As you point out, Political Parties are changing.
Democrats DO have the Black vote.
Republicans have the Religious vote.

My view, from a political point of view, is that Republicans are 'switching' their Identity from 'representing the Wealthy' to 'representing the Working Class'.
I credit the Strategy to Trump.
In this 'Age of Automation', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Machines, and the 'Rise of Global Capitalism', where the Working Class lose Jobs to Outsourcing, Trump has positioned himself as 'Protector of the Working Class' by opposing 'Immigration of Third World Labor' to take American Jobs and drive down Wages.

This cuts through the 'Color Barrier' because Black Workers have Families to feed too.

bullshit. none of dickhead trump's policies helped the working class. what the fuck are you talking about?
It is realistic to live a moral life. All whom America has celebrated in the past do not end up in the garbage dump. One of my favorite people from the Civil Rights Era was a Republican AND a conservative. Illinois Republican Senaror Everett Dirksen, who stood tall even against the times in which he lived as a moral and conscious man against the racism and hate that was rearing this nation apart. He played a critical and significant role in the passage of Civil Rights legislation and awakening the Republican Party to a new era, even as Nixon was dragging them backwards. He will always be tememnered for his courage and moral conviction Something that Republican Senators of today will not be .. and they know it which is why McConell is so conflicted. He knows that history will not be kind to his memory.

Take a guy like MLK. There's a reason we have streets, schools and a national holiday for him. He was an amazing man. Yet we also know he was human and had flaws as evident by his behavior towards women, which in today's world could get a person cancelled.

There's a reason many people hold Lincoln in such high regard. Yet he's being cancelled and his name removed from a school because of what happened to the Indians under his leadership.

Does that mean people like Lincoln and MLK didn't live moral lives because of those flaws? Curious your thoughts here.
Your people are stuck at a small 13% of the population and have been for years

They kill their babies in the womb at 6xs the rate of whites

They kill each other in the streets at MUCH higher rates than any other race

They get locked up at much higher rates than any other race

They make every city more dangerous that they are above 25% of the population

There is no safe black nation.. tourist do not visit for fear of being killed and or raped..South Sudan is great this time of year:laugh:

fuck you racist asshole. poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional parents, THAT IS WHAT LEADS TO CRIME AND DRUG ABUSE AND GANGS, not skin color. if you were not such a stupid fuck moron racist, you would see that. every black person i know soars above chickenshit racist pigs like you like an eagle soars over maggots feasting on a dead rat in the sewer. your time has come and gone, white boy bitch racist, and you are such a chickenshit and so fucking stupid you cannot handle it, so you spew your hate and racist vomit like a crackhead on too much crack. fuck you.
fuck you racist asshole. poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional parents, THAT IS WHAT LEADS TO CRIME AND DRUG ABUSE AND GANGS, not skin color.

Appalachia is the POOREST worst schools and lack of opportunity part of America ..they are not killing each other in the streets near the same rate.... Appalachia VA murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 0 per 100,000 population
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BAC: "working class people of all colors DID NOT buy into his bullshit illusion"
Jack: I guess we will have to disagree upon this point. I think the 'Working Class' (of all colors) DID buy into his rhetoric. I think that was a key demographic that gave Trump his Victory in 2016. The Rust Belt that has lost Jobs to Automation and Outsourcing threw their support behind Trump who told them what they wanted to hear, ... that he would bring their Jobs back. 4 years later, when they found out Trump was a lying sack of shit, they voted Biden, a proven Union Man.

I don’t disagree with some of what you’re saying brother. Some of it has merit for sure. But the overwhelming, overriding theme of everything trump, was reflected in his words, his policies, and his life. He was,is, and will forever be a con man, which is where your thoughts ring true. But it was a veiled con at best. The racists he was courting saw right through it, just as clearly as “Stand down and stand by”
bullshit. none of dickhead trump's policies helped the working class. what the fuck are you talking about?

:) I'm talking about his 'position' on Immigration. 'Foreigners' taking the Jobs of Americans. 'Foreigners' driving down Wages of American Workers.
Now, I know all the 'chair jockeys' here claim this is preposterous, it's 'racist', and has nothing to do with with real economics.
But, if you talk to people that work with their hands, they'll tell you a different story.

Now, I believe the REAL culprit is Automation and Outsourcing, but 'immigrant labor' effects those at he bottom rung.
Naturally, as an Elitist, the usual reply is that 'they need to be re-trained and educated'.
I don’t disagree with some of what you’re saying brother. Some of it has merit for sure. But the overwhelming, overriding theme of everything trump, was reflected in his words, his policies, and his life. He was,is, and will forever be a con man, which is where your thoughts ring true. But it was a veiled con at best. The racists he was courting saw right through it, just as clearly as “Stand down and stand by”

Yeah. Trump, a real con artist. A real lying sack of shit. He reached out to every demographic that he could. 'White Supremacists', 'Evangelicals', 'Easily Duped', and 'Working Class'.
Politically speaking, Trump's base, except the Working Class, can be ignored. But ignoring the Working Class is how Democrats LOSE Elections.

My point being, the American Working Class can't be overlooked or ignored if Democrats want to win Elections.
fuck you racist asshole. poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity, dysfunctional parents, THAT IS WHAT LEADS TO CRIME AND DRUG ABUSE AND GANGS, not skin color. if you were not such a stupid fuck moron racist, you would see that. every black person i know soars above chickenshit racist pigs like you like an eagle soars over maggots feasting on a dead rat in the sewer. your time has come and gone, white boy bitch racist, and you are such a chickenshit and so fucking stupid you cannot handle it, so you spew your hate and racist vomit like a crackhead on too much crack. fuck you.

