Where do homosexual children come from?

You seem confused about several things, this topic being one, and me believing a word you are saying is another, pssst you are not a very good story teller. Go work on your issues, my guess is this is just the tip of that iceberg, so you have a lot of work to do.

The homosexuals that answered y question told me that you are a liar. They said all that you said is a lie, and that you are retarded.
Straight from heaven.

I had a wonderful lucid dream last night about me at a church service because I was invited. Roof came off and we all floated around like there was no gravity. Then we just zoomed out there from Earth then we got to this place beyond imagination. Colors and such thing.
There sure are some homosexual haters on this cite. The homosexuals I talked to told me that the people who said they were born homosexual are lying.

They all told me that it is true that people are born retarded so that explains some of the stupid shit some people said here.

They said that every one knows that child molesters molest little kids and the ones that are molested by people of their same sex are made into homosexuals. Then when they grow older they repeat the same sickening stuff with other little kids, so homosexuals are made like vampires make more vampires, except it isn't blood they want to suck.

Any body who says otherwise is retarded or lying their ass off, just making shit up.
The homosexuals I talked too all told me that they never got a chance to reach puberty before homosexuals started on them. Since they weren't born homosexual they didn't become homosexual until the homosexuals started messing with them. It's sick, isn't it?

Why don't you call them what they are, pedophiles. All homosexuals aren't pedophiles just like all people in general aren't pedophiles.
They sure don't come out of a homosexual man's boy pussy or a lesbian's love tunnel.

I suspect all of them are molested by older homosexuals and forced to like it.

Then as they grow older the sick cycle begins again.

I'm finally getting it.
This forum is an exercise in finding arguments against free speech.
What else could explain this thread?
The pink stork.

I'm finally getting it.
This forum is an exercise in finding arguments against free speech.
What else could explain this thread?

It's what Legion does. He's a troll. He sometimes uses The Anonymous account so he looks like less a needy attention whore than he is. It's not working. :rofl2: