When Will Biden Concede?


Verified User
ANSWER: The night before the Supreme Court is scheduled to announces a ruling that is 9 to 0 for Trump. Biden will be told that the court will never release its ruling if he concedes. That is a well-intended conspiracy by any definition.

NOTE: I cannot believe that the High Court will deny all of the evidence piling up and elect Joe Biden.



Liberal associate justices on the court will have to take up residence in Never-neverland if they vote against the facts that a vast majority of Americans already know.

Biden is not a pragmatist. Nobody who lies as much as Biden lies can be a pragmatist. Biden is a fanatic. Knowing the theft fell apart Biden will take the deal in order to save the gains his party made since the LBJ years.

By conceding, Biden can also save his legacy such as it is, as well as keeping the Democrat Party’s policies alive.

A gracious concession offers Biden a chance to do right thing for the good of the country. An undeniable defeat, instead of a ‘patriotic’ concession, will leave the Democrat Party’s media no choice but refuse to cover the ranting of a defeated crook.

Basically, Biden railing against a proven defeat will not be treated as kindly as Hillary Clinton was after she quickly conceded in 2016.

Adding insult to injury, Biden will not have the myth of winning the popular vote when the court rules against a crooked election. The entire theft was predicated on Biden winning the popular vote. The court’s ruling emphatically affirms that Trump won the popular vote, and did so with a landslide victory.

Biden will thank his supporters and claim they were overly zealous on his behalf, blah, blah, blah.

Once Biden gets the hang of magnanimity he will ask his supporters to remain calm and start rebuilding for 2022 and 2024. Concession today will give Democrats an unquestioned victory tomorrow. After all, Biden truly believes that the American people yearn for the Democrat Party’s policies implemented on a level playing field.

Finally, in a topic very much connected to the events leading up to November 3, 2020 I regret that I never thought about this until this morning:

I suggest that the families of people who died in the past five months of an illness in a hospital, or at home, send original copies of their death certificates to the White House. Lets find out exactly how many of the 220 reported coronavirus thousand deaths were actually caused by coronavirus —— or were caused by cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, old age, etc.

Please see this thread:

NOTE: I cannot believe that the High Court will deny all of the evidence piling up and elect Joe Biden.

If Trump and Biden were playing a hand of poker it would come down to FOX trying to bully Sydney Powell into showing her cards so Biden’s lawyers can steal the pot just like he is trying to steal the election:

Fox News top star Tucker Carlson allowed his own overblown ego to run away with him last night, all because Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell refused to share vote fraud evidence with him giving Fox the exclusive last week.

Carlson attacked Powell with the proverbial ‘Royal We’ in a style so aggressive that there are some who would now exchange the first letter of his first name with an ‘F’, dubbing him as F—-er Fox, or ‘FF’ for short.

“We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing,” was his loudest lament.(Fox News, Nov., 19, 2020)

Tucker Carlson Uses Fox ‘Royal We’ To Smear Sidney Powell
By Judi McLeod
November 20, 2020


NOTE: I never heard any Democrat mouth say ‘constitutional crises’ the way they bandied it about when Nixon engaging in political dirty tricks was the only thing he was guilty of.

Incidentally, if you believe that more Americans voted for Biden in this year’s election than they voted for Obama in each of his two elections, you must also believe that Biden on the ticket won those elections for Obama. Put it another way. Logically, Obama might have lost without Biden.

The thought of Obama winning because of Biden is ludicrous, especially when you remember how rank & file Democrats shuddered and bit their tongues when Obama named Biden as his choice for vice president.

In fact, Obama is a stupid man who shot one angle —— he sold himself as a spiritual leader —— but he had to be a complete idiot to pick Biden. Remember that Biden could not pull 1 percent of the votes during the campaign for the nomination. Something else had to be at play among Democrat Party decision makers in 2008.
ANSWER: The night before the Supreme Court is scheduled to announces a ruling that is 9 to 0 for Trump. Biden will be told that the court will never release its ruling if he concedes. That is a well-intended conspiracy by any definition.

