Minister of Truth
Practically Perfect
Purely one sided. So how did you feel when they started feeding on each other (tea party vs. new conservatives vs. alt right, etc.)?
Purely one sided. So how did you feel when they started feeding on each other (tea party vs. new conservatives vs. alt right, etc.)?
Fox, NPR, BBC....
Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.
To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?
so you adhere to extreme right wing rhetoric only, yet you delight in their self destruction. Odd.
When life gives you lemons...
All "news" is biased, and can only be considered propaganda. There is no actual "news" source out there, and we simply cannot know what the actual truth is. The best we can ever hope for is to triangulate the most likely truth from a broad range of biased propaganda. The most dangerous things we can do are trusting ANY "news" source, or limiting our "news" consumption to confirmation bias. Watch, read, or listen to as many conflicting sources as possible, but trust none.
To answer your op, I read Drudge, Huffpo, daily kos. I watch Rachael, Hannity, Maria Bartiromo, and Don Lemon. I don't get a lot of listening time, but I will tune into the great one or Rush on occasion. My favorite source is Drudge, but I remain conscious of the political bias that is being presented in the way that those headlines are labeled and organized. Drudge appears to be the most masterful source of information at a glance.
I’m a huge internet news site browser.
Local news, both network, and radio. I drive a lot. I’m a pretty big KIRO radio fan. From Dave Ross, the Tom and Curly show in the mornings. Dori (libertarian) Monson, and the Ron and Don Nation in the afternoons. Those four programs cover the entire political spectrum- the least political is Ron and Don.
In in the evening( about twice a week) for my FOX fix, I watch Tucker. I also totally dig Greg Gutfeld from time to time.
I watch and read a bit of all major media outlets, just so I can be certain of what not to believe. then I compare that to all the individual sources I have via liberty/freedom minded blogs and people that have actual contacts within the organizations being talked about and learn the actual truth.
Haven't a clue to most of your sources (I live in New York suburbs and don't pay for radio or TV)...Fox News is like an illegal makes you feel good until it kills you.
Your original premise is wrong, as history has shown (Watergate, Iran/Contra, Iraq, etc., etc.)
Okay, over the past 20 some odd years, whenever I read or hear "conservatives" of any ilk rant about "liberal media bias" or "fake news" I always ask them how do they form an opinion on current events and what do they consider a legitimate news source.
To date, I seldom get a straight (if any) answer. So I'm putting this out there to EVERYONE of every political/social leaning; what are your trusted news sources and how do you form an opinion if you don't trust any news source?
and when BS flies, don't light a match.
msnbc, cnn bbc and never fox any more never I spent quite a bit of time in the last
6 months checking how fox reported breaking news they are liars and leave out
important points. I don't except lies from anyone.