When Will The Day Be?

Home schooled him. Taught him to shoot. AND told neighbors she was having problems with him and his mental illness. While knowing her son was mentally ill she encouraged him to play with fire arms.

What can I say?
you could say you're throwing out false assumptions and blind conjecture. she could have been teaching him firearms safety, not playing with firearms.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

We'll have to discuss some other solutions, because you have no right to take away anybody's guns.

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state

That's about THE most ignorant thought spoken in today's society.

You and your pea-shooter .. against the government.

The thoughts of children.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state

That's about THE most ignorant thought spoken in today's society.

You and your pea-shooter .. against the government.

The thoughts of children.

I've already done that. Forget it. Fools never take their blinders off.

And where ya been?
Well, since the founders wrote "well regulated," you would think that the gunners wouldn't have problems with more regulations & restrictions.
I've already done that. Forget it. Fools never take their blinders off.

And where ya been?

Good for you good brother.

I often need a break from the ignorance.

I've lost much of my passion for politics.

What America has become is too much to bear.
you could say you're throwing out false assumptions and blind conjecture. she could have been teaching him firearms safety, not playing with firearms.

Why would he need to know about fire arm safety?

What is a mentally disabled person doing with the fire arm in the first place? Well, I think that answer is because he had a mentally disabled mother believing the world was going to fall apart and he would need a gun to protect himself and his hoard of food. And the icing on the cake is the mother was determined to be capable of home schooling her son.
Why would he need to know about fire arm safety?

What is a mentally disabled person doing with the fire arm in the first place? Well, I think that answer is because he had a mentally disabled mother believing the world was going to fall apart and he would need a gun to protect himself and his hoard of food. And the icing on the cake is the mother was determined to be capable of home schooling her son.

You have no proof that she was teaching her son, anything about guns.
It's just as likely that she took him, so she could watch him.

But you go ahead and be part of the mob that continues to drag the bodies of those 20 dead children, through the streets.
Why would he need to know about fire arm safety?

What is a mentally disabled person doing with the fire arm in the first place? Well, I think that answer is because he had a mentally disabled mother believing the world was going to fall apart and he would need a gun to protect himself and his hoard of food. And the icing on the cake is the mother was determined to be capable of home schooling her son.

Of course you do, it fits your agenda. Never mind the fact that was in the process of having him committed to the state.
You have no proof that she was teaching her son, anything about guns.
It's just as likely that she took him, so she could watch him.

Since you're a gun freak and all that, don't most "responsible" gun ranges require proof of some kind of firearms training before they let someone in with a gun?
Since you're a gun freak and all that, don't most "responsible" gun ranges require proof of some kind of firearms training before they let someone in with a gun?
what the hell do you think a gun range is for? and what kind of proof do you think they'd need to be shown?
Since you're a gun freak and all that, don't most "responsible" gun ranges require proof of some kind of firearms training before they let someone in with a gun?

No, because that's where people usually go to "train"; but that doesn't mean they're training, just because they're there. They could just be watching.
The more you post, regarding guns, gun laws, gun ranges, ammo, and such; the more it's apparent that you know very little about what you're complaining about.

Education is knowledge and knowledge is power.
Empower yourself and stop appearing to be uneducated.

By the way; being called a "gun freak" by someone as uneducatged as you are, is an honor.
You have no proof that she was teaching her son, anything about guns.
It's just as likely that she took him, so she could watch him.

But you go ahead and be part of the mob that continues to drag the bodies of those 20 dead children, through the streets.

It's a distinct possibility she did and, therefore, a worthwhile discussion. Whether she did or not there should be a law preventing such in the future.
Of course you do, it fits your agenda. Never mind the fact that was in the process of having him committed to the state.

Exactly! While realizing he was mentally ill to the point she was trying to get him committed she kept guns in the home. HELLO????????????????????
what the hell do you think a gun range is for? and what kind of proof do you think they'd need to be shown?

No, because that's where people usually go to "train"; but that doesn't mean they're training, just because they're there. They could just be watching.

I've been to gun ranges before. I'll admit it was several years ago. I don't remember the specifics, but I doubt any gun range would allow people to come in unsupervised to shoot guns. At the minimum, I would expect the range to furnish someone to teach the novice before they let them go willy nilly with a gun.

Hmm...I wonder how many suicides have occurred in gun ranges?
It's a distinct possibility she did and, therefore, a worthwhile discussion. Whether she did or not there should be a law preventing such in the future.

No, it is not a "distinct possibility"; it is only an ASSumption, on your part.
Are you also in support of a law prohibiting car ownership, by anyone who has a mentally ill person in their home?