Where are all the disgruntled employees?

I just looked and I can not find anything on an investigation of him by the FBI

Do you know how internal politics work? If the FBI is going to fuck with one of their employees they are not going to do an "investigation" on him so that it is on the record.
I guess her answer is one. Considering the number of federal employees that technically work under the President that seems to be a pretty low number. Can't say I've ever heard of a work environment with hundreds of thousands of workers and only one being unhappy. Who knew working for the government could be such a happy place?

wow...one whole person

but the important thing is, evince is now happy as she created at least one hate bush thread today....if she doesn't vent her hatred of bush on a daily basis, i fear she might explode
It was a NYTimes report and a smear according to his supporters.

You believed what you chose to believe.

O'Neill was responsible for losing a briefcase with "highly classified information" in it, containing among other things "a description of every counterespionage and counterterrorism program in New York".

The FBI investigation was reported to have concluded that the suitcase had been snatched by local thieves involved in a series of hotel robberies, and that none of the documents had been removed or even touched.[2]

He was responsible for that briefcase.....

The Times reported that O'Neill was expected to retire in late August.

Which he did....the facts according to your own link.............

Yeah,,,You believed what you chose to believe