Hoosier Daddy
Verified User
As you point out, Political Parties are changing.
Democrats DO have the Black vote.
Republicans have the Religious vote.
My view, from a political point of view, is that Republicans are 'switching' their Identity from 'representing the Wealthy' to 'representing the Working Class'.
I credit the Strategy to Trump.
In this 'Age of Automation', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Machines, and the 'Rise of Global Capitalism', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Outsourcing, Trump has positioned himself as 'Protector of the Working Class' by opposing 'Immigration of Third World Labor' to take American Jobs and drive down Wages.
This cuts through the 'Color Barrier' because Black Workers have Families to feed too.
bullshit. none of dickhead trump's policies helped the working class. what the fuck are you talking about?