Wheels Coming off part Trois

Great. I just paid $3.90 for gasoline and diesel which is what the country runs on is well over $5.00. Talk to anyone about their fucking electric, natural gas, or heating oil bills.

3.05 today at Sunoco. Thank you, Joe. Yeah, Evs are cheaper to operate.
"Biden assured there will be no new oil investment for a long time when he said oil will be needed for ten more years, and he wants to attack oil company profits. No CEO or board would approve any major new production investment after that. It also showed he has zero understanding of return on investment, and no understanding of capitalism when he attacked paying dividends and doing buybacks to those awful greedy shareholders-he did not seem to understand the shareholders include government employee pension funds and everyone’s 401K, and retirees who count on dividends. Why does he think anyone invests in stocks-duh, to get returns in the form of dividends and gains. Then he goes after drug companies. Does he understand anything about how profits fund research, and why US drug companies are where so many major advances are made. It was really astonishing how he, and his Dem friends are so ignorant of how the real world works. If you make good returns on an investment, you invest and spend more, growing the economy. What is so hard about that concept.

If you push for renewables made from minerals that are in much shorter supply than demand, and most come from China, and if you refuse permits to mine in the US as Biden just did in Minnesota, there will not be anywhere near enough minerals to produce the solar panels, batteries and windmills. Thus the cost of alternative energy goes up a lot, making it uneconomic to produce windmills and energy produced by them. Thus power remains in shorter and shorter supply. You then stop allowing, or make it uneconomic to produce most fossil production and refining in the US and EU , and thus a growing shortage is created. So prices go up. While you might think this is week one of Econ 101, the left seems never to have absorbed any of this supply/demand =price stuff. Therefore the price of oil and gas has to rise over the next 3-5 years. It is natural law. Orders for windmills have dried up as the cost has become too high already. The western countries are politically creating an energy crisis and shortage with all this unachievable green crap that will become very serious in a couple of years.

The so called Inflation Reduction Act allocated hundreds of billions for climate, and included is tens of billions for battery manufacture in the US. A massive joke. Most raw materials come from China and Congo, among other wonderful places. Over 90% of graphite, whether mined or manufactured, comes from China, from filthy processes using- fossil fuels. Other minerals come from Congo which also has nil environmental rules and probably uses child labor like other places. So the whole battery factory rush is a sick joke. Assembling the battery is the clean part, but the rest of the process is fossil driven and very dirty.

Russia is about to unleash an all-out game ending attack that Ukraine will possibly not be able to stop. It may already have begun around Bakhmut. It consists of thousands of armored vehicles, artillery and 200-300,000 troops. It will be overwhelming, and that is why they needed the tanks and other weapons that will not arrive in time as Biden and the Germans delayed acting timely again. It is possible Russia can win the war now, but all is very unclear. Everyone knew this attack was being set up as early as last October, but Biden and Scholz did not seem to understand the terrible ramifications of their delaying shipments. Standby for the big black swan of a Russian attack that rolls over Ukraine. The ramifications to the west, and to markets, could potentially be very ugly. Just be prepared for bad things to happen. Nobody knows what will happen, but at least you will not be surprised if things go very bad in the next few weeks. Note that Russia cut oil production on Friday, and oil prices rose back near $80, and the ten year is moving back up. Those people predicting $65-$70 oil are very wrong over time. It is likely true that we blew up the pipeline as I reported when it happened. It is likely Biden told Scholz when Scholz was at the White House right before we blew it.

For the first time in US history we shot down three intruding airborne objects. Maybe the Chinese see the open southern border and assume Biden will not do much. In fact he tried to hide the balloon until a guy in Montana spotted it. Then they make up ridiculous stories as to why it could not be shot down over the vast open spaces of Montana. I’ve been there. It would be hard to hit anything in Montana. We look stupid and incompetent, which we have become. Miley said not to shoot it down. What a useless fool he is. The balloon was spotted before it reached Alaska, but NORAD did nothing. They covered up the missile silos and shut down comm links, but did not shoot it down. The head of NORAD and Miley should have been fired along with Lloyd Austin. All the White House and Pentagon claims that they were watching it to gain information, or that it might hurt people on the ground, and they made sure there was no way for the balloon to gain intel, is all absurd. The claim that all of a sudden the intel agencies discovered there had been three other balloons, but they never told anyone, is equally bizarre. Worst of all Biden said ‘It was no big deal”. Wow- why not send an invite to China to do it again. And now he wants to run for another four years??? The Chinese, since 2017, have been testing how to fire hypersonic missiles from that same type balloon. If they perfect that, there is no way to stop those missiles. They can also float over a miniature EMP nuke and explode it over the US, and knock out the grid for a year, thus causing the death within a year of tens of millions. Nothing would function. But Biden says it was no big deal, so don’t worry your little heads over that."
Author, brilliant, but unknown

Instead of wasting your time posting on the internet, wouldn't it be simpler to just have

"I'm an ignorant douchebag" tattooed on your forehead?
Had nothing to do with lion’s meme.
There is absolutely nothing false or dishonest about lion’s post regardless the price of gas.

It is all wrong. Abortions are given to older women, married women and many Xtians get them. Her post was a lie from start to finish. Abortions are about jobs, schooling, and women making their own decisions. it determines future jobs and economic opportunities. Her thread is an insult to all women.
It is all wrong. Abortions are given to older women, married women and many Xtians get them. Her post was a lie from start to finish. Abortions are about jobs, schooling, and women making their own decisions. it determines future jobs and economic opportunities. Her thread is an insult to all women.

WTF does that have to do with this meme?
