When the Levees Broke


The Spike Lee documentary about Katrina and aftermath on HBO. Did anyone else see it? I watched all four "acts" -- which were actually in two parts: go figure -- except for those portions I couldn't watch. There were a few of those.

Spike Lee rules. He had a definite thesis and agenda, which some will call bias. That's fair: it is, in the literal sense. But he supported his thesis strongly with both logos and pathos. And, oh, was it well done.

See it if you haven't.
The Spike Lee documentary about Katrina and aftermath on HBO. Did anyone else see it? I watched all four "acts" -- which were actually in two parts: go figure -- except for those portions I couldn't watch. There were a few of those.

Spike Lee rules. He had a definite thesis and agenda, which some will call bias. That's fair: it is, in the literal sense. But he supported his thesis strongly with both logos and pathos. And, oh, was it well done.

See it if you haven't.

I don't have HBO because I never watched anything on it when I did have it, and yes, that includes The Sopranos and Sex and the City, neither of which captured my interest. So then they go and do something like this and now I'm cursing that I don't have it. But, I figure they will release this on dvd, and probably soon. It will be Costco by the holidays is my guess. I'll defintely buy it as soon as it hits the stores. I can't wait to see it actually.
I don't have HBO because I never watched anything on it when I did have it, and yes, that includes The Sopranos and Sex and the City, neither of which captured my interest. So then they go and do something like this and now I'm cursing that I don't have it. But, I figure they will release this on dvd, and probably soon. It will be Costco by the holidays is my guess. I'll defintely buy it as soon as it hits the stores. I can't wait to see it actually.
You mean, you actually have . . . cable without HBO??!? Isn't that kind of like frosting with no cake?

Yeah, it will be out on DVD soon. Buy it or get it from Netflix. It's extremely well done. As is typical with Spike Lee's work, it's not hard to watch at all. Just when it starts to get too depressing and gruesome, he can deftly lighten the mood just enough to get you by.

Possibly my favorite bit was the emergency room doctor telling Dick Cheney "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney!" in front of all the network TV cameras. ;)
You mean, you actually have . . . cable without HBO??!? Isn't that kind of like frosting with no cake?

Yeah, it will be out on DVD soon. Buy it or get it from Netflix. It's extremely well done. As is typical with Spike Lee's work, it's not hard to watch at all. Just when it starts to get too depressing and gruesome, he can deftly lighten the mood just enough to get you by.

Possibly my favorite bit was the emergency room doctor telling Dick Cheney "Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney!" in front of all the network TV cameras. ;)

Yeah, that was on television, bleeped out, but you got the message. I didn't know he was an emergency room doctor. Great for him.

I'll buy it. One habit that Prak got me into is buying dvds, and now I have a whole bunch of them.
Yeah, that was on television, bleeped out, but you got the message. I didn't know he was an emergency room doctor. Great for him.

I'll buy it. One habit that Prak got me into is buying dvds, and now I have a whole bunch of them.
Yes, well, with this you get to see the context. And no bleeping, of course. It all makes more sense when you see what this guy, and everyone in his neighborhood, had been putting up with.
Satellite here, but can't see paying for HBO. No cable here in the sticks.
That's probably wise, but I find that I watch HBO more than anything else on TV. Except maybe the Discovery channels. All of my favorite shows are on HBO and when I'm not watching those, it's the movies.
My girls love watching football with me. At least they pretend to and later will when they really understand the game.
It's because we are all heartless and stuff and expect people to take some responsibility for their poor choices at an individual level.
It's because we are all heartless and stuff and expect people to take some responsibility for their poor choices at an individual level.

have you even SEEN the show? Or do you think that we just love to read your witticisms when you really have little to add?
of course you can....

I have a great idea: why don't you start a "joke with Grind" thread and let folks talk about the Spike Lee documentary on THIS one???