I’m sorry your friend died way to young
Please don’t insult womens personalities simply because they are self assured and brilliant
We are not here just to be eye candy for men
Women are definitely not here to be eye candy for anybody.
Some of them happen to be good at it, but that's not relevant here.
More important to this discussion,
my not being particularly attracted to any woman's personality
is in no way shape or form an insult to it.
How did you arrive at that conclusion?
Have I ever said that for a personality to have value,
Nifty Niblick has to like it?
You said in an earlier post that the people whose personalities you dislike are the people that you hate,
but I never once said that about myself because it's not true.
Just for one example,
I actually liked Dubya Bush's personality a lot more than Al Gore's,
but I'd put a bullet into my own head before voting for an asshole like the former,
likable personality or not.
Sometimes two people are so completely different in the way that they view the world
that it's almost impossible for them to understand one another.
You put me in the same category as TDAK and volsrock
which in and of itself proves that you don't understand me at all.
I probably do no better trying to understand you to be fair.