All your hypocritical blathering about how you value life is repugnant. You don't give a damn about the unborn. You have no objection to a woman with a faulty body deliberately murdering an innocent, defenseless human being in order to save her own life.
What about a serious medical problem? Should she be allowed to murder an innocent human being if she may partially lose her eye sight? Or is the only thing you're interested in is the perverse intrusion into woman's sex lives?
Be a man for once in your life and answer the questions. Let's see exactly where you stand or, more appropriately, where you crawl. Do you sanction the murdering of an innocent human being in order to save the life of a human being with a defective body? Do you sanction the murdering of an innocent human being in order to prevent possible severe but not deadly medical damage to a human being with a defective body?
If you possess the slightest morals and values let's see them. Let's get to the root of why you insist something that isn't a human being be classified as one and then treat it like garbage to the extent you condone murdering that so-called human being as a precaution against the possible damage to a defective human being. And precaution is all it is because few, if any, doctors can unequivocally state a pregnant woman with a defective body will die. Maybe there's a high possibility but, again, it appears you have no problem killing that innocent human being you pretend to care about.
You are, at best, a hypocrite and, at worst, a pervert and a liar.
Take your hands out of your pants, place them on your keyboard and answer the questions, you disgusting specimen of a man.
(Well, I feel better I got that off my chest.)