When should Kids Learn about Sex?

Are these the same schools already failing to teach every other subject, peoplez?

Yeah, that's a problem. They really need the time for reading and math, especially in the lower grades. Our public schools don't try to take over the parents role, they give practical lessons for the younger kids.

The most successful integration of 'life experiences' to be applied across grades tends to happen in gym periods. In our area, which I concede is rich in resources for enrichment, integrated into the K-5 programs are nutrition and sex education, which actually cross over. The police department sends their juvenile officer over to do a 'keep safe' program for K-2. It's basically a 'stranger danger' and 'if you feel 'funny', get away and tell,' type of program. They also go over bicycle rules and how to get help. They spend quite a lot of time on the 'tricks' bad people use to get kids they want to hurt. The address, gently, that family members/friends might hurt them and it's OK to tell. It's not scary, though probably would be to parents. The kids seem to come out of it feeling stronger. The community hospital sends over a nutritionist to explain why healthy food builds strong bodies and minds. Taste is also addressed. Samples provided. K-3 programs happen for 1 day, 6 times over the course of a year. 4-5 grades take 1 full week of gym periods, 3 additional days through the year.

6-8 the schools address in the science classes. I'm not sure why the Middle schools chose this, other than the gym teachers aren't part of the 'team,' as they teach all grades. Again the focus is building on what they learned previously regarding nutrition, exercise, and their bodies. Sex is approached from more than a gender specific approach. By 6th grade, nearly all girls have hit puberty and most of the boys have begun. The 'courses' in science run about 3 weeks, during that time the language arts teachers incorporate novels and writings they think appropriate. (I've seen some very good choices and some really awful ones.)

The emphasis in lower grades is caring for one's body. Much of the curriculum and the age appropriate materials and some of the presentations are given through The Robert Crown Center.

grades 3-8

High school uses 2 semesters, one freshman year, the other sophomore year. Depending on the students schedule, one year is health, the other is sex and relationships.
Yeah, that's a problem. They really need the time for reading and math, especially in the lower grades. Our public schools don't try to take over the parents role, they give practical lessons for the younger kids.

The most successful integration of 'life experiences' to be applied across grades tends to happen in gym periods. In our area, which I concede is rich in resources for enrichment, integrated into the K-5 programs are nutrition and sex education, which actually cross over. The police department sends their juvenile officer over to do a 'keep safe' program for K-2. It's basically a 'stranger danger' and 'if you feel 'funny', get away and tell,' type of program. They also go over bicycle rules and how to get help. They spend quite a lot of time on the 'tricks' bad people use to get kids they want to hurt. The address, gently, that family members/friends might hurt them and it's OK to tell. It's not scary, though probably would be to parents. The kids seem to come out of it feeling stronger. The community hospital sends over a nutritionist to explain why healthy food builds strong bodies and minds. Taste is also addressed. Samples provided. K-3 programs happen for 1 day, 6 times over the course of a year. 4-5 grades take 1 full week of gym periods, 3 additional days through the year.

6-8 the schools address in the science classes. I'm not sure why the Middle schools chose this, other than the gym teachers aren't part of the 'team,' as they teach all grades. Again the focus is building on what they learned previously regarding nutrition, exercise, and their bodies. Sex is approached from more than a gender specific approach. By 6th grade, nearly all girls have hit puberty and most of the boys have begun. The 'courses' in science run about 3 weeks, during that time the language arts teachers incorporate novels and writings they think appropriate. (I've seen some very good choices and some really awful ones.)

The emphasis in lower grades is caring for one's body. Much of the curriculum and the age appropriate materials and some of the presentations are given through The Robert Crown Center.

grades 3-8

High school uses 2 semesters, one freshman year, the other sophomore year. Depending on the students schedule, one year is health, the other is sex and relationships.

Isn't that exactly what the OP was talking about? The things that are happening in your resource rich school district?
Isn't that exactly what the OP was talking about? The things that are happening in your resource rich school district?

Not necessarily. Other districts seem to find they have an 'obligation' to teaching alternative families and such. What I was addressing, at least in my own mind, was 'age appropriateness.' Granted some 1st grader might have a parent that will later 'come out', but unlikely. Even so, that parent that time, is providing a safe harbor, so why upset the boat?

I failed to mention 'abstinence' brought up in 6-12 curriculum. The mention I know of is regarding complete safety of body and preventing pregnancy. I personally think from what I've seen, and taught, (as substitute with a lesson plan with guided lesson), less emphasis is given than may be warranted, but it's what is presented.

In the programs I've described, 5 districts I know of, not one, if a child brought up 2 mommies or daddies at early age, it would be addressed. I don't know if to whole group or the child, but the child's questions would not be ignored. A few examples of problems with sex ed in various areas:



They have access to vouchers (unless liberals under the sway of the teacher's unions have taken that option away from them), don't they?

