When you spend a life of Privilege Above The Law.

You mean like this guy:

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So you cannot read. Nope we were talking about Trump. Not Jefferson who had sex with slaves. Not Ike who had a 20 year affair with his driver. Not Roosevelt who had affairs. Not Nixon who was a criminal in office. Not VP removed Like Agnew. Nope dumbo we are talking about Trump.
Is that hard for you?
So you cannot read. Nope we were talking about Trump. Not Jefferson who had sex with slaves. Not Ike who had a 20 year affair with his driver. Not Roosevelt who had affairs. Not Nixon who was a criminal in office. Not VP removed Like Agnew. Nope dumbo we are talking about Trump.
Is that hard for you?

We were talking about people that lived a life of privilege above the law. Brain Cancer Ted Kennedy was one of those.