I have been advised that the morning after pill is not an abortificant.....that if pregnancy has in fact taken place it has no effect.....I would be opposed to any medication that would in fact cause an abortion......please specify to which you are referring.....
(Excerpt)The morning after pill does two things. It works to prevent an egg from being released from the ovary and it makes bio-chemical changes to the womb so that any fertilized blastocyst cannot implant and become an embryo.
Pregnancy, so you know, is medically defined as when a blastocyst implants into the womb. So, if you have moral reasons for not wanting to harm blastocysts, this might still be an ethical problem for you. But MEDICALLY speaking, a morning after pill does not interrupt a pregnancy - it only prevents one.(End)
So, we have a fertilized cell which has divided/multiplied to many cells, however, it's still not considered a pregnancy.
"The blastocyst is a structure formed in the early embryogenesis of mammals, after the formation of the morula, but before implantation.....The human blastocyst comprises 70-100 cells."(Wikipedia)
The prevention (aka:death) of a fertilized cell containing up to a hundred cells implanting is not considered interfering in a pregnancy, medically speaking.
I would say that means there is no human being there unless one feels there can be a human being without having a pregnancy.
To be honest I intend to take a break here. I understand Damocles and Bravo to be saying they agree there is no human being or human life until a cell splits. In other words there are no human beings blinking in and out of existence for nano-seconds like popping in from another universe as some have opined on here. That was the case I wanted to make and I feel we're all in agreement.
It was a long and arduous road we all traveled and I'm sure you understand my reluctance to jump into another debate at this time.
On the other hand maybe a nap with my cats will refresh so I look forward to your feedback on the definitions I posted as to whether you feel deep-sixing a 100-cell blastocyst is an abortion and/or the taking of a human life.