They have vouchers for child care now? Wow....sounds like something a liberal would propose. Re-read the interchange that you are so woefully butchering.,
Not necessarily. Other districts seem to find they have an 'obligation' to teaching alternative families and such. What I was addressing, at least in my own mind, was 'age appropriateness.' Granted some 1st grader might have a parent that will later 'come out', but unlikely. Even so, that parent that time, is providing a safe harbor, so why upset the boat?

I failed to mention 'abstinence' brought up in 6-12 curriculum. The mention I know of is regarding complete safety of body and preventing pregnancy. I personally think from what I've seen, and taught, (as substitute with a lesson plan with guided lesson), less emphasis is given than may be warranted, but it's what is presented.

In the programs I've described, 5 districts I know of, not one, if a child brought up 2 mommies or daddies at early age, it would be addressed. I don't know if to whole group or the child, but the child's questions would not be ignored. A few examples of problems with sex ed in various areas:




I think every program teaches abstinence. The issue is the idiocy of abstinence only sex ed.

No, I don't think 1st graders should be exposed to alternate families. But 6-12th graders should. Gays are part of our country and our fellow citizens and brethren....if we are to prepare our youth for life outside of the walls of schools...we need to teach them that gays are part of our country.
They have vouchers for child care now? Wow....sounds like something a liberal would propose. Re-read the interchange that you are so woefully butchering.,

Yep. Many parents whose children attend charter schools have access to before and after-school programs they may not otherwise be able to afford.



5 year old children in our area are very likely to know where farm animals come from. Shoot, some of them are already learning to breed rabbits for meat, etc. Would it offend you to know that when showing rabbits you are breeding for food or show, even a child of 5 will know what a penis is, and whether it is a split penis?

No. I have no issue with the identification of the parts. My father sat me down with my mum when I had a 'snake dream'.

I frankly don't think sex education is a school or government responsibility. In addition I don't want the state telling my child (as yet unborn) what is and is not acceptable.

The rabbit example you gave is a perfect example of practical knowledge that will benefit the child. It performs a function.
They have vouchers for child care now? Wow....sounds like something a liberal would propose. Re-read the interchange that you are so woefully butchering.,

I addressed the child care earlier, you didn't respond to that.
I think every program teaches abstinence. The issue is the idiocy of abstinence only sex ed.

No, I don't think 1st graders should be exposed to alternate families. But 6-12th graders should. Gays are part of our country and our fellow citizens and brethren....if we are to prepare our youth for life outside of the walls of schools...we need to teach them that gays are part of our country.

Can you give me a link to a public school site that teaches 'abstinence only?' I'm not anti-gay, just not promoting it. Seems some are, in curriculum for much younger than 6th grade. It shouldn't be taught as an 'alternative' but as something that some folks are doing. (Less than 3%).

Sort of related. A friend and former colleague called me last night to say she ran into one of our former students, the youngest of 3. Seems her brother was in rehab, after 'coming out.' Not so funny, at 5 he was flamming, by 3rd grade was over the top. By the time I had him in 6-8, he was very into drama club and history and close to me. He was also 'dating girls.' He was also every girls 'best friend.' The epitome of how many gays are born that way. I never doubted that. Seems he did. He fought it through high school, no surprise being the 'boyfriend' to many hot girls. Like Howey, he knows what to say to the ladies. ;)

I may be 'conservative,' but I'm far from an idiot. While I believe our recent culture can confuse some into bi or homo, won't be for long, if genetics are as strong as they appear.

Anyways, besides this sad story of her brother being in treatment for addiction, she also said to my friend that her older sister, was dating a black guy. So 'she', the one speaking, was the 'good kid.'

Wow! I'd had all 3 from 6-8, the oldest is now 23. All good kids, the first high average, but highly competitive; the boy was smart, but confused. He shined in my classes, but flamed and burned in others. The last, not so bright, but personable.

My friend was like, "Wow! I'm glad you liked 3rd grade, but your brother is in rehab and in pain and your point is that you are now the favored child?" Well, like, "Yeah,"

Truth is, she had been ignored. Not high nor very low. Her sister had been in a class of near geniuses. Seriously, the most skewed class I ever had or have heard of. She was near bottom of class. Somehow she managed a full ride scholarship to U of I Champaign. Not so low.

The brother was high average, but obviously had issues. He held lead in nearly all high school plays. No surprise there, as drama was his forte.
Can you give me a link to a public school site that teaches 'abstinence only?' I'm not anti-gay, just not promoting it. Seems some are, in curriculum for much younger than 6th grade. It shouldn't be taught as an 'alternative' but as something that some folks are doing. (Less than 3%).

Sort of related. A friend and former colleague called me last night to say she ran into one of our former students, the youngest of 3. Seems her brother was in rehab, after 'coming out.' Not so funny, at 5 he was flamming, by 3rd grade was over the top. By the time I had him in 6-8, he was very into drama club and history and close to me. He was also 'dating girls.' He was also every girls 'best friend.' The epitome of how many gays are born that way. I never doubted that. Seems he did. He fought it through high school, no surprise being the 'boyfriend' to many hot girls. Like Howey, he knows what to say to the ladies. ;)

I may be 'conservative,' but I'm far from an idiot. While I believe our recent culture can confuse some into bi or homo, won't be for long, if genetics are as strong as they appear.

