When 60 minutes broadcast the Stormy Daniels interview ,

Trump did not have sex with Stormy. He says he never met her. I guess he just randomly sues women and forces them to have non disclosure agreements. I understand, I do that all the time. Don't we all do that?
I have trouble finding one now. A lot claim that they didn't vote for him, but they never seem to ever find fault with anything that he says or does. They defend him, support him, quote his nonsense, etc., but they don't admit to voting for him.

I'd be interested to see who has the guts to admit it.
Poor fool,you've OD on the Trump Kool Aid:-(
Funny part is scum bag never signed the agreement. He said I did not have sex with that women but then tried to buy her of ,then he said I didn't know anything about it and blamed it on his lawyers, then Stormy came back and said fine I'll give the money back and say what I want to say, She is making a total fool out of president scum bag.