when you want change why hire a conservitive?

Oh, dear, yes, can't forget the Fox video or those commercials made to support his No Child Doesn't Get It in the Behind!
yeah same here, I have a great big Marion Zimmer Bradley book I need to finish so I can get it back to the library. gnite all.

Plus I am tired, helped the son on building a storage building today.
yeah it was a good day, taught the youngest grandchild to drive nails. Had a picnic on the stack of plywood, etc...A great but tiring day for an old guy.
Yes. And he was the first to spend directly on such programs at the federal level. One of the things that I'd like to not see repeated. There is no power over education granted to the Feds in the Constitution, so either change the social contract or don't do it. You swore to uphold it.

That asshole started spending dollars at the federal level for education after the Reagan Administration at least talked about dismantling the NEA (is that the right group?)? No wonder he was a one term President.
Whenever I want change, I hire conservatives. They make good manual laborers, and can build nice buildings, if given the right plans by liberals. Don't trust them with anything else.
when you want change why hire a conservitive(sic)?

Because it's the only philosophy that hasn't been tried as President for the last 20 years. Unfortunately, it mostly won't be done when McCain is elected either.

Stands to reason that the people bashing "conservitism" are the ones who can't even spell it, much less understand what it is. :lolup:
"McShame" I like that. I'm going to use a lot until McShame loses in November. It really highlights how much he's sold out to Bush and more importantly it will piss off Grind.
"McShame" I like that. I'm going to use a lot until McShame loses in November. It really highlights how much he's sold out to Bush and more importantly it will piss off Grind.

no.. mccain sucks. call him whatever ever you want. I still prefer grampa munster, the crypt keeper, etc
When is she going to get rid of that picture? She is doing that thing that I do with men. Smile and say “yes of course, you are right” and then do what you were going to do in the first place anyway.
I can’t believe I fell for it!