What's your credit score

No! Tax returns don't know or show credit scores!

This information comes from Fox Business News!


Cool beans, but that's Trump's business score, 19 out of a 100 and the average is 50ish. Credit ratings have a high of 850 and an average of 711.

The FICO model of credit scoring puts credit scores into five categories:
  • Very poor: 300-579
  • Poor: 580-669
  • Fair: 601-660
  • Good: 670-739
  • Very good: 740-799
  • Exceptional: 800-850

Cool beans, but that's Trump's business score, 19 out of a 100 and the average is 50ish. Credit ratings have a high of 850 and an average of 711.

The FICO model of credit scoring puts credit scores into five categories:
  • Very poor: 300-579
  • Poor: 580-669
  • Fair: 601-660
  • Good: 670-739
  • Very good: 740-799
  • Exceptional: 800-850


post yours dutch O I forgot your a cward
No, I think you are a fucking moron to ask people for personal information. So I'm not going to post my score, and I'm not going to shut the fuck up. Go fuck yourself, loser. Everyone considers you the stupidest person here. And you don't disappoint. How's Hunter doing, loser?

your hero hunter is doing fine hes still finding ways to sell his daddy and screw America.
Why you think i hacked someone elses credit karma and posted it. If so your a complete moron .
If you have credit karma then post yours or shut the fuck up

You don't even need to hack someone else's score.

You can just do a Google Image search and find hundreds of pictures of Credit Karma scores just like the one you posted and claimed it's yours.....


Concart is right... you are a dumb fuck. :palm:

Well its mine. I never considered posting a fake as im not a criminal democrat
No, I think you are a fucking moron to ask people for personal information. So I'm not going to post my score, and I'm not going to shut the fuck up. Go fuck yourself, loser. Everyone considers you the stupidest person here. And you don't disappoint. How's Hunter doing, loser?
Im sorry but i cant fuck myself im not a liberal like you
Not one democrat has the balls to post their score. I knew ditch boy would chicken out and owl whore has no credit score and guano has a score so low he could get a loan for a stick of gum
Im sorry but i cant fuck myself im not a liberal like you

Bobbie, first, you've already proved to be a socialist authoritarian. It's not first time your politics came up.

Second, you fuck yourself daily, Bob. Not with an unlubed dildo in your ass, but with the hatred exemplified in your posts every day. No one as angry and hateful as you, as full of bile, can be a happy person. Even taking into account that some people, yours truly included, sometimes act out with displaced aggression on forums, your hate is extreme compared to others and equal to very unhappy, often suicidal posters. Occasional instances are normal but every fucking day is Abbie Normal. You won't find peace and happiness hating others, harming others or spreading such ideas. It's like shooting a pistol off inside a steel box; it's going to comeback and hurt you. Normal people don't like fucking themselves over which is why self-destructive behavior is outside the norm.
Bobbie, first, you've already proved to be a socialist authoritarian. It's not first time your politics came up.

Second, you fuck yourself daily, Bob. Not with an unlubed dildo in your ass, but with the hatred exemplified in your posts every day. No one as angry and hateful as you, as full of bile, can be a happy person. Even taking into account that some people, yours truly included, sometimes act out with displaced aggression on forums, your hate is extreme compared to others and equal to very unhappy, often suicidal posters. Occasional instances are normal but every fucking day is Abbie Normal. You won't find peace and happiness hating others, harming others or spreading such ideas. It's like shooting a pistol off inside a steel box; it's going to comeback and hurt you. Normal people don't like fucking themselves over which is why self-destructive behavior is outside the norm.

Look whos talking a pretend republican when all the fag radical democrats love you. You hate everything ditch just admit it . no go fuck your self some more. As you voted for biden .
Look whos talking a pretend republican when all the fag radical democrats love you. You hate everything ditch just admit it . no go fuck your self some more. As you voted for biden .

who's not whos. Capitalize the name of a political party. Republican and Democrat, not republican and democrat. No space between the last word of a sentence and the period. Capitalize the first letter of a sentence. Yourself is one word not two. Capitalize the first letter of a last name. Biden not biden. Your sentence structure is atrocious.

You're welcome.
Look whos talking a pretend republican when all the fag radical democrats love you. You hate everything ditch just admit it . no go fuck your self some more. As you voted for biden .

Socialist Bob, more proof of your dementia. I told you 3 months ago and also about a week ago that I'm not a Republican. Your memory is dying, sir. Soon all you'll be doing is drooling with your head on the table like a mindless drone. A zombie. That'll last a year or three and you'll die in your sleep.

Your choice.

I'm not a Republican, dipshit.

Bobbie, please try really, really hard to pull your head out of your fucking ass for at least one night so that everyone can see what you were like at 40 instead of the demented nutjob you are now. TIA
Your anger detracts from your intelligence, Bob. I was a Republican until 2012. Mitt Romney was my last Republican vote for President. I've never voted for a Democratic president. My only non-Republican vote was Perot. After Mitt, I began voting straight Libertarian tickets. Where no Libertarian was running, I voted for the strongest challenger, regardless of party.

It's not politics that make you angry, Bob. That's just an excuse. It's not me either. What's the problem, Bob? Why are you so angry?

I'm not a Republican, Bob. The Republican party is dead. It was severely wounded in 2000 and then was killed as dead as Julius Caesar by Trump and the Trumpettes.

Yet you make comments about who is and isn't a Republican, Bob.
Well its mine. I never considered posting a fake as im not a criminal democrat

I don't believe you.

I don't think you even have credit.

My FICO score is 805 BTW.

It was 830, but because I don't have any outstanding debt or loans that I've been making regular payments on, it actually lowered my score.

If I took out a low interest loan and set up automatic payments every month, my score would go back up.

But at 805, I can get as much credit as I want anywhere I want, so why bother?
I don't believe you.

I don't think you even have credit.

My FICO score is 805 BTW.

It was 830, but because I don't have any outstanding debt or loans that I've been making regular payments on, it actually lowered my score.

If I took out a low interest loan and set up automatic payments every month, my score would go back up.

But at 805, I can get as much credit as I want anywhere I want, so why bother?

I dnt belive you post it then talk .
Socialist Bob, more proof of your dementia. I told you 3 months ago and also about a week ago that I'm not a Republican. Your memory is dying, sir. Soon all you'll be doing is drooling with your head on the table like a mindless drone. A zombie. That'll last a year or three and you'll die in your sleep.

Your choice.
ok dutch prove I have dementia yes you claim to be a republican your a tran voter you go both ways and you lie about your military service
ok dutch prove I have dementia yes you claim to be a republican your a tran voter you go both ways and you lie about your military service

You already did it by forgetting multiple previous conversations. No doubt you already forgot all of your socialist statements too.

Dude, please quote me where I claimed to a be a Republican. Why don't you remember me saying I am not a Republican and haven't been one for almost a decade?