When Does Life End?

You are misinterpreting what it says. You are taking the term "carry on the process" and assuming it means "indefinitely carry on the process" and this is a standard that no living thing can ever achieve. If it ever WAS carrying on the process, it WAS living! That is the FACT you seem to not be able to grasp in your empty little head, and you arguing about it will never change the fact.

Indefinitely carrying on the process? Once again, what is the purpose of a fertilized cell/conception/zygote? It is to become a baby. Not remain a fertilized cell/conception/zygote indefinitely.

Just because the tissue survives for a temporary period of time does not mean it was carrying on the processes of life. Common sense tells us that if it only survived an hour or a day it most likely wasn't able to carry on the processes of life.
The only misunderstanding is on your part. Obviously the five-limbed, three-toed, two headed, mentally challenged individual was an organism capable of carrying on the processes of life. That's why it ended up being born. Those who never made it to birth were obviously not capable of carrying on the processes of life.

Is that really too tough a concept to understand?

Its like this pinhead...those that made it 1 month into development are human beings....1 month, 1 year, 1 week, 1 second....the age is irrelevant to the debate...and if they should die at any point of development it is irrelevant...and for some mysterious reason this simple bit of logical reasoning escapes you...
Viability for 8 months is no different than viability for 8 seconds....a human being is the same 1 second before birth as it is 1 second after birth...
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Indefinitely carrying on the process? Once again, what is the purpose of a fertilized cell/conception/zygote? It is to become a baby. Not remain a fertilized cell/conception/zygote indefinitely.

Just because the tissue survives for a temporary period of time does not mean it was carrying on the processes of life. Common sense tells us that if it only survived an hour or a day it most likely wasn't able to carry on the processes of life.

Once again, what is the purpose of a fertilized cell/conception/zygote?

Once again, to create life

Don't you own a dictionary?
Well, that depends. The other day I was at a restaurant and one of the patrons walked by...I mean she was to die for!

Of course, I don't mean I'd literally die for her. On the other hand I probably would have sacrificed a limb. :)

And that cements it.
Everytime Apple paints himself into a corner, he automatically begins to try and appear to be cute and cuddly.
It's not just the point of something being alive. We've been over this before. It is necessary for it to carry on the processes of life. Something with the ability to carry on the processes of life would not self-abort. It would carry on the processes of life. Again, what is the purpose of a zygote?

To grow. That is the sole purpose of a zygote. It was carrying on the processes of life.

Exactly! So this nonsense from folks on here saying unique DNA proves something is a human being is just that, nonsense. We agree.

Nobody on here has said that. They have said it makes it a human being, because it is human and "being", they have said it makes it human life.

If it was carrying on the processes of life a baby would have resulted. Just because human tissue is living does not mean the zygote is carrying on the processes of life. It could very well be carrying on partial processes, just enough to keep the tissue alive for a short period on time.

Again, life interrupted by a naturally caused death was still a life. It was carrying on the process of life until that was interrupted by the occurrence of its death. Just like you are currently carrying on the processes of life which could at any moment be interrupted by some naturally caused death.

As I've said before there is no logical reason to discount the possibility the mutations are of such a degree it is unable to carry on the processes of life. In fact, that is the reason the majority of cells/conceptions/zygotes do spontaneously abort, genetic mutation. That is stated in the links I provided.

Right, the mutation would be the natural cause of death of the human life.

Once again, it is not a point of whether it's human tissue. Of course it is. The point is it was/is not an organism capable of carrying on the processes of life and that is the qualifying factor.
Is it growing? What caused its death. The mutation is simply the natural cause that interrupted the cycles of life.

In order for it to be considered a human being it has to be an organism which means it has to be able to carry on the processes of life. If, as in the majority of cases, the genetic defects are so severe the cells/conceptions/zygotes can not carry on the processes of life it means it is not an organism which, in turn, means it is not a human being. I don't see with what you could possibly have difficulty understanding. If the genetic defects prevent the organism from carrying on the processes of life that means it's not a human being because the organism has to be able to carry on the processes of life before it can be considered a human being. How more straight forward can one say it?

Again, it was carrying on the process of life. It was simply interrupted by a natural cause of death.

Perhaps you might start by comprehending everyday English language. If an organism can not carry on the processes of life it can not be a human being. If it's inability is due to genetic mutations then genetic mutations are the reason it is not a human being. It's that simple and that conforms to scientific knowledge.

Perhaps you might, it was carrying on the processes of life, which was then interrupted by a natural cause of death.

That's where you go wrong. They were not human lives as in denoting a human being. Of course, it was human material and that material was temporarily living but there was no organism capable of carrying on life's processes. That's why a human being has to be an organism and an organism has to be able to carry on the processes of life. It's not just a case of a sperm and an egg uniting and BAM, a human being. If that was the case there would be no mention of organisms and processes of life.
Again. I haven't suggested they are a "human being", I have simply pointed out that it is human life, separate from, but dependent on, the mother.

That's fine but as you said we have to determine when something is a human being and we know it has to be an organism first and that organism has to be able to carry on the processes of life.

