What's your news source?


Shaken, not stirred!
Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.

To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?
I watch CNN, Fox when it does not get too stupid, MSNBC too .I get emails from lefty and righty sources everyday. I get 2 emails every day from Israeli news sources. When we attack a country, I look for emails from people living there. I was reading 3 posters in Iraq to see what day to day life was like. Here is an example. http://afamilyinbaghdad.blogspot.com I also scour the net for news and read contrasting opinions, when I can.
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Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.

To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?

I have two big rules. 1. I don't delve into opinion news, or any of those crazed political talk shows. 2. I never trust news from somewhere that has gains in it. For Example: When they wanted the new bridge in Detroit , I didn't listen to why it's terrible, when in the ads fine print it's sponsored by what would be the bridges competition, if it was built. At least I think it was Detroit, but my minds a little iffy today. Still waiting for the Norco to kick in, so I can function.
I watch CNN, MSNBC and Fox to some degree. I listen to AM radio and catch some Limbaugh, Levin and Savage. I get the NYT on line. I also follow up by reading many of the references provided in this forum. Then, when it's from one of the many RW morons here, I continue my research with legitimate sources.
I watch CNN, MSNBC and Fox to some degree. I listen to AM radio and catch some Limbaugh, Levin and Savage. I get the NYT on line. I also follow up by reading many of the references provided in this forum. Then, when it's from one of the many RW morons here, I continue my research with legitimate sources.

We know you're lying now. You can't read yet you claim you can.
Almost all the posters here watch Fox Gnus. They listen to Rush Limburger and Beck. They love Hannity. They are totally one sided. That is why they cannot answer questions, instead just call names and insult.

they give you articles from everyone



Ill watch fox just to see how they are reporting breaking stories

they often ignore stories completely
Almost all the posters here watch Fox Gnus. They listen to Rush Limburger and Beck. They love Hannity. They are totally one sided. That is why they cannot answer questions, instead just call names and insult.

Really? What do you read/watch?
Fox Business Channel, National Review Online, and the various stories that are linked-up here and over at RCP. Toss in talk radio and FNC when the business channel goes off air, or when Hannity/etc aren't on.
Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.

To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?

All "news" is biased, and can only be considered propaganda. There is no actual "news" source out there, and we simply cannot know what the actual truth is. The best we can ever hope for is to triangulate the most likely truth from a broad range of biased propaganda. The most dangerous things we can do are trusting ANY "news" source, or limiting our "news" consumption to confirmation bias. Watch, read, or listen to as many conflicting sources as possible, but trust none.

To answer your op, I read Drudge, Huffpo, daily kos. I watch Rachael, Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, and Don Lemon. I don't get a lot of listening time, but I will tune into the great one or Rush on occasion. My favorite source is Drudge, but I remain conscious of the political bias that is being presented in the way that those headlines are labeled and organized. Drudge appears to be the most masterful source of information at a glance.
Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.

To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?

At my age, I have learned that the 24 hour news cycle, the relentless coverage of the political horse race, is ephemeral and largely meaningless. I really do not have the time or inclination to read a lot of the day-to-day horse race stuff, which is really mostly utter crap and info-tainment when you think about it.

Of course I glance over the headlines (BBC, NY Times, Huff Post, etc), and for international news I try to go to non-American sources.

But, to the extent I have time to invest, I prefer to read insightful analysis and compilations from writers, journalists, and authors I find to be reputable and trustworthy. I also read a lot of history and historical analysis too, because I personally do not think you can understand what is happening today without having a historical context. I heard somebody say that news is really just history's first rough draft.
you need to watch more chris Hayes and rachel

they always have great news bits that others ignore

that then turn out to bear fruit
Fox Business Channel, National Review Online, and the various stories that are linked-up here and over at RCP. Toss in talk radio and FNC when the business channel goes off air, or when Hannity/etc aren't on.

Purely one sided. So how did you feel when they started feeding on each other (tea party vs. new conservatives vs. alt right, etc.)?