I don’t think that is possible anymore. I’ve seen the fire in the belly be lit in my own kids who weren’t interested in politics before. I think there is going to be real change with these new politicians that are being elected. There are so many women running for local offices, it’s very encouraging to me. Change is coming.

That could very well be. I've read where the Millennials, despite all the shade I like throwing at them, could become "the Greatest Generation" of this century.

Adversity breeds good character and they are definitely facing adversity; growing up on a world of domestic and foreign terrorism, an outrageous amount of national debt, a failing economy, lousy and selfish national leadership and now a pandemic which has a good chance of affecting every family in America.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Only based on the past two Republican Presidents. :tongout:

My concern is that, once Democrats have full control of the government then they'l spend more time keeping it that way than in fixing the problems of America.

Republicans have had a way of leaving things such a mess that Democrats are hard pressed to do much more than correct all the issues. The succeeding campaign then features Republicans attributing the economic difficulties to Democrats, which their followers lap up like kittens at milk. Then Republicans run the debt up and lower taxes so much the revenue doesn't cover their spending. It's not sustainable. We have to get out of this loop.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Republicans have had a way of leaving things such a mess that Democrats are hard pressed to do much more than correct all the issues. The succeeding campaign then features Republicans attributing the economic difficulties to Democrats, which their followers lap up like kittens at milk. Then Republicans run the debt up and lower taxes so much the revenue doesn't cover their spending. It's not sustainable. We have to get out of this loop.

Sorry man, but disagreed. Obviously the goals of each party have been different. This has been a debate since Jefferson and Hamilton.
That could very well be. I've read where the Millennials, despite all the shade I like throwing at them, could become "the Greatest Generation" of this century.

Adversity breeds good character and they are definitely facing adversity; growing up on a world of domestic and foreign terrorism, an outrageous amount of national debt, a failing economy, lousy and selfish national leadership and now a pandemic which has a good chance of affecting every family in America.
They do have a lot of obstacles to overcome, like my mom and dad. I think of all the changes they experienced. I hope the Millennials have the same heart and will as that generation.
Trump will claim 'Rigged Election', then leave proclaiming he was 'The Best President in the History of America'.
He will then begin building The Trump Luxury Resort and Golf Complex in Moscow, as previously agreed to.

Probably one in North Korea as well.
tRump will claim that he NEVER wanted the job to begin with and that he ONLY did it out of his patriotism and loyalty to the country.

Coincidentally, that would be the same patriotism that got him five fraudulent medical deferments that kept him out of Vietnam.
The 'boneheads" that actually believe that the presidency has cost tRump money are hilariously stupid. When it is all said and done, tRump will have profited immensely from his time in office.
They do have a lot of obstacles to overcome, like my mom and dad. I think of all the changes they experienced. I hope the Millennials have the same heart and will as that generation.

I have strong faith in the human spirit. It doesn't always show itself, and too often we tend to focus on the negatives in the news and not the good works being daily by good people, but I'm confident it is there.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It would disappoint if you agreed. I rely on you for your own view.

Thank you and vice-versa. I strongly believe our nation is best served by having a balanced government. Whenever it's not, then things turn to shit.
I tend to agree here, but not because of anything Trump says or does. Like 2016 where Democrats held their nose and voted for Hillary despite her corruption, Republicans will do the same because this is also about the "D" and the "R". Who really wants a Democrat (or Republican) WH, Senate and House? One party in full control of the US government is always bad.

That about nails it
He will be remembered as having left the Republic in MUCH, MUCH, MUCH worse shape than when he took over the office.

He is an abomination, Hawk.

Trump has had far more success's than obama all while being the most attacked president in my lifetime. He has democrats lying and raging daily about him, he has the entire liberal media.

Democrats are in denial, the deny that a coup against trump initiated by obama ever existed and the proof is right there for you to read.

I will vote for trump, because I refuse to empower an AOC. Talib. Ilmar Omar and a whole host of raging screwballs
I refuse to vote for a proven liar that has lied incessantly for decades and is now 3/4s braindead. I refuse to vote for anyone who is for socializing medicare and im against illegal immigration, im against transexuals in womens bathrooms with young girls...Im against the cancel culture, im against the destruction of our history and I will not be intimadated or denigrated because im a white male....

There is no way I cant vote for a democrat. To me voting democrat is a vote against my kids and my grandkids
Trump has had far more success's than obama all while being the most attacked president in my lifetime. He has democrats lying and raging daily about him, he has the entire liberal media.

Democrats are in denial, the deny that a coup against trump initiated by obama ever existed and the proof is right there for you to read.

I will vote for trump, because I refuse to empower an AOC. Talib. Ilmar Omar and a whole host of raging screwballs
I refuse to vote for a proven liar that has lied incessantly for decades and is now 3/4s braindead. I refuse to vote for anyone who is for socializing medicare and im against illegal immigration, im against transexuals in womens bathrooms with young girls...Im against the cancel culture, im against the destruction of our history and I will not be intimadated or denigrated because im a white male....

There is no way I cant vote for a democrat. To me voting democrat is a vote against my kids and my grandkids

Did you escape...or did they mistakenly release you?
Well you know Frank he gave up six of his last years for America, as well as a shit ton of his wealth, he put a lot of stress on his kids, he messed up his wifes life, and along the way Trump found out that America is far further down the drain than had ever imagined......which is really fucking depressing.....

I figure that he will go to Florida and party and try to get book done before he dies and call it good.

He did his part, most Americans have not done theirs.

What will come will come.

He will be dead.


…my guess is he will claim that he did not want to win, but was always aiming at going back to private life to make more money and play more golf…things he will claim he has had to curtail severely by taking on the job of being president. He will proclaim that his “generosity to the people” by being their leader had to end because of the unrelenting unfairness of the “liberal media” and the stupidity of the ignorant left.

He will almost surely claim he was hounded from office by an ungrateful, vocal minority that simply refused to acknowledge the “greatness” he brought to the position.

His supporters will wholeheartedly buy into that narrative…and the rest of us will see it for the claptrap it is.

He will then put on that usual look of disdain for the common masses that cause him to seem a caricature of Benito Mussolini…and pretend to stalk from the world’s stage. Then he will Twitter this country into as much turmoil as possible until he finally “leaves the building” the way each of us will one day.

Saved. TAKE THE BET!!! https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...berals-are-strongly-encouraged-to-participate
Frank, I hope that you're right, because, I can see Trump not accepting losing and inciting his fanatical base to riot, and causing numerous other problems.

I can see four more years of shrill lying leftist dunces like you crying. ;)

[ struhm-pit ]
a prostitute; harlot.
Trump will claim 'Rigged Election', then leave proclaiming he was 'The Best President in the History of America'.
He will then begin building The Trump Luxury Resort and Golf Complex in Moscow, as previously agreed to.

You'll be wrong as usual JackOFF; but you'll still be here removing any doubt what a low IQ dumbass you are. ;)