Anyways, besides this sad story of her brother being in treatment for addiction, she also said to my friend that her older sister, was dating a black guy. So 'she', the one speaking, was the 'good kid.'

Wow! I'd had all 3 from 6-8, the oldest is now 23. All good kids, the first high average, but highly competitive; the boy was smart, but confused. He shined in my classes, but flamed and burned in others. The last, not so bright, but personable.

My friend was like, "Wow! I'm glad you liked 3rd grade, but your brother is in rehab and in pain and your point is that you are now the favored child?" Well, like, "Yeah,"

Truth is, she had been ignored. Not high nor very low. Her sister had been in a class of near geniuses. Seriously, the most skewed class I ever had or have heard of. She was near bottom of class. Somehow she managed a full ride scholarship to U of I Champaign. Not so low.

The brother was high average, but obviously had issues. He held lead in nearly all high school plays. No surprise there, as drama was his forte.



That's a shame about the brother...my daughter had a friend who was probably struggling with his sexuality. She told me he was very feminine...but still maintained kind a sexually "neutral" stance(we are talking 10th grade). Anyway...he was so picked.on and bullied for his feminine demeanor, that he walked 10 miles to the nearest highway(we live in a rural area) and jumped out in front of an 18 wheeler....it was just so messed up.
No. I have no issue with the identification of the parts. My father sat me down with my mum when I had a 'snake dream'.

I frankly don't think sex education is a school or government responsibility. In addition I don't want the state telling my child (as yet unborn) what is and is not acceptable.

The rabbit example you gave is a perfect example of practical knowledge that will benefit the child. It performs a function.

So, you're not against age appropriate knowledge? Would it surprise you to know that my daughter, by age 5, bred her rabbit, knew what sperm was and how the rabbit babies were made and was able to associate it to her own creation?


That's a shame about the brother...my daughter had a friend who was probably struggling with his sexuality. She told me he was very feminine...but still maintained kind a sexually "neutral" stance(we are talking 10th grade). Anyway...he was so picked.on and bullied for his feminine demeanor, that he walked 10 miles to the nearest highway(we live in a rural area) and jumped out in front of an 18 wheeler....it was just so messed up.

Yep. I feel that. I do believe that there are many 'born' gay, not doubt in my mind regarding genetics. On the other hand, a rather recent development over the past 25 years or so, are those identified as 'gender identified.' These aren't 'in the closet' or trying to cross the bridge, nope, they are attacking both the straights 'with values' and the gays. They are those that 'out' those that don't want to be. They are haters of all.
So, you're not against age appropriate knowledge? Would it surprise you to know that my daughter, by age 5, bred her rabbit, knew what sperm was and how the rabbit babies were made and was able to associate it to her own creation?

So what you are saying is that all Americans should breed animals for examples of sexuality?
Yep. I feel that. I do believe that there are many 'born' gay, not doubt in my mind regarding genetics. On the other hand, a rather recent development over the past 25 years or so, are those identified as 'gender identified.' These aren't 'in the closet' or trying to cross the bridge, nope, they are attacking both the straights 'with values' and the gays. They are those that 'out' those that don't want to be. They are haters of all.

The world would be a much better place if we'd learn to live and let live, and focus on our common bonds as human beings, rather than our differences.
So, you're not against age appropriate knowledge?
So long as we defined it, and it wasn't wacky crazy porn time at the schools. No lewd pictures and whatnot.

Would it surprise you to know that my daughter, by age 5, bred her rabbit, knew what sperm was and how the rabbit babies were made and was able to associate it to her own creation?

Why would it? children are quite smart and responsible when treated with respect. I had an 8 year old tell me about the Doppler effect and a few simple applications.
But did she learn her .husbandry at school? And does the education extend to her own sexuality?

An animal's life cycle is something I think was covered in science classes with no emphasis on sexuality. One of the reasons the internet finds animal sex .gifs so funny.
So long as we defined it, and it wasn't wacky crazy porn time at the schools. No lewd pictures and whatnot.

Why would it? children are quite smart and responsible when treated with respect. I had an 8 year old tell me about the Doppler effect and a few simple applications.
But did she learn her .husbandry at school? And does the education extend to her own sexuality?

An animal's life cycle is something I think was covered in science classes with no emphasis on sexuality. One of the reasons the internet finds animal sex .gifs so funny.

So what you are saying is that all Americans should breed animals for examples of sexuality?
Real ones? Poor use of resources. Tomagatchi style digital ones? No worse than anything else they do on computers. But I think learning about four legged reproduction is a lot different than learning about human missionary-position sex. Lets stick to quadrupeds until puberty?