Some people do not like gas on their hands or to sniff it.
That Depends on the day frank.
Almost every nation taxes its citizens more than than the United States. We are decidedly on the low end of taxation you posting something that talks about "taxing the hell our of their citizens..." is even more inappropriate than usual.
Somehow we Americans have decided that we do not want to pay for the maintenance of our nation.
It shows.
Still waiting for my check from one of your "other nations"
I did not comment on that part of your silly statement. No country, as far as I know, sends the United States aid money...just as they do not send aid money to the many other countries that have "foreign aid" in their budgets. But countries sending foreign aid to other countries generally are not in need, so it would be silly for anyone to do that. It would make as much sense as contributing to a Gofundme set up to buy Bill Gates a new car.
I did comment on your use of suggesting that America is "taxing the hell our of their citizens." I noted that the comment was even more inappropriate than usual...which is quite an accomplishment, since you normally make very inappropriate comments regularly.