NOTE: I cannot believe that the High Court will deny all of the evidence piling up and elect Joe Biden.

Liberal associate justices on the court will have to take up residence in Never-neverland if they vote against the facts that a vast majority of Americans already know.

Biden is not a pragmatist. Nobody who lies as much as Biden lies can be a pragmatist. Biden is a fanatic. Knowing the theft fell apart Biden will take the deal in order to save the gains his party made since the LBJ years.

By conceding, Biden can also save his legacy such as it is, as well as keeping the Democrat Party’s policies alive.

A gracious concession offers Biden a chance to do right thing for the good of the country. An undeniable defeat, instead of a ‘patriotic’ concession, will leave the Democrat Party’s media no choice but refuse to cover the ranting of a defeated crook.

Basically, Biden railing against a proven defeat will not be treated as kindly as Hillary Clinton was after she quickly conceded in 2016.

Adding insult to injury, Biden will not have the myth of winning the popular vote when the court rules against a crooked election. The entire theft was predicated on Biden winning the popular vote. The court’s ruling emphatically affirms that Trump won the popular vote, and did so with a landslide victory.

Biden will thank his supporters and claim they were overly zealous on his behalf, blah, blah, blah.

Once Biden gets the hang of magnanimity he will ask his supporters to remain calm and start rebuilding for 2022 and 2024. Concession today will give Democrats an unquestioned victory tomorrow. After all, Biden truly believes that the American people yearn for the Democrat Party’s policies implemented on a level playing field.

Finally, in a topic very much connected to the events leading up to November 3, 2020 I regret that I never thought about this until this morning:

I suggest that the families of people who died in the past five months of an illness in a hospital, or at home, send original copies of their death certificates to the White House. Lets find out exactly how many of the 220 reported coronavirus thousand deaths were actually caused by coronavirus —— or were caused by cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, old age, etc.

Please see this thread:

what bullshit. are you on drugs? if not, you need to start taking some, pronto.

He's a very piddly shitposter you really need to put on ignore. All he does is post mindless troll garbage. In fact you can forget the ignore and just never go to his discussions. He doesn't do much outside of them.
Laura Ingraham took on the Globalists —— i.e. the New World Order crowd.

See permalinks number 6 and number 8 in this thread about the Great Reset.


The thing that worries me is this:

How many supreme court justices ruling on Biden’s theft are New World Order devotees? That is important to know because nobody can be loyal to this country and to the New World Order. There is not a chance those two worldviews can live side by side in one mind. The worst of it is that the New World Order’s worldview will always defeat loyalty to one’s country. Biden and his closest advisors say as much every time they preach open-border, global warming garbage, and universal Obamacare administered by the United Nations for starters.

The late David Rockefeller’s name shows up in the articles I have been reading like a hawk, but there is no mention of the Bilderberg Group in today’s opposition to the New World Order crowd, nor does any American know who they are.

QUESTION: How come television honors the promise print press gave to bankers in the early 1950s?

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991


NOTE: In 1954 print press grabbed their ankles for the Bilderberg Group. In the early 1960's television took away 95 percent of print press’ influence. America’s decline went down faster than a blow job specialist after 1960 thanks to the government’s absolute control over information.

And this:

David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

David Rockefeller’s Chilling 1991 Speech At A Bilderberg Meeting
Published 2 years ago
on March 21, 2017
By Kalee Brown


Then-Governor Bill Clinton and Bush the Elder’s then-Vice President Dan Quayle attended the 1991 meeting.

The late David Rockefeller’s name shows up in the articles I have been reading like a hawk, but there is no mention of the Bilderberg Group (first meeting in 1954). Indeed, very few Americans know who they are or what they are trying to do.

On the other hand, concerned Americans can easily find the names of the Bilderberg Group’s kissin’ cousins have been at it a lot longer that the Bilderbergers:

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a dozen secretaries of state,[citation needed] CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.


