Into the Night
Verified User
And you presently hold the title as JPPs biggest bandwidth waster.
No bandwidth, ya dumb mutt.
And you presently hold the title as JPPs biggest bandwidth waster.
Nah. That would be someone like evince or guno. There's plenty of others too. There's one thing that they all have in common. I wonder if you can figure it out...
Pretty much everything that liberals do is out of fear, and if something is wrong in their lives, it is always the fault of "MAGA Republicans". Yes, even THE WEATHER is the fault of "MAGA Republicans"...
No wonder they are such miserable people...
He weaponized the IRS making them audit people he described as enemies.
Yup, that's a good example of the weather being blamed on "MAGA Republicans". And that's straight from the horse face's mouth...Hillary Clinton blames 'MAGA Republicans' for making it hot outside
"Hot enough for you? Thank a MAGA Republican. Or better yet, vote them out of office," Clinton tweeted Tuesday.