When Will Biden Concede?

If freedom loving Americans want to stop those people before it is too late they better find out where their loyalties lie.

It occurred to me that politicians and bureaucrats can say anything when they are looking for a job. They can get away with it when they say things like I oppose abortion, or I oppose gun control, or I oppose citizenship for illegal aliens —— then do just the opposite. It does not work that way when they take their oath of office. If they betray the country when they are faced with deciding between the New World Order, and the country, they can be impeached and possibly charged with treason if they violate their oath:

“I, _________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Now you know why nobody at a conformation hearing is ever asked, or ever will be asked, where they stand on the New World Order and/or the United Nations.

In truth, every elected official and federal employee was guilty of treason if they did anything for the United Nations or the New World Order in any way.
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you call obama a stupid man

To Hoosier Daddy: Rightly so.

The lying sack of shit is a stupid man because liars believe that the lies they tell are believed. Worse still, the lying sack of shit believes that everybody else is so stupid they are easy to fool.

I am not a big fan of so-called ‘Honest Abe” but he did have his moments:


NOTE: I never heard any Democrat mouth say ‘constitutional crises’ the way they bandied it about when Nixon engaging in political dirty tricks was the only thing he was guilty of.

At last, the forbidden words were spoken aloud by Senator Doug Mastriano:

“The challenge is that the certification is in the hands of the secretary of state and the governor—the very same people that we have issues with. So we have a bit of a constitutional crisis here.”

Pennsylvania Lawmakers See ‘Constitutional Crisis’ Over Election Certification
By Charlotte Cuthbertson
December 1, 2020 Updated: December 1, 2020


QUESTION: When will a U. S. Senator connect China Joe Biden to a constitutional crisis?
Rightys grasp on election reality is tenuous at the most. This election, run like all those before and as a result of decades of gerrymandering was mostly run by Repubs, counted the votes and Trump was whipped. That is clear. Trump wanted more recounts than anyone who got blasted deserved. He lost them all too. He took to courts many times and lost all with many thrown out. Trump said to wait until the certification. He lost that too.
What is he making up now? Yeah, he asked Kemp to throw the election out.WTF. We know Trump is desperate, but why rightys cannot understand the obvious facts is telling. You are making yourselves look as bad as he looks. That is very bad. Escape your conman. You can do it if you try.