from the pockets of Americans and putting it in the pockets of the rich, who We, the People, have allowed to take control of our own government.
So let’s fix it
First by compensating those who were harmed by those who did this to our system
Then we regulate and tax those who did this
Kill monopolies again like we did when things worked
Libertarianism wants them to have free reign on everything