Murder Rates

#1. St. Louis, Missouri
Murder rate per 100k people: 59.29

Number of reported murders : 188 population Black or African American 49.2%

#2. Baltimore, Maryland
Murder rate per 100k people: 55.37

Number of reported murders 344 population Black or African American (63.7%);

#3. Detroit, Michigan
Murder rate per 100k people: 43.82

Number of reported murders : 295 population Black or African American 78.3%

#4. New Orleans, Louisiana
Murder rate per 100k people: 41.68

Number of reported murders : 164 population Black or African American 59.5%

#5. Birmingham, Alabama
Murder rate per 100k people: 37.21

Number of reported murders : 79 population Black or African American 69.9%

#6. Jackson, Mississippi
Murder rate per 100k people: 31.08

Number of reported murders: 53 population Black or African American (81.8%)

Do i need to go on?
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Take a guy like MLK. There's a reason we have streets, schools and a national holiday for him. He was an amazing man. Yet we also know he was human and had flaws as evident by his behavior towards women, which in today's world could get a person cancelled.

There's a reason many people hold Lincoln in such high regard. Yet he's being cancelled and his name removed from a school because of what happened to the Indians under his leadership.

Does that mean people like Lincoln and MLK didn't live moral lives because of those flaws? Curious your thoughts here.

Even in my support for Cancel Culture, I think it sometimes goes too far, as in the case of Lincoln. However, that being said, I’m not aware of how many people of American Indian background, culture, ot conciousness populate the SF area, and the only Evil in America worse than Slavery is what this nation did to the American Indian. Even with the blood and heritage of the Oglala Indian being part of my DNA, I cannot speak or decide for them who they should or should not cancel. If you want to explore another incredibly fascinating level of untold history, delve into the history of African-Americans and the American Indian. Truly fascinating, but again, untold. Most Americans don’t know American history, or history at all? They’ve only been taught His-Story, not history, so before we decry who has been cancelled, perhaps we should refer to the history we don’t know first. Have you ever studied the history between Lincoln and the American Indian? Perhaps you should. Have you ever studied the history of the THE TRAIL OF TEARS? You really should good brother. For far too long we’ve been looking at the world though the lens of HIS-story, but that isn’t history, and history is not what Americans have been taught. Teaching HIS-story to American children, including black children would leave them wondering if Africans even existed before slavery and Tarzan, but have you ever wondered why all the noses of all the Spinx were removed? That’s called Stolen History.
Yeah. Trump, a real con artist. A real lying sack of shit. He reached out to every demographic that he could. 'White Supremacists', 'Evangelicals', 'Easily Duped', and 'Working Class'.
Politically speaking, Trump's base, except the Working Class, can be ignored. But ignoring the Working Class is how Democrats LOSE Elections.

My point being, the American Working Class can't be overlooked or ignored if Democrats want to win Elections.

I agree with that completely.
Truth. We can see this in the invective being hurled at VP Harris from the Reichwingers. They claim that her success is due to spreading her legs and to liberal white guilt, IOW, nothing she has achieved was done w/o those mythical crutches. She terrifies them as the representative of the growing power and strength of both women and of non-whites in America.

Some of us who have had working class type jobs and who were displaced by immigrant labor have a lot of resentment towards globalization and immigration. #TRE45ON played upon that even as he exploited underpaid immigrants himself, and outsourced the manufacture of his campaign crap. Racism was as you noted a big part of that. Now we have citizens of Asian ancestry being attacked by Reichwingers in some places because the #MalignantMango told them that China is the enemy, China created the pandemic.

HIS-story not only fails to tell the story on nonwhite people, but it also fails to tell the story of women beyond having babies and sex appeal. Who knew of Hedy Lamat’s Contribution to WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth?

Until the recent movie “Hidden Gems” who knew of the contributions of Black women to computing and the NASA Space program?.

Black history in America IS American history, and if you don’t know the history of BLACK WALL STREET, you don’t know American history.

Don’t know the history of The Great Indian Wars, guess what?

Donald trump, we’ve all seen this movie before.
HIS-story not only fails to tell the story on nonwhite people, but it also fails to tell the story of women beyond having babies and sex appeal. Who knew of Hedy Lamat’s Contribution to WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth?

Until the recent movie “Hidden Gems” who knew of the contributions of Black women to computing and the NASA Space program?.

Black history in America IS American history, and if you don’t know the history of BLACK WALL STREET, you don’t know American history.

Don’t know the history of The Great Indian Wars, guess what?

Donald trump, we’ve all seen this movie before.

Knowledge of history is important. My high school had a black student union and I went to a couple of meetings. I believe its where I first learned about black Wall St. I think it was listening to Chuck D and Public Enemy the first time I heard the phrase HIS-story not history.

But I don't know about knowledge of history necessarily corresponding with what political party people tend towards or how people vote.
HIS-story not only fails to tell the story on nonwhite people, but it also fails to tell the story of women beyond having babies and sex appeal. Who knew of Hedy Lamat’s Contribution to WiFi, GPS, and Bluetooth?

Until the recent movie “Hidden Gems” who knew of the contributions of Black women to computing and the NASA Space program?.

Black history in America IS American history, and if you don’t know the history of BLACK WALL STREET, you don’t know American history.

Don’t know the history of The Great Indian Wars, guess what?

Donald trump, we’ve all seen this movie before.


