Not So Junior Member
Are these the same schools already failing to teach every other subject, peoplez?
Yeah, that's a problem. They really need the time for reading and math, especially in the lower grades. Our public schools don't try to take over the parents role, they give practical lessons for the younger kids.
The most successful integration of 'life experiences' to be applied across grades tends to happen in gym periods. In our area, which I concede is rich in resources for enrichment, integrated into the K-5 programs are nutrition and sex education, which actually cross over. The police department sends their juvenile officer over to do a 'keep safe' program for K-2. It's basically a 'stranger danger' and 'if you feel 'funny', get away and tell,' type of program. They also go over bicycle rules and how to get help. They spend quite a lot of time on the 'tricks' bad people use to get kids they want to hurt. The address, gently, that family members/friends might hurt them and it's OK to tell. It's not scary, though probably would be to parents. The kids seem to come out of it feeling stronger. The community hospital sends over a nutritionist to explain why healthy food builds strong bodies and minds. Taste is also addressed. Samples provided. K-3 programs happen for 1 day, 6 times over the course of a year. 4-5 grades take 1 full week of gym periods, 3 additional days through the year.
6-8 the schools address in the science classes. I'm not sure why the Middle schools chose this, other than the gym teachers aren't part of the 'team,' as they teach all grades. Again the focus is building on what they learned previously regarding nutrition, exercise, and their bodies. Sex is approached from more than a gender specific approach. By 6th grade, nearly all girls have hit puberty and most of the boys have begun. The 'courses' in science run about 3 weeks, during that time the language arts teachers incorporate novels and writings they think appropriate. (I've seen some very good choices and some really awful ones.)
The emphasis in lower grades is caring for one's body. Much of the curriculum and the age appropriate materials and some of the presentations are given through The Robert Crown Center.
grades 3-8
High school uses 2 semesters, one freshman year, the other sophomore year. Depending on the students schedule, one year is health, the other is sex and relationships.