My point. If freedom loving Americans want to stop those people before it is too late they better find out where their loyalties lie.
Knowing the theft fell apart Biden will take the deal . . .

Deal day is a lot closer:

Trump 2020 attorneys former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis said in a statement:

Today’s decision turns out to help us in our strategy to get expeditiously to the U.S. Supreme Court. Although we fully disagree with this opinion, we’re thankful to the Obama-appointed judge for making this anticipated decision quickly, rather than simply trying to run out the clock.

Trump Lawyers: Pennsylvania Lawsuit Dismissal Moves Us Closer to Supreme Court
by Charlie Spiering
21 Nov 2020

“We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing,” was his loudest lament.(Fox News, Nov., 19, 2020)​

“Georgia Is the First State I’m Going to Blow Up and Mr. Kemp and the Secretary of State Need to Go With It!” — Sidney Powell Releases the Kraken! (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 21, 2020 at 9:17pm


Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP] just reported —— “A few hours ago Sidney Powell & Company sang this one to Tucker Carson.”

ANSWER: The night before the Supreme Court is scheduled to announces a ruling that is 9 to 0 for Trump. Biden will be told that the court will never release its ruling if he concedes. That is a well-intended conspiracy by any definition....
Bet you a $100 donation to JPP in the winner's name that doesn't happen.
There are some very nutty people on the planet.
True. Most seem to be elderly shut-ins. Their only link to the outside world is the Internet. Political forums allow them to voice their fears albeit in the form of hatred against those they fear.

No doubt there are age-related mental issues like dementia and depression. Some keep repeating the same things over and over again week after week without remembering they already have a dozen threads saying exactly the same things over and over again. It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity.

There are a few who do seem truly insane with delusional disorder, bipolorism, schizophrenia and the like. Obviously not to the extent of incapacitation, but mental illnesses are certainly present. It should be no surprise that most of the elderly mentally ill members lean hard right out of fear even though they are undoubtedly sucking off the public tit.
Bet you a $100 donation to JPP in the winner's name that doesn't happen.

To Dutch Uncle: Back in the Roaring Twenties a well-known gambler went to a cock fight but never made a bet. When he was asked why not? he replied “Never bet on anything that walks on two feet.” I followed that advice all of my adult life.

I have been known to make a wager on the gee-gees and the galloping dominoes. In fact, I bet on the winner of the Belmont Stake 10 years in a row —— 1971 thru 1980. I lost the next one and bet on the next two winners.

NOTE: I attended every Belmont in those years and more. I always had a drink or two or three. I kept the drinking glasses as did most others. A few years back I told my daughter to sell them on E-Bey. A few of them sold for more than $100. I think one or two got over $200.

I stopped following the Sport of Kings 30 or so years ago.

Incidentally, I borrowed “Agent 006 & 7/8[SUP]ths[/SUP]” from Joe Hirsch (1928 – 2009), a sports writer who wrote for the ‘Telly’

“The Morning Telegraph, then the companion paper of the Daily Racing Form”)


the only newspaper I ever read faithfully.

True. Most seem to be elderly shut-ins. Their only link to the outside world is the Internet. Political forums allow them to voice their fears albeit in the form of hatred against those they fear.

No doubt there are age-related mental issues like dementia and depression. Some keep repeating the same things over and over again week after week without remembering they already have a dozen threads saying exactly the same things over and over again. It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity.

There are a few who do seem truly insane with delusional disorder, bipolorism, schizophrenia and the like. Obviously not to the extent of incapacitation, but mental illnesses are certainly present. It should be no surprise that most of the elderly mentally ill members lean hard right out of fear even though they are undoubtedly sucking off the public tit.

To Dutch Uncle: Your reply must be a Democrat Party talking point. I heard that psycho babble almost word for word on every board I ever posted on.

“Some keep repeating the same things over and over again week after week without remembering they already have a dozen threads saying exactly the same things over and over again.”

For the record I update those topics that interest me by splicing them with the latest news. Basically they are my observations I posted years ago. I will continue to do it until I have every conservative fact letter perfect.