No, I have said "person", because different people are using different definitions of "being".

As for my views not being based on science it is the views of those who do not understand what "carrying on" means. It does not mean a living sperm and a living cell unite, even though being so genetically mutilated certain processes may continue, the product produced is unable to carry on the processes of life. Carrying on a few, temporarily, is twisting the meaning. That's where viable come in.

No, it is you who are confused as to what processes a zygote would be going through. It is a human organism once it begins to grow, we even posted a link to a scientific paper on the subject that made that clear in the definition.

You talk about me taking the extreme view. The product produced by the combining of the sperm and egg has to be able to carry on the processes of life. The normal, naturally expected process of life is for the cell/conception/embryo to produce a baby, not to wither or be absorbed or otherwise disappear in a hour or a day.

Again. It is carrying on the process of life when it begins to grow. That it may be interrupted by a naturally caused death doesn't change that.
Its like this pinhead...those that made it 1 month into development are human beings....1 month, 1 year, 1 week, 1 second....the age is irrelevant to the debate...and if they should die at any point of development it is irrelevant...and for some mysterious reason this simple bit of logical reasoning escapes you...
Viability for 8 months is no different than viability for 8 seconds....a human being is the same 1 second before birth as it is 1 second after birth...

Did you hear the joke about the two geneticists in a club?

One geneticist says to the other, "Hey, Bob. Do you know that gal sitting at the end of the bar?"

Bob asks, "You mean the blond with the low cut top?

"Yes, that one", replies the first guy.

"Sure", Bob responds. "That's C-C-A-G-A-A-C........"
Indefinitely carrying on the process? Once again, what is the purpose of a fertilized cell/conception/zygote? It is to become a baby. Not remain a fertilized cell/conception/zygote indefinitely.

Just because the tissue survives for a temporary period of time does not mean it was carrying on the processes of life. Common sense tells us that if it only survived an hour or a day it most likely wasn't able to carry on the processes of life.

It's purpose is to advance the the next stage of human development. What is the purpose of a teenager? To grow to be an adult! A zygote is no different, it is a human being at the earliest stage of development, it is living, it is an organism, it will eventually mature into a fetus and then into an infant... adolescent... adult... geriatric adult... etc., providing something doesn't happen to extinguish the life process along the way. When that does eventually happen (and it will in ALL cases) it doesn't alter or change what the life was! At that point, it is no longer a living human organism, it is dead, but that doesn't mean that it never lived!

If the "tissue" was a living organism in the process of living, it was human life, it can't be anything else! If it dies, it was a human life that expired... just like human life expires everyday, and just like every human life will eventually do, without exception. Your argument is, since it died, it can't be called life, and that is true AFTER it is dead! Before it died, it WAS ALIVE, it is illogical to say it was not alive, and then it died! That defies rational logic, do you really not understand this? Are you really that stupid?
Yep... I am beginning to think he's retarded. Seriously! Severely and profoundly retarded! It's the only rational explanation I can come up with for the behavior.
You have more patience than I my friend. I gave up on the little dweeb days ago. He can't be taught.
If the "tissue" was a living organism in the process of living, it was human life, it can't be anything else!

IF That's the key word. If the tissue was carrying on the processes of life we could then conclude it was an organism but let's look at the statistics.

One study I noted showed a 69% self-abortion rate. Other studies put it at 50%. So, there are two possible conclusions one can draw. Either approximately half of all fertilized cells/conceptions/zygotes are not organisms, meaning they can not carry on the processes of life, or there is some "uterine plague" that kills them. What is the most logical conclusion?

Just because they survive for a hour or a day does not mean they carried on the processes of life. It does not mean they were fine and then suddenly struck with a calamity. The logical conclusion is they were never able to carry on the processes of life and, thus, slowly expired.


It's purpose is to advance the the next stage of human development. What is the purpose of a teenager? To grow to be an adult! A zygote is no different, it is a human being at the earliest stage of development, it is living, it is an organism, it will eventually mature into a fetus and then into an infant... adolescent... adult... geriatric adult... etc., providing something doesn't happen to extinguish the life process along the way. When that does eventually happen (and it will in ALL cases) it doesn't alter or change what the life was! At that point, it is no longer a living human organism, it is dead, but that doesn't mean that it never lived!

If the "tissue" was a living organism in the process of living, it was human life, it can't be anything else! If it dies, it was a human life that expired... just like human life expires everyday, and just like every human life will eventually do, without exception. Your argument is, since it died, it can't be called life, and that is true AFTER it is dead! Before it died, it WAS ALIVE, it is illogical to say it was not alive, and then it died! That defies rational logic, do you really not understand this? Are you really that stupid?
Yep... I am beginning to think he's retarded. Seriously! Severely and profoundly retarded! It's the only rational explanation I can come up with for the behavior.

And your argument is all the fertilized cells/conceptions/zygotes that live for an hour or a day were all fully functioning organisms capable of carrying on the processes of life. Sure, that makes sense. :palm: