Where America's jobs went

I spent a career supporting my customers. I was really in the 'people' business, Caterpillar was just an accessory.

Every sale you made profitted a huge corporation. Every bit of your career had you working to increase the profits of the company.

Your rationalization aside, you were a cog in the big wheel of corporate America.
Let's see...should I believe someone who actually participated in the Boston Tea Party, or should I believe a dogma filled pea brain who must believe Ronald Reagan preceded George Washington as president?

Tough choice...

Does your reply have anything to do with what SF said?
Winterborn and SF exhibit some curious thinking here. To use an analogy, according to them a slave who is against slavery is a hypocrite. Actually they just know what they're talking about.
Does your reply have anything to do with what SF said?

Yes... our founding fathers didn't despise government, they were state builders. They despised abuse of power, whether it was by a king, a parliament or a corporation.

It was Reagan who began the deliberate and intentional destruction of the United States of America when he famously cracked (and then incessantly repeated): "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"

Reagan, like George W. Bush after him, failed to understand that when people come together into community, and then into nationhood, that they organize themselves to protect themselves from predators, both human and corporate, both domestic and foreign. This form of organization is called government.

But the Reagan/Bush ideologues don't "believe" in government, in anything other than a military and police capacity. Government should punish, they agree, but it should never nurture, protect, or defend individuals. Nurturing and protecting, they suggest, is the more appropriate role of religious institutions, private charities, families, and - perhaps most important - corporations.

Let the corporations handle your old-age pension. Let the corporations decide how much protection we and our environment need from their toxics. Let the corporations decide what we're paid. Let the corporations decide what doctor we can see, when, and for what purpose.

This is the exact opposite of the vision for which the Founders of this nation fought and died. When Thomas Jefferson changed John Locke's "Life, liberty, and private property" to "Live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," it was the first time in the history of the world that a newly founded nation had written the word "happiness" into its founding document. The phrase "promote the general welfare" - another revolutionary concept - first appeared in the preamble to our Constitution in 1787.
Winterborn and SF exhibit some curious thinking here. To use an analogy, according to them a slave who is against slavery is a hypocrite. Actually they just know what they're talking about.

Is that what you read? Actually, I am laughing about someone making a career working for a corporation being against corporations. Although it is typical for someone to love the money they are given by a company, but hate that the company gives money to other people or hates whatthe company does to make that money.

Its called hypocrisy, asshat.
Corporations including the one you stole from are doing 100x better on pensions than the gov you dropout.

Actually I stole from their competitors. In 1995 I was awarded for bringing in the most new customers in the company...LOL
Yes... our founding fathers didn't despise government, they were state builders. They despised abuse of power, whether it was by a king, a parliament or a corporation.
They wanted the power in the hands of the people, not corporations or the government. The underlined part is what you choose to ignore.

But back to my question, please explain how this anti-business rant applies to what SF said? Other than some extremist conservatives, none of what you are claiming is based in fact. You want it to seem as though conservatives are against any gov't function, at any level, except for the military and the police. That is utter nonsense.

It was Reagan who began the deliberate and intentional destruction of the United States of America when he famously cracked (and then incessantly repeated): "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
Yes, Reagan did say that. And that quote is about the countless times the gov't stuck its nose into our lives and made things worse. Do you actually claim that the gov't does no harm?

Reagan, like George W. Bush after him, failed to understand that when people come together into community, and then into nationhood, that they organize themselves to protect themselves from predators, both human and corporate, both domestic and foreign. This form of organization is called government.
And when the gov't becomes the predator?? When they form these gov'ts they have no comprehension of the bureaucratic monster it will become.

But the Reagan/Bush ideologues don't "believe" in government, in anything other than a military and police capacity. Government should punish, they agree, but it should never nurture, protect, or defend individuals. Nurturing and protecting, they suggest, is the more appropriate role of religious institutions, private charities, families, and - perhaps most important - corporations.
This is nonsense.

Let the corporations handle your old-age pension. Let the corporations decide how much protection we and our environment need from their toxics. Let the corporations decide what we're paid. Let the corporations decide what doctor we can see, when, and for what purpose.
Is this what mainstream conservatives are saying? No, it is not. But you are all ready to destroy corporations and hand all these functions over to the bureaucrats who have never accomplished anything except to get elected to office. Nice. lol

This is the exact opposite of the vision for which the Founders of this nation fought and died. When Thomas Jefferson changed John Locke's "Life, liberty, and private property" to "Live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," it was the first time in the history of the world that a newly founded nation had written the word "happiness" into its founding document. The phrase "promote the general welfare" - another revolutionary concept - first appeared in the preamble to our Constitution in 1787.
you have to be the biggest hypocrite on the board.
Make a fine living from one of the iconic american corps then bash them like a wife who cheated on you.
Good looking out BFGED
what other countries could you make that kind of dough on a shitty high school education?
Actually I stole from their competitors. In 1995 I was awarded for bringing in the most new customers in the company...LOL

Since Cat is the biggest in their industry, doesn't that mean you helped the big corporation destroy their competition and move them closer to a monopoly?
Is that what you read? Actually, I am laughing about someone making a career working for a corporation being against corporations. Although it is typical for someone to love the money they are given by a company, but hate that the company gives money to other people or hates whatthe company does to make that money.

Its called hypocrisy, asshat.

So that would be the same as laughing about someone who lived as a slave criticizing slavery. We're all captive to the globalist elitist banker system. We all should be criticizing it too, uncle tom.