Incidentally, put something cold on something hot if you want to lower the heat. Pour cold facts over Democrats and they get hotter. The more political truth that is poured over Democrats the hotter they get because they can never make Socialism/Communism letter perfect. That is why Democrats must repeat the same personal attacks, the same collectivist garbage they have spouted since the 1930s.

On the plus side, Democrats update their garbage with global warming, non-existent racism, a woman’s Right to kill her own child, open-borders, higher taxes, confiscatory policies, and so on. Indeed, I pray everyday that Democrats like Joe Biden never stop updating.
To Dutch Uncle: Back in the Roaring Twenties a well-known gambler went to a cock fight but never made a bet. When he was asked why not? he replied “Never bet on anything that walks on two feet.” I followed that advice all of my adult life...
It's smart of you to avoid making a bet you'd most certainly lose.

You are not required to back up your opinions with money, facts or anything else.
Flanders flew over the cuckoo's nest long ago!

It appears so. Like Truth Detector, Arminius, Teflon Don and a few others, Flanders appears to share the exact same fears and styles of postings. My guess is they are old and feel both their life and manhood slipping away. Constantly posting elaborate threads with elaborate posts and elaborate signatures is a feeble effort by them to shout "Look at me!" It's really sad that the high point of their days is JPP.
True. Most seem to be elderly shut-ins. Their only link to the outside world is the Internet. Political forums allow them to voice their fears albeit in the form of hatred against those they fear.

No doubt there are age-related mental issues like dementia and depression. Some keep repeating the same things over and over again week after week without remembering they already have a dozen threads saying exactly the same things over and over again. It reminds me of Einstein's definition of insanity.

There are a few who do seem truly insane with delusional disorder, bipolorism, schizophrenia and the like. Obviously not to the extent of incapacitation, but mental illnesses are certainly present. It should be no surprise that most of the elderly mentally ill members lean hard right out of fear even though they are undoubtedly sucking off the public tit.

flanders said he is 85 plus years old
If Trump and Biden were playing a hand of poker it would come down to FOX trying to bully Sydney Powell into showing her cards so Biden’s lawyers can steal the pot just like he is trying to steal the election:

Fox News top star Tucker Carlson allowed his own overblown ego to run away with him last night, all because Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell refused to share vote fraud evidence with him giving Fox the exclusive last week.

Carlson attacked Powell with the proverbial ‘Royal We’ in a style so aggressive that there are some who would now exchange the first letter of his first name with an ‘F’, dubbing him as F—-er Fox, or ‘FF’ for short.

“We asked the Trump campaign attorney for proof of her bombshell claims. She gave us nothing,” was his loudest lament.(Fox News, Nov., 19, 2020)

Tucker Carlson Uses Fox ‘Royal We’ To Smear Sidney Powell
By Judi McLeod
November 20, 2020


NOTE: I never heard any Democrat mouth say ‘constitutional crises’ the way they bandied it about when Nixon engaging in political dirty tricks was the only thing he was guilty of.

Incidentally, if you believe that more Americans voted for Biden in this year’s election than they voted for Obama in each of his two elections, you must also believe that Biden on the ticket won those elections for Obama. Put it another way. Logically, Obama might have lost without Biden.

The thought of Obama winning because of Biden is ludicrous, especially when you remember how rank & file Democrats shuddered and bit their tongues when Obama named Biden as his choice for vice president.

In fact, Obama is a stupid man who shot one angle —— he sold himself as a spiritual leader —— but he had to be a complete idiot to pick Biden. Remember that Biden could not pull 1 percent of the votes during the campaign for the nomination. Something else had to be at play among Democrat Party decision makers in 2008.

the fact you call obama a stupid man proves what a complete dimwit you are, boy. he graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, stupid. He was elected President of the Harvard Law Review. Stupid people do not achieve such results, but stupid people will ignore those results, out of racism or sheer stupidity, or both, in your case, more than likely.
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