No my man, I am not sure...I don't claim to be a scientist and have no medical degree....I come to my own conclusions as you do...different though they may be....
Fertilization is the process by which two gametes (reproductive cells having a single, haploid set of chromosomes) fuse to become a zygote, which develops into a new organism. Fertilization includes the union of the cytoplasm of the gametes (called plasmogamy) followed by the union of the nuclei of the two gametes (called karyogamy).
Conception (from medical definition)
is an imprecise term denoting the formation of a viable zygote.
The pertinent words being "imprecise", and "viable"....
Viable means capable of living, developing and growing, etc.
I think my logic is reasonable and sound...
A sperm penetrates an egg, starting a process (fertilization)
A viable zygote is formed (capable of living, developing, etc.)
At the moment in time that the zygote becomes viable, a human being is created and grows, develops, matures and dies....
And just for apple's information, all this has nothing to do with the